"You are the boss anyway, just do whatever you say." Leng Feng had some doubts in his heart, but Ye Mo was always mysterious when he spoke, so it was better not to ask. Then he turned around and put on his raincoat and was about to go out to buy breakfast. Ye Mo quickly stopped Leng Feng. "Brother Feng, I have prepared food for the next few days. Let's eat here. Can't eat food outside for the time being?" Ye Mo didn't explain much. He first took out three bags of quick-frozen dumplings from the refrigerator, and then poured some mountain spring water into the rice cooker. Seeing Leng Feng's puzzled look, Ye Mo quickly explained, "Don't worry, Brother Feng, these are handmade dumplings I bought from the dumpling restaurant, they are all fresh?"

"That's not what I want to ask."

Of course, Ye Mo knew that Leng Feng was not asking about this, but Ye Mo did not stop his hand movements, just pointed at the heavy rain outside with his mouth.

"What does rain have to do with food?" Obviously, Leng Feng still didn't understand what Ye Mo meant.

"You can tell by looking at the color of the rain."

Leng Feng quickly walked to the gate and looked at the rainwater accumulated on the road. It turned out to be a light reddish brown. He casually used a cup to collect some and smelled it carefully. It turned out to have a light sour smell. It turned out to be acid rain, and judging from the color of the rainwater, the sulfur dioxide content seemed to be high.

"What's going on, Ye Mo?" Looking at Leng Feng's cold eyes, Ye Mo was speechless for a while.

"Brother Feng, you don't think I did it, do you?" Leng Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard Ye Mo say that. Acid rain is not caused by human beings, let alone a half-grown child.

"Well, that's not what I meant. I just want to know how you know there will be acid rain?" At this time, Leng Feng knew why Ye Mo wanted to sell water.

Although acid rain is nothing compared to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and mountain torrents, it is also a natural disaster, especially for water resources and aquaculture. It has a great impact. Anything related to water resources will be affected to some extent.

The first thing to be affected is drinking water. Although natural purification and human intervention will not cause too much loss, it takes time, and the time depends on how long the acid rain lasts.

Suddenly Leng Feng thought of what Ye Mo said about selling water in five days. Could it be that this acid rain will last for five days?

Seeing Leng Feng's surprised eyes, Ye Mo didn't take any chances and said directly: "To be exact, this rain will last for three days and three nights, and the tap water in Shangjing City is almost completely paralyzed. Although drinking such water will not cause death, diarrhea and gastrointestinal diseases are inevitable."

"So you thought of selling water." Leng Feng suddenly understood. If it was really like what Ye Mo said, the tap water in Shangjing City was completely paralyzed, then Leng Feng was not sure whether the mountain spring water here would sell for 51 barrels, but compared with ordinary mineral water that costs more than 10 or 20 yuan per barrel, 31 barrels is definitely not a problem.

"About the same." Ye Mo did not deny it.

Looking at Ye Mo's calm eyes, Leng Feng knew that the boy in front of him was much more powerful than he had imagined. He was definitely a genius among geniuses and a monster among monsters.

Xiao Youyou rubbed her sleepy eyes, sniffed with her little nose, and murmured: "It smells so good, Brother Ye Mo, what delicious food are you making?"

The little girl is definitely a reincarnated foodie. Ye Mo ignored Leng Feng who was still in a daze, walked up to the little girl, and rubbed her little head like a chicken coop.

"Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face. Brother Ye Mo has cooked big dumplings for you."

"I know, Brother Ye Mo." When she heard about big dumplings, the lazy Xiao Youyou immediately jumped off the small bed, wearing small slippers and holding a small washbasin and started to work.

After a while, the dining table was filled with three plates of steaming big dumplings, and Ye Mo handed a pair of small chopsticks to Xiao Youyou.

"Brother Ye Mo, the shrimps are so big, Youyou likes it so much." Leng Feng looked at Xiao Youyou's happy smile, and the last trace of vigilance against Ye Mo was gradually disappearing.

At this moment, Leng Feng's phone rang. Leng Feng's calm face showed a hint of tenderness, and he quickly answered the phone: "Leng Feng, where have you been? Why didn't you go home? And where is Youyou? It rained all night outside. Where did you take Youyou?"

The barrage of questions immediately made Leng Feng speechless. Fortunately, little Youyou happily grabbed the phone: "Aunt Xiaolan, my father and I are at Brother Ye Mo's place. Brother Ye Mo is very kind to me. He took me to KFC and big dumplings. Yes...

There are also big shrimps, rogue rabbits, and many delicious foods. "

Well, it was Chang Lan's turn to be confused on the other end of the phone.

"It's good that Youyou is okay. Give the phone to Dad first. Aunt Lan and your dad have something to talk about." Little Youyou reluctantly handed the phone to her father.

"Where are you, Leng Feng, and who is Ye Mo that Youyou mentioned?" Obviously Chang Lan was a little angry, and looking at Leng Feng's somewhat flattering expression, Ye Mo immediately understood one thing, these two people are having something.

"Xiao Lan, Ye Mo is my boss, we are all in Yuanhua Warehouse?" Before Leng Feng finished speaking, Chang Lan said angrily: "You'd better not lie to me." Then Leng Feng's phone was busy.

"That Xiao Lan, I~~~." Looking at Leng Feng's embarrassed expression, Ye Mo remembered four words "iron man tenderness."

"Tell me what's going on, don't let me affect your relationship later. "Ye Mo asked jokingly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, don't let your flirting affect me.

"That Ye Mo, is it not what you think?"

Ye Mo chuckled, "Brother Feng, is that the case?"

"That is actually nothing? Three years ago, I came to Shangjing City and had no place to live. I took Youyou to pick up garbage. Chang Lan and his mother took pity on us and took us in. They said we were tenants, but they didn't collect rent for three years. Later, I gradually learned that Chang Lan's father was seriously ill and paralyzed a few years ago, and her mother was disabled, so Chang Lan, who was in her thirties, had never married. "

"Five years ago, Chang Lan's father passed away, and then the mother and daughter were left to depend on each other. When the old lady was free, she cooked at home, and Chang Lan worked in a nearby restaurant. I met her at Chang Lan's restaurant. That day, Xiao Youyou was very hungry, so we ordered a bowl of egg fried rice. "

"Just before the New Year, Chang Lan's mother also passed away. Now Chang Lan is the only one left. That Chang Lan treats You You better than I do You You."

"I understand. Chang Lan is interested in you?" Ye Mo understood without thinking.

"I know, but I am disabled and five years older than Chang Lan. I have no money and no power. I am afraid that I will let down Chang Lan's heart." The iron-willed man also has a helpless side.

"Knock, knock, such a big man is not ashamed to gossip behind my back." A woman in her thirties and thirties dressed in simple clothes walked in.

The woman first swung her umbrella, then glared at Leng Feng, and then looked at You You with a smile in her eyes.

"Auntie Lan, You You miss you so much." The little girl ran over.

"Chang Lan, why are you here? "Leng Feng asked awkwardly.

"Why, I can't come. If Youyou catch a cold in such heavy rain, I will punish you." Chang Lan rolled her eyes at Leng Feng again.

"Sister Lan, hello, I am Ye Mo." Ye Mo shook hands with Chang Lan generously.

"Who is Leng Feng?"

Looking at Chang Lan's puzzled eyes, Leng Feng quickly explained, "This is Ye Mo, my boss."

Chang Lan then looked at Ye Mo, who was too young, so he should be a high school student. "Ye Mo, can you tell me what you do for Gu Lengfeng?" It seemed like a simple question, but in fact, the words were full of care.

"Sister Lan, sit down and talk." Then Ye Mo took out a pair of bowls and chopsticks and handed them to Chang Lan: "Don't be polite, just eat something."

Before Chang Lan could speak, Xiao Youyou put a big dumpling into Chang Lan's bowl and said, "Auntie Lan, it's delicious with big shrimps in it. "

"Sister Lan, let's eat and talk." Ye Mo briefly explained his plan, and then sincerely invited Chang Lan to join, with a salary of 200 yuan a day.

Chang Lan did not agree directly, but looked at Leng Feng with an inquiring look.

Leng Feng nodded affirmatively, and the three of them plus Xiao Youyou began to get busy.

At the same time, a news report quietly appeared on major websites and TV channels.

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