Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 709: Promoted to Level 8 Overlord

The blood power that Herag felt from this blood rune far exceeded all the blood power he had ever touched, including the blood of the ancestor of the Thunder God.

Although Herag's current power is far inferior to that of the ancestor, this blood rune is definitely far superior to the blood rune of the ancestor of the Thunder God.

After he deduced the infinite blood rune, he began the next plan.

That is to gradually push this blood rune to the whole body and complete the evolution of all blood runes in the body.


Herag was not impatient and began to derive all the blood runes in the body.

With this successful infinite blood rune, other blood runes no longer need to spend time to deduce and evolve one by one.

All you need to do is let other blood runes directly copy the existing infinite blood rune.

This process was extremely fast. Although Herag was not in a hurry and deduced the evolution of blood runes bit by bit, it still took only one month to transform all the blood runes in his body into infinite blood runes.

When Herag transformed all the blood runes in his body into infinite blood runes, a sudden change occurred.

All the blood runes in his body had a sense of each other, as if a silk thread appeared, connecting the infinite blood runes one by one.

At this moment, all the infinite blood runes in Herag's body were connected as one, turning into real blood power.

When this step was completed, a mysterious and powerful aura emerged from Herag's body.

The legendary monsters far away in the Northland Mountains all had a sense, all looked in the direction of the Northland City, and then knelt on the ground to worship.

They were the servants of Herag who signed the blood master-servant contract, and they felt the changes in Herag's blood the most clearly.

At this moment, although they didn't know what happened, they could still feel that Herag had become much stronger.

At the moment when all the infinite bloodline runes were connected together, Herag also saw these changes in his body.

More importantly, Herag saw the Mother River again.

When he was promoted to the seventh-level legend, Herag had seen the Mother River.

But after the promotion, he could only obtain the power of the Mother River from the Mother River, but he could not see the Mother River again like when he was promoted to the seventh-level legend.

Herag believes that the state of seeing the Mother River at that time is very wonderful, and it can also be regarded as a reward from the Mother River.

When in that state, the knowledge obtained by oneself is very much, and the power of the Mother River obtained is also very much.

Herag recalled that the state at that time was like soaking in the Mother River, so he could obtain a lot of Mother River power.

But after the promotion was completed, the Mother River power obtained by communicating with the Mother River was like a drop by drop, very little.

Herag asked Andres, he was the same, Herag's situation is not an exception.

The power of the Mother River that a seventh-level legendary life can obtain by communicating with the Mother River is very little, and the growth of the Mother River power is also very slow.

Therefore, the highly condensed material of the Mother River power, the Heart of the Zerg, is an absolute treasure for Herag.

As long as Herag's body can still hold it, he can continue to draw the Mother River power from the Heart of the Zerg to strengthen himself.

When the infinite blood power was fully formed, Herag experienced this feeling again.

He felt as if he was immersed in the Mother River, but while soaking, he could also see countless perspectives and feel the feelings from countless perspectives.

With the continuous flow of the Mother River power into his body, Herag's strength was also rapidly improving.

Herag understood that he was now being promoted to the eighth-level master.

Herag had condensed his own blood rune and took the step from the seventh level to the eighth level of the master.

Herag did not expect that he originally just wanted to study the essence of the blood rune and the essence of the blood power, but he accidentally deduced the infinite blood rune and achieved the body of the eighth-level master.

Because the infinite blood power he deduced was strong enough, the mother river power he could carry was far beyond that of an ordinary eighth-level master.

Herag is now like a sponge, constantly absorbing the power of the Mother River around him.

Gradually, Herag felt that he could suddenly control his body.

Originally, when he was immersed in the Mother River, he could not control his body at all. He could only soak in the Mother River and let the water of the Mother River wash over him.

But now, after Herag was promoted to the eighth-level master, with the influx of the power of the Mother River, all this has changed.

He thought about it, opened his eyes, and saw countless pictures.

Herag realized that he had been closing his eyes before, and all the pictures and information were directly transmitted to his mind.

But now it is different, these countless pictures are all seen by him.

This is a very wonderful feeling, as if he has countless clones, distributed in various places in the Mother River, and every scene he sees is transmitted back synchronously and gathered in front of him.

Herag felt that if his mental power was not strong enough, he might be blown up by such a large amount of information.

He tried to swim forward and found that although it was a bit difficult, he could still move very slowly.

After just swimming for a while, a feeling of extreme fatigue came over him. It was the fatigue coming from the blood, the true spirit, and the physical body.

Herag realized that swimming in the Mother River would require extremely strong strength.

"Can the Thousand Eyes Ancestor swim here? How long can he swim?" Herag suddenly thought of this question.

Since swimming was a little difficult, Herag stopped swimming and began to observe his surroundings.

After being promoted to the eighth-level master, Herag could see more things.

At least, when Herag saw the Mother River water in the Mother River, he could distinguish the soul, blood, and power.

For Herag before, even if he saw the Mother River water, he could only feel the Mother River power and the existence of the Mother River breath.

The information and knowledge hidden in the blue Mother River water, Herag could not see.

Because Herag had difficulty even turning his head, he could only look at the Mother River water flowing in front of him.

Countless information instantly flowed into his mind, without any introduction, explanation, or imparting of knowledge. Herag naturally saw how much soul and blood were in the water flowing in front of him.

All the blood, power, and souls of the Endless Plane flow in this mother river, flowing continuously and rushing forward.

Herag suddenly had a very strong idea. He wanted to go to the river to take a look. (End of this chapter)

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