Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 86 Return

"This rag doll..."

Herage picked it up and gently shook off the thick dust covering it. 【🆆🆆🆆🆂🆃♦♦♦♦🅲♦🅼】

This is just an ordinary rag doll, not a malicious doll, and there is nothing strange about it.

Herage looked at the rag doll and recalled everything he had experienced. He always felt that something bad might have happened to the blacksmith's family and the town, otherwise he would not be able to sleep after death.

He sighed and put the doll back where it came from.

Herage hadn't noticed it last night, but now when he looked at it in the daytime, he could tell from the furnishings and color combinations that this was the little girl's room.

Herague looked around the house. It was almost the same as last night, except that many things were broken.

For example, the cabinet door fell off as soon as I pulled it, and it was completely rotten.

There are also some clothes stored in the cabinet, all worn by little girls.

After Herage left the room, he walked up the decaying stairs to the attic.

The attic was even more messy, with a lot of weeds growing there, and there were already several holes in the ceiling.

Herage glanced at the window sill. There was no head there.

The window glass was broken, and half of the door frame was rotten and hanging outside. It felt like it would fall down at any time.

Herage walked around the blacksmith uncle's house and then came out. Before leaving, he picked up the door frame that had fallen on the ground and put it back in place.

He actually wanted to find the bodies of the blacksmith uncle's family, even if they were just bones, he could collect them and bury them in the ground.

Judging from what happened last night, the blacksmith uncle's family may have become evil spirits, and they will not be at peace even if they die.

He wanted to see if he could find the bodies and bury the family.

After all, without the help of the blacksmith uncle, he would probably have died. Without the information provided by the blacksmith uncle, it would be difficult for him to handle various situations later.

But unfortunately, he could not find the body.

After Herage left, he went to another place to take a look.

He came to the house in the Devil's Flower Garden and found that the garden land was still there, and there were indeed many types of flowers growing here, but there was no sign of the Devil's Flower.

The house next to the garden is now a pile of ruins. Even the basic structure of the house is gone, leaving only a pile of wood piled disorderly.

Herage continued to look around the town, trying to find traces of Robert, who had disappeared.

He looked through every residential house and found nothing, not even any corpses or bones.

"There are a lot fewer houses here than last night."

After Herrag visited these houses, he took a general look and found that the number of houses was obviously much smaller. ☜

He discovered it last night and found that there were many more houses here than when he first entered the valley town.

"Are they really two different spaces?" Herage felt more and more that his guess was correct.

In fact, it is very simple to verify, that is, come here again tonight.

But Herage will never come again no matter what, at least he won't be able to take another step here until he has enough strength.

The next time you come, you will only come when you can easily handle the spider swarm. Otherwise, you will come here to deliver food.

He continued walking down the mountain, and when he passed the tavern, he suddenly discovered that the footsteps behind him had disappeared.

"When did you disappear..."

Herage found that he didn't even feel anything, and the footsteps seemed to disappear very early.

He recalled that he didn't hear the footsteps when he entered the cave.

At that time, he was focused on the murals and stone slabs, and did not notice the disappearance of the footsteps at all.

It was already dawn when he came out of the cave, and at that time he no longer heard the footsteps behind him.

Herage held his forehead and thought: "What on earth is that footsteps?"

This was what confused him. Although the footsteps followed him for a long time, he was not in any danger. He didn't understand what it was and what it did.

Although Herage was not in any danger because of the footsteps, he always had a feeling in his heart that the matter of the footsteps was not over yet.

He glanced at the tavern. The tavern had largely collapsed, and he could see the wine tables and bar just by standing outside.

After taking one last look at the tavern, Herage followed the mountain road to the foot of the mountain.

Looking back, I saw that the valley town was still dilapidated, and the road down the mountain had become overgrown with weeds. It is estimated that in a while, this mountain road will be completely integrated with the surrounding mountains, and it will be impossible to see that there was a road here.

Some changes have also taken place in the Xianxian Canyon, and Herage clearly remembers what it looked like when he came here.

When we arrived, the road surface was quite clean, and we could tell that the road was often taken care of.

But now, the entire first-line sky has almost turned into a primitive jungle.

Bushes as tall as a person grew all over the canyon, and the end of the road could not be seen at a glance.

Herage drew his long sword and used it to clear a path as he walked, chopping down the bushes blocking the way.

By the time he walked out of the first line of sky, he was already wet with dew from the shrubs. There was also a lot of water accumulated in some broad-leaf shrubs. If he accidentally touched it, it would topple over and avoid him.


After Herage came out, he saw a familiar person at a glance.

Robert was sleeping under the tree next to him, leaning against the big tree and sleeping soundly.

Above him, there was a squirrel standing on the branch, looking at Herrag with big eyes and small eyes.

Herage walked over, and the squirrel immediately started chirping in fear, and then disappeared in a flash.

Robert seemed to be awakened by the squirrel. He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Herague at a glance.

"grown ups……"

Herage glanced at him and asked, "Why are you sleeping here?"

Robert rubbed his head in confusion: "I don't know either. I just remember drinking a glass of butter beer with you and that uncle in the pub, and then I had no memory."

"Apart from these? What else do you remember?" Herage continued to ask.

Robert shook his head: "No, the last scene in my memory was in the pub, and I don't remember anything after that. It was just a glass of butterbeer, did I get drunk? Or was there something added to the wine..."

Herage listened to his story and pondered: "Robert's last memory only exists in the tavern, so the Robert we met later and the Robert who was dismembered are probably not him."

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Robert, thinking: "Or maybe the person in front of me is not me..."

Robert's back was cold when he stared at him. He swallowed and said, "Sir, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's hurry up. It's time to go back." Herage glanced at the tree in the distance. The two horses were still tied there and grazing leisurely.

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