The police were busy in the temporary command center of the missing children case of the Dongcheng Branch. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the door. Everyone looked up and saw Zhang Haishan walking in with a 17 or 18-year-old child. This scene surprised and astonished everyone present. They looked at each other with unbelievable expressions on their faces. Who is this kid? Why did he come here with Zhang Haishan? Everyone was full of doubts. Zhang Haishan seemed to have noticed everyone's reaction. He patted Ye Mo's shoulder and asked him to wait.

"Director Zhang, didn't you go to Yida Real Estate to investigate the accident? How come you're back so soon? And what's the matter with this child?" The person who spoke was Zhang Haishan's deputy, Li Bo, deputy director of the branch.

"The Yida issue has been resolved. It's not a big deal. It was caused by the improper installation of the crane." Zhang Haishan answered a few questions casually.

"What about this child?" Li Bo asked the doubts of everyone present.

"You mean Ye Mo? He said he could help us find the missing children." A very ordinary sentence immediately made the entire command center explode.

"How is this possible? The city's police elites gathered here and fought hard for six days and nights. They also had criminal investigation experts and advanced technology to help, but they still haven't locked up the most basic criminals. Now Zhang Haishan has been out for less than an hour and brought back a 17 or 18-year-old boy, saying that he can help solve the case. How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible, unless the child saw or participated in the crime.

Looking at the hesitant expressions of the crowd, Ye Mo's forehead was black. "Well, he thinks of himself as a criminal again. It seems that I have to stay away from these people in the future."

"Don't think about it. I just calculated some things through the art of deduction, which may be helpful to you." Ye Mo explained calmly.

"What? It was calculated! Could it be that Director Zhang was so anxious that he went crazy and went to find someone to tell his fortune?" Someone asked in surprise.

"But this doesn't make sense. Aren't fortune tellers supposed to be old men with white hair and talk about the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, the Five Elements and the Eight Diagrams? "Another person questioned.

"Well... it's rare to see such a young charlatan." Another person echoed, expressing disbelief. Everyone was talking about it, with puzzled and puzzled expressions on their faces.

First, Zhang Haishan, then Wenren Muyue's face was as ugly as it could be, but the ugliest one was Ye Mo.

"It seems that you are still not in a hurry. Director Zhang, you see I can't help much, I'll go back first."

Zhang Haishan's face turned pale, and he was embarrassed to ask for someone to stay, so he could only look at Wenren Muyue on the side.

Wenren Muyue naturally knew that Zhang Haishan couldn't bring himself to stay, so he could only go himself. Then he quickly walked to Ye Mo and said to him softly: "Little brother, you are really a capable person! How can you just leave like this? We all count on you!"

Hearing this, the people around him immediately exploded.

"Oh my god, is this still a flower in our police force?"

"What did I see? Wenren Muyue actually acted like a spoiled child to a 17 or 18-year-old child! "

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to faint, my beautiful dream is completely shattered!"

For a while, all kinds of exclamations, doubts and regrets resounded throughout the room. But Wenren Muyue didn't seem to care about these discussions. Her eyes were always fixed on Ye Mo, her eyes full of expectation.

"Well, since you are here, if you have any questions, just ask them quickly. I have limited time and I have to go home for dinner?"

"Boy, are you crazy? What are the characteristics of the criminal? Is he a man or a woman, how old is he, and what is his profession?"

The one who asked the question was the guy whose beautiful dream was shattered. Obviously, he had regarded Ye Mo as a rival in love.

"Did Lu Ming ask you like this? Aren't you forcing him? How could Ye Mo know. "Wenren Muyue said angrily.

In fact, Lv Ming also knew that it was impolite to ask like this. If Ye Mo knew everything, it would be equivalent to solving the case. However, seeing Wenren Muyue's coquettish look just now, he was angry and unhappy, so he asked so many questions. After Wenren Muyue said this, he felt that he was a bit too much.

After all, he is a senior talent in the police station, and he still has basic qualities. It's just that he was in love just now, so he had emotional problems, so Lv Ming had to explain to Ye Mo.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo directly said: "The criminal is a female, aged 42, named Wang Aijuan, working in Shangjing Municipal Kindergarten, and an elite lecturer."

Fuck, so accurate, so insightful, if it weren't for the fact that everyone present was too familiar with this information, so familiar that they muttered it every day, and the big blackboard in front of everyone still remembered it clearly.

"Brother, you are here to make fun of us, do you think we are really free?" Obviously, Ye Mo's answer angered everyone present, including Zhang Haishan, of course. Only Wenren Muyue frowned, thinking about the intention of Ye Mo's words.

After all, Ye Mo is not a boring person. It's like making dumplings. He said five sentences to solve the case, just five sentences, not one more, not one less.

"I'm telling the truth. I'll help you solve the case with the five sentences. This is the second one. I'm not kidding. You can continue asking questions."

With a familiar tone and a determined look, Zhang Haishan instantly saw hope and said to Lv Ming: "Shut up. I'll ask the next questions myself."

"Director Zhang is not really crazy, is he? He must have been brainwashed by this kid."

Lv Ming opened his mouth wide and was about to speak when he was stopped by Wenren Muyue's murderous eyes.

In the meeting room, it was quiet for a while. Only Zhang Haishan was writing something on the paper on his body. However, Zhang Haishan was writing and drawing. Everyone saw that he was organizing language and planning questions.

"It's over. Director Zhang is really crazy."

Three minutes later, Director Zhang finally wrote the three most important questions.

"Ye Mo, I'll start asking the third question. Why do you say Wang Aijuan is the murderer? What is her motive for committing the crime?" Zhang Haishan asked the question that everyone was puzzled about.

"I directed and acted it myself to confuse you."

"Nonsense, what good is it for her to do this? She's dead, and she can't spend so much money on a dead person." The buddy who felt sorry for the beauty of the police force angrily interrupted.

"Because Wang Aijuan didn't think about spending money for herself, she did it for her disappointing son. This is the fourth question."

"Wang Qiang, who told you to talk nonsense? I just said I would ask, didn't you hear it?" Zhang Haishan was really angry. Although Ye Mo only answered two sentences, it was enough to shock everyone present. The direction was wrong from the beginning. They were all confused by Wang Aijuan.

Since Wang Aijuan started reporting the case, all the directions for solving the case were wrong.

Seeing the bright eyes of the crowd, Ye Mo knew that they understood. After all, they were all professionals and understood it at a glance.

"Ye Mo's last question, where are those children now?" In an instant, everyone's heart was in their throats. How could they not be nervous? If they found the children, everything would be fine, merit, salary increase, bonus, honor, if they couldn't find them, they would just be in trouble.

"Looking from the side, it looks like a mountain, and from the front, it looks like a peak. It looks different from different distances and heights. I don't know the true face of Mount Lu because I am in it."

"Okay, five questions, done." Then Ye Mo ignored everyone and turned to Wenren Muyue and said, "Officer Muyue, please take me home. I used the money I just paid for a taxi."

Wenren Muyue didn't move, but looked at Zhang Haishan, who was thinking about those poems at this time and handed his car keys to Muyue.

"Drive my car, so as not to cause gossip to Ye Mo."

Wenren Muyue took the key and nodded. As expected, he was a criminal investigator and was very careful. Ye Mo was very happy and said to Zhang Haishan: "I have another sentence for you. Remember to wear a helmet."

Zhang Haishan nodded immediately, watched the two leave, looked up at the photo of Wang Aijuan's death scene, and muttered "It's just because I am in this mountain, I am in this mountain."

Then Zhang Haishan slapped his thigh, scaring everyone, and shouted in surprise: "I know where the child is."

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