Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 81 Magic Potion Field

The blacksmith uncle looked anxious. He seemed to have recalled something and asked Herage to leave quickly. ♦✎【🆆🆆🆆🆂🆃♦♦♦♦🅲♦🅼】

Herage nodded and walked to the door, turned around and asked, "Uncle blacksmith, do you know how to get out?"

The blacksmith uncle was stunned. After thinking for a while, his expression became painful. He held his forehead and said, "I have forgotten many things. I only know that you can go out as long as you stay until dawn. The most important thing is to stay away from these houses." Don’t come near!”

"Ah!" He squatted down holding his head in pain, and suddenly a big lump bulged out from behind. He didn't know what it was.

Herage turned around and ran away, closing the door behind him at the same time.


The next second, there was a loud bang from behind the door, and Herage felt that the whole street was shaking.

"Robert?" Herage looked around and found no sign of Robert.

He remembered that Robert was still outside the window just now, but when he came out, he was gone.

"Did you get scared away by the blacksmith uncle?"

When Herage suspected that it was the blacksmith uncle who opened the door, Robert saw that the situation was bad and ran away. After all, it was impossible for a living person to open the door like a normal person with an ax on his head.

He was too lazy to care about Robert, and could only hope that Robert would be lucky enough to escape this disaster.

Herage glanced at the bottom of the mountain. It had been confirmed that there was no way out. He turned and ran to the north. It was not a residential area and there were no residential houses.

Since the blacksmith uncle said to stay away from the house, he must have a reason.

Herage's own experience also confirmed that there are indeed things in each of these houses, and they are not easy to mess with.

But there are indeed a lot of good things here. A whole garden of devil flowers and a malicious doll in the arms of the little girl are all good things.

Herage sighed, still not strong enough. If he was strong enough, he would directly snatch the vicious doll from the little girl's hand, and punch her until she cried if she resisted.

But now, the only option is to run away.

Herage once again used the blessing of the sylph to speed up his escape from the residential area of ​​the town.

When he was running on the street, every time he passed a house, the lights would light up in that house, and then there would be various movements.

Herage refused to listen and ran northward.

When he successfully ran out of the residential area, he realized that he was sweating. He didn't know whether it was because he was scared or tired.

The malice emanating from those houses put him under tremendous pressure, and that malice gave people the fear of facing death.

There is a small forest to the north and some cultivated fields.

As Herage came over, a gust of wind blew over.

The breeze blew against his face, making him feel much more comfortable. New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

He sniffed: "This smell... seems to be the fragrance of asparagus."

Asparagus grass is a precious potion material that can be used to make a variety of high-level potions. One of the more famous high-end potions is called the God of Earth's Favor.

The favor of the Earth God can greatly increase the wizard's earth element affinity in a short period of time, and has a wide range of uses.

If you are a wizard with affinity to the earth element, you can use it when you are promoted, which can greatly increase your probability of successful promotion.

After accepting the blessing of the God of the Earth, and then using earth element spells, the effect of the spell will be greatly improved. It is equivalent to the earth elements around you serving you. You only need a little magic power to mobilize the power of a lot of earth elements.

This high-end potion material is as expensive as the Malice Doll.

Herage didn't know the specific price. He didn't have the ability to contact them before.

As Larry's student now, he can sell things to Larry. The price can be lower, but the safety is better.

Larry himself would have no problem selling these things on the market. It was normal for an official wizard to own these things, and he himself could make a little more through the price difference.

Herage, the malicious doll in the space ring, was going to sell it back to Larry. He was not majoring in curses, so he had no chance of using it.

Herage glanced at the fields in the distance, where many "crops" were planted.

He took a closer look and saw that there were a lot of asparagus growing in the outermost field, which made Herage drool.

After Herage put three shields on himself, he began to take out a shovel and carefully dig out the asparagus grass.

There is a slender red tongue at the stamen of the Asparagus grass, which is quite aggressive. It can poke a few holes in the body of ordinary people without any problem.

But for a wizard apprentice like Herage, a shield can defend against the attack of Asparagus.

Herague squatted in the field, and the asparagus plants around him poked him with their tongues wildly. The tongues hit the shield and made a clanking sound, which sounded like the sound of rain.

In about half an hour, Herage dug out all seven Asparagus plants in the field.

The quantity is not as large as the Devil's Flower, but its value far exceeds that of the Devil's Flower.

There are also many potion ingredients grown in the fields next to them, many of which Herage couldn't even name. He only studied the basics of herbalism and has not studied more advanced courses.

He was even worried that he might damage some potion materials if he dug in the wrong way.

But even after it came, it was impossible not to dig out. Even if some of it was damaged, there was nothing we could do about it.

Herage took the shovel and moved his position, slightly speeding up the digging of the potion materials. At the same time, he paid close attention to the movements around him.

He didn't forget where he was. This ghost place could be in danger at any time.

If I were immersed in digging for potion materials, I wouldn't even know there was a danger coming.

Another hour or so passed, and Herage was still digging for potion ingredients.

He looked up and saw that the field was very wide. Even if he dug all night, he wouldn't be able to dig much. There were too many potion ingredients.

"Who planted these?"

Herage was a little confused. These potion ingredients looked like they were grown artificially.

Because many potion materials are grown in different categories in different fields, and the planting areas are neat and tidy, it doesn't look like they grow wild at all.

"If it was artificially planted, it must have been done by a wizard. To be able to plant such a large area of ​​potion materials in such a place, the wizard must be very strong. At present, it seems that the wizard should not be here, otherwise I would have No good fruit to eat."

Herage felt a little guilty. If the wizard happened to come back at this time, he would definitely suffer the same consequences.

"I picked it up, not stole it..." he comforted himself.

"Deep Blue, how long until dawn?" Herrag asked.

"About an hour and a half, but due to the special environment, it may not be accurate." Shen Lan replied.

The environment here is special, and Deep Blue can only give the time according to normal rules. But everything here is full of mystery and unknown. Herague won't be surprised when the sun rises from the west. You can't use common sense to guess the sunrise time here.

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