Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 92 Knight Justice

It was not uncommon for troops to pretend to be bandits and rob caravans.

Ordinary adventurers, as long as their strength does not reach the level of a great knight, have no ability to resist when faced with a regular army.

A few rounds of volleys can turn these adventurers into hedgehogs. The combat capabilities of the army are not comparable to these idle adventurers.

More importantly, there are also powerful individuals in the army, and great knights are not uncommon.

Since the army on the opposite side dares to come to Longji Highland to fight against the autumn wind, it must have a great knight in charge.

"No one is allowed to take action without my order later." The person who spoke was Luo Kui. He was the owner of this caravan and the person with the most say. He invited all the guards.

Roque knew very well that in the face of the army, negotiation was the only way out.

If they dare to resist, they will definitely die.

Longji Highland is a place with no village or shop. No one knows about the death of three to four hundred people, and it is difficult to find out who did it.

Even if they find out, so what? No one will have a conflict with the Violet Kingdom's army because of this group of people.

After a few more minutes, everyone in the caravan finally saw what this army looked like.

Only then did they realize that their group of people had been surrounded. Because of the white mist, they didn't know the exact number of the army, but it was definitely more than them. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The soldiers on the opposite side were all riding horses, and about 60% of them were fully armored. They all looked at the caravan group coldly.

"Hello, gentlemen, my name is Roque Dormer. I am familiar with General Traton, and every year I hand over military aid on time. See if you can let us go." Roque stepped forward to accompany him. smiled.

A man from the army on the opposite side came out on a tall horse. He was wearing armor and a helmet so he couldn't see clearly. He said, "General Traton? Sorry, we don't know each other. We are just a group." Just a robber."

The armors worn by this group of people all had no markings. They seemed to have just been made and were not yet marked with the unique markings of the Violet Kingdom.

Luo Kui continued: "Sir, our batch is all goods, and they have to be sold to the Kingdom of Doris before they can be exchanged for money. How about this, when I come back from the Kingdom of Doris, how about I personally offer you one hundred thousand gold coins?"

The man opposite smiled disdainfully: "Do you think I'm stupid? Stop talking nonsense. Hand over whatever valuables you have. We also want the goods!"

"Sir, can you leave some for us? It's not easy for us to make this trip. We still have a big family waiting to feed..." Luo Kui begged.

"Do I care whether you live or die? Immediately! Immediately! Hand over the valuables, otherwise, we will come and get them ourselves!" After the man finished speaking, he pulled out his sword, and other soldiers also pointed their weapons at the caravan. This group of people.

Luo Kui's face was ashen, he waved to the people behind him and said: "Give them the goods, alas!"

The guys in the caravan behind him were a little hesitant, but after looking at the army on the opposite side that was getting ready to go, they felt a chill on their necks and immediately turned around to carry the goods. ░▒▓██▓▒░


At this time, a voice suddenly sounded. When everyone looked, it was Karim who spoke.

He walked out with a serious face, looked at the leader opposite and said, "You must be Ives, the knight commander under Duke Theodore. Aren't you afraid that the Duke will know that you are doing such a thing here?"

Ivis was silent for a while: "You have the wrong person."

Karim smiled and said: "Mistaken person? A few months ago, you came to talk to me at the banquet. Why, you forgot so quickly? I am standing here today, you dare to touch our caravan , I will guarantee that you will be hanged on the gallows by Duke Theodore!"

The scene was silent. The people in the caravan did not expect that Karim had such a powerful background and dared to directly threaten the army on the opposite side.

And Ives was actually silent, as if he was really afraid of Karim.

Hearage heard this and sighed: "Idiot!"

Luo Kui glanced at Karim, with obvious panic on his face.

After Ives was silent for a long time, he raised the sword in his hand: "Everyone listen to the order and kill them... all of them!"

"You!" Karim looked in disbelief. He didn't expect that Ivis would dare to do this. Not only did he want to kill him, but he also wanted to kill everyone to silence them.

Karim was furious: "You will pay the price!"

Ives sneered: "You are the one who will pay the price for your stupidity. Remember, these people were not killed by me, but by you."

His soldiers began to attack the caravan's defensive line. Naturally, these guards would not sit still and wait for death, and immediately launched a defensive counterattack.

After all, they still have a certain strength, and Ives's troops cannot defeat them in a short period of time.

Karim stood at the front of the battle line, holding a huge sword, opening and closing it wide. With one swing of the sword, a human head flew high into the sky.

He quickly cleared the area in front of him, and the bodies of seven or eight soldiers lay on the ground.

In front of his giant sword, even if these soldiers were in full body armor, they couldn't stop his sword at all.

The bows and arrows immediately focused their fire towards him, but Karim was also fully armored, and the quality of his armor was very extraordinary, so these arrows could not cause any harm to him at all.

Karim directly faced the volley of bows and arrows, holding a giant sword and slashing down one soldier after another.

Not long after, no one dared to come forward to the place where Karim was guarding.

Ivis glanced here, walked over slowly on horseback, then jumped off the horse and walked out of the crowd: "I'll deal with him."

Karim stared at him, his muscles tense.

He is just close to the Great Knight, but he is not yet a real Great Knight. Compared with Ivis, his strength is still far behind.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, his eyes were firm, and he held the giant sword steadily with both hands, ready to attack at any time.

Ives held a long sword and slowly walked up to Karim: "If I were as rich as you, I would have stayed at home and lie down. Why would I go out and die?"

"I am a noble but also a knight. I will never be immersed in a corrupt life. Upholding justice is the truth I uphold." Karim said these words firmly, and then swung his giant sword and struck Ivis fiercely. .

This sword was powerful and fast.

Ivis held the long sword in one hand, stepped forward to block it, and caught the sword steadily.

He was standing the whole time, without even a slight sway in his body. It could be seen that he only used a little strength.

Seeing that the sword was blocked, Karim immediately changed the direction of the sword and launched several attacks in succession.

But Ivis caught every sword strike from Karim as if he was playing with ease.

Everyone could see that although Karim was very strong, there was still an insurmountable gap between the two compared to Ivis's strength.

"The Great Knight is far more powerful than you think. You must have never seen the power of a real Great Knight, otherwise you wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge me." Ivis sneered.

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