Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 722 The End of the World

Herag knew a long time ago that many people wanted to transcend the Mother River, but he had never heard of anyone doing it.

Since he could reach the surface of the river, there would always be others in the endless plane who could reach this step.

Although this process was difficult and the probability was extremely low, it was not impossible.

The really difficult step was the last step, which required one to have extremely strong strength to break through the limitations of the membrane and truly transcend the Mother River.

Herag looked at both sides. Although the river was very wide, it looked only about one kilometer.

He was very close to the river bank on the left, so he began to swim towards the river.

Herag found that in this place, he seemed to have become an ordinary person and could only swim slowly to the river.

He could feel that his own strength and means were still there, but he could only swim across in the Mother River.

This process was much faster than Herag imagined, and it only took ten minutes to reach the river.

Herag originally thought that it would be like when he was in the river, and the action would consume a lot of physical strength, but it turned out not to be the case.

After Herag arrived at the river, he climbed up the shore directly, only to find that he was naked and had nothing on.

He tried to communicate with his small plane and found that he could communicate, so he took out a set of clothes and put them on.

Herag also experimented and found that he could not take out any living things from the small plane.

Whether it was animals or plants, there would be an obstacle to taking them out, and they could not be taken out.

That feeling was very strange. It was not that he could not take them out, but that the things Herag wanted to take out could not be placed here.

Herag looked into the distance and found that the length of the river might be more than one kilometer.

It was the same here as in the river. The feeling of distance was inaccurate and it was impossible to get a truly accurate result.

Herag looked at the ground and found that it looked like ordinary soil, but there was no weeds growing.

Behind him was endless soil, with no end in sight.

It was a wasteland with nothing.

Herag walked forward and found nothing except a few footprints.

These footprints seemed to have been left a long time ago, but because there was no wind and rain here, they had always retained their appearance at that time.

Herag turned his head and found that he had left many footprints here.

After who knows how many years, it should be seen by later generations.

At this time, Herag had some mysterious feelings. He felt that a lot of knowledge was coming from the surrounding environment, hoping to be received by him.

Herag tried to receive some information and soon understood what was going on.

This is the end of the land, a place beyond the mother river, and a place one dimension higher than the endless plane.

When Herag stepped out of the mother river, he had completed the step of super dimension and became an existence beyond the dimension of the endless plane.

At this moment, Herag felt something in his heart and found that countless planes in his body were changing.

Originally, countless planes in the body existed separately in their own cells, but at this moment, these planes in the cells began to have some connections.

There was no fusion between the planes, and there was no contact.

But there was a strange power filling these planes, penetrating all the cells in the body, and making all the planes seem to be immersed in this power.

Herag suddenly understood that this strange power was the dimension.

All the planes in his body have now become planes in one dimension. The countless planes in his body are connected into one, forming a new endless plane.

At this moment, Herag has become the master of this new endless plane.

After this step is completed, Herag can feel a feeling similar to promotion, and strength seems to have become a concept.

In front of him, any legend, master, and ancestor no longer have meaning, and everything has become a concept-like existence.

As long as Herag is willing, he can directly kill any ancestor.

The method used is also very simple, that is, to directly remove the ancestor from the mother river from a higher dimension.

The ancestor is connected to the mother river. In theory, the mother river is immortal and the ancestor is immortal.

But Herag has transcended the mother river and can stand outside the mother river, remove the ancestor from the mother river, and completely wipe it out.

Herag came to the river and looked at the mother river.

At this moment, in his eyes, the mother river is completely different. It is no longer the bottomless deep blue river water before, but an information flow with massive information.

Soul, blood, power, etc., are just a stream of information flowing in the mother river.

This information is very complete, containing all the information that has flowed in the past.

Herag can see the past, but not the future.

He also understood at this time that the past has already happened, so there is a record.

But the future has not happened yet, even in the mother river there is no record.

This also proves that the future is not a constant, and everything is not arranged.

Herag stood by the river, upstream, and saw all kinds of information that had flowed in this mother river for countless epochs.

He saw the birth of the wizard plane and the birth of the abyss plane.

Herag was stunned, he saw himself.

Herag saw his soul flowing out of the plane of his previous life, flowing through the Mother River, and entering the wizard plane.

The whole process was indeed as he guessed. It was Deep Blue that retained his memories of his previous life in the Mother River, but Deep Blue was also damaged.

Herag continued to move forward and saw the information about the plane of his previous life. He soon found the coordinates of the plane of his previous life.

At this moment, Herag realized that he could go home.

Although so many years have passed, the people he once knew have long disappeared in the long river of history, but he can indeed go back and take a look.

It was a middle-level world.

This was somewhat beyond Herag's expectations. There was no extraordinary power there, only technological civilization, but it was actually a middle-level world.

Herag thought about it, disappeared from the river, and returned to the Northern Castle again.

He first had to experiment whether he could come back.

Because his current strength can be accurately regarded as a level 10 life, surpassing the existence of the ninth-level ancestor.

If he cannot return to the wizard plane because of his high strength, it would be a big loss.

Herag didn't want to only be able to meet his family through projection all day, and such a promotion would be too boring.

Now it seems that the endless plane does not have such rules, or the rules of the endless plane only apply to life at level nine and below, and have not considered the existence above level nine.

Herag can feel that he is now too powerful, and can easily destroy countless planes with a wave of his hand.

But power is not for destruction, Herag knows this very well.

He has now completed his original goal, which is to pursue his own eternal existence.

After achieving this, Herag has nothing else to ask for, and in fact there is really nothing worth pursuing.

In the endless years that follow, Herag just wants to spend a good time with his family and friends and help them move to a higher level.


The whole book is over. (This chapter is over)

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