Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 79 House

Robert explained hurriedly, he was afraid that Herague would chop him with a sword if he disagreed. new

Although he was a great knight, he had seen the wizard take action more than once.

He had no countermeasures to those weird spells and could only let the wizards slaughter them.

Robert never thought about killing the wizard. The only thing he thought about was how he could survive if Herague attacked him.

Herage analyzed what he said carefully, and could feel that Robert was not lying, but Herage just felt that there was something wrong but could not tell him.

"You said you were trapped in a house, which one was it?" Herage asked.

Robert looked around and recognized the house next to him for a while, and then said: "This is the house."

Herage turned around and looked at it. It was also a three-story building with no lights on inside.

He took a few steps back, away from the house.

"Did you hear the footsteps behind me?" Herage followed and took a few steps back, and the footsteps also sounded.

Robert looked a little horrified: "I heard it, but I didn't see anything behind you."

"I seem to be targeted by something." Herage sighed, feeling a little helpless.

He glanced at Robert: "Let's get out of here quickly. There are problems with these houses."

Robert suddenly went in after knocking on the door, and then couldn't get out. Herage estimated that he would have the same result if he knocked on the door. ൠ

What made him a little confused was why Robert came out inexplicably without doing anything, and he came out just as he was passing by.

"Huh?" Herage noticed that the surroundings suddenly lit up.

The house next to it suddenly turned on the lights, emitting a pale yellow light from the window.

Herage wanted to look inside through the window, but he could only see a yellow light.

Deep Blue's inspection showed that the entire house was empty.

Of course Herage would not think that there was nothing inside. Dark Blue, an inanimate entity like evil spirits, could not perceive this. This was something he concluded based on his previous experience.

He believes that it is because he lacks knowledge in this area, so Deep Blue does not have effective detection methods to detect the existence of evil spirits.

Herague also felt that Deep Blue was no longer an ordinary genetic chip in the previous life.

As he became a wizard and became more and more powerful, Deep Blue's functions began to slowly change, becoming much more powerful than ordinary genetic chips.

"Let's go!" Herage growled at Robert, and then rushed out first.

The moment the lights came on in the house next to him, he felt a wave of malice coming towards him. The things inside were probably very troublesome, and he immediately wanted to escape from this place.

Seeing how nervous he was, Robert understood the seriousness of the matter and immediately followed him.

"Huh? Where is the person?" Robert suddenly noticed that Herage ran a few steps ahead and then the person disappeared.

Robert looked around, but could not find Herague, and a chill suddenly came to his heart.

After running a few steps, Herage found that he had arrived at a house.

He looked around and confirmed that he should be on the first floor.

Herage walked to the window, looked outside, and saw Robert standing outside looking around at a loss.

Based on the scene on the street, he confirmed that he was in the house where the lights had just been turned on.

Herage checked the door and window. The lock of the window could be opened, but the window could not be opened no matter how hard it was pulled.


He picked up a chair and smashed it against the window. The window didn't budge.

Herage took the long sword and tried to chop it a few times, but not even a trace was left on the window.

Seeing this scene, he gave up breaking the window for the time being.

Herage walked to the door and found that the door was actually unlocked. The door handle could be pressed, but the door could not be opened.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door.

Herage tried for a while and then gave up. He didn't want to waste his energy in vain. It was obviously not possible to get out by conventional methods.

Robert outside looked into the room from time to time. He didn't seem to see Herage, but Herage could see him inside.

"It seems that I fell into the same situation as Robert. He came out of nowhere. What are the hidden rules?" Herage began to think.

He took a look at the furnishings in the house. It was just a very ordinary residential household, nothing special about it.

Herage walked around the rooms on the first floor, which contained the living room and kitchen.

"What's on the second floor?" Although Herage knew from Deep Blue's detection that the second and third floors were empty, the absence of people in this place did not mean that there was nothing else.

He put three shields on himself and began to climb up the stairs.

The whole house was pitch black, and Herage relied on the dark blue to see the scene clearly.

The lights were on here just now, but Herage looked at the first floor and there was not a single light there.

Herage walked up the stairs, and the footsteps behind him were still there. The footsteps of the two people were one after another, very rhythmic.

When he just walked up to the second floor, his steps paused.

There is a dining table in the middle of the second floor. There is a plate on the dining table with a human arm inside.

Herage judged from the wound on the arm that the hand had been torn off forcefully. Blood was still dripping from the wound, so it was obvious that it had just been torn off.

"Why does this hand feel so familiar?" He looked at this arm and felt that it looked familiar somewhere.

Herage came closer. Knives and forks were neatly placed next to the dinner plate, and the chair was slightly tilted.

He looked at this chair, and it seemed that someone had just sat on it and was about to have a meal, and then suddenly got up and left for some reason, without even having time to return the chair.

Herage did not touch the dining table or the arm, and continued to walk to other rooms on the second floor.

Soon, he discovered that in a bedroom next to the second floor, a thigh was hanging by the window on the second floor. Blood was still dripping down the leg, and there was already a pool of blood on the ground.

Herage found something in the bedroom that looked like an ordinary residential bedroom.


Herage found a group photo on the bedside table. The photo showed a family of three, two couples and a little daughter.

But the strange thing is that none of the three people in the photo have faces.

The face is not blank, but has no facial features, just a very flat face.

The room was very quiet, and the sound of dripping blood could be heard clearly.

Herage turned his head and looked at the thigh again. There was no clothing on the arm just now, but there were some torn pieces of fabric still hanging on the leg.

"These Robert's pants."

Herage recalled that the color and material of the fabric hanging on the thigh were very similar to the pants Robert was wearing.

"Isn't he outside?"

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