The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Ye Mo, what do you mean?" Manager Zhao was obviously very unhappy. After all, to be able to reach this position, he must have some background in both the black and white worlds. Especially since Ye Mo was a half-grown child and Leng Feng was a disabled person, Manager Zhao didn't take them seriously at all.

"What do you mean? Literally." Ye Mo's face was indifferent, and he didn't have time to argue with Manager Zhao.

Seeing Ye Mo's calm and fearless eyes, Manager Zhao was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly his face changed and he laughed, "Brother Ye Mo, if you think the deal is not suitable, can we talk about it again? There is no need to make it so awkward, right?"

"No problem, as long as the price offered by Manager Zhao satisfies me?"

"Oh, then I wonder what price will satisfy Brother Ye Mo? The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to see each other's bottom line.

"Not more than three million?" Ye Mo stretched out three fingers and slowly said the number.

Manager Zhao was startled at first, and then he laughed out loud: "Boy, are you crazy about money? Are you kidding me?" Obviously, Manager Zhao's eyes were full of anger.

Ye Mo was not afraid of Manager Zhao's fierce eyes. In his previous life, Ye Mo had seen many more fierce people than this, so Ye Mo said lightly: "If you say it's a joke, isn't it a joke that Manager Zhao played on me. "

He then turned on the hot search channel on his phone and handed it directly to Manager Zhao. Manager Zhao immediately knew that Ye Mo had already known the news. He thought he could get a message, but he didn't expect that this guy had already known it.

Manager Zhao was not embarrassed and said to Ye Mo: "Let me be frank. I like your water. It's at most 100,000. After all, this business is not something you can do."

Ye Mo sneered and said to the confident Manager Zhao: "Are you going to force a sale?"

Manager Zhao didn't pretend anymore and said nonchalantly: "You can understand it this way, but I will only give you half a day to consider it, and don't think about transferring the water out, because without my approval, you can't sell a bottle of water."

After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for Ye Mo's reply.

Ye Mo looked at Manager Zhao who was leaving with a sneer on his lips, and then a cold and resolute look appeared in his eyes. "Manager Zhao, you'd better not mess with me. "

Ye Mo didn't care about Manager Zhao at all. If Manager Zhao was really blind, he could just call Zhang Haishan directly. What Ye Mo cares about now is the trip to the Magic City in a few days. That would be the beginning of Ye Mo's capital. Without a fundamental solution, it would be nonsense to want to retaliate against the Ye family.

Just when Ye Mo was thinking about the trip to the Magic City, the phone suddenly rang. It was Leng Feng's call. There was no need to figure out that it was Manager Zhao who called Leng Feng. It was a good opportunity to test Leng Feng's attitude.

Ye Mo pressed the answer button, and Leng Feng's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ye Mo, are you okay?"

"What can happen to me?" Ye Mo replied casually.

"Manager Zhao called me just now and said he wanted to buy your water and asked me to help persuade you?" Leng Feng didn't beat around the bush and talked about it directly.

"Oh, you mean Manager Zhao, who just left me. What do you think, Brother Feng? "Ye Mo asked casually.

"What can I think? You are the boss, you can do whatever you say. But I know that Manager Zhao's subordinates are not clean, and I am afraid that you will suffer a loss, so I called you to confirm it."

"It's nothing, it's just that the price given by Manager Zhao is too low, so I didn't sell it." Ye Mo said indifferently.

"What price?" Leng Feng instantly became interested.

"I want 3 million, and Manager Zhao gave me 100,000. Isn't this nonsense?" Leng Feng on the phone was silent for a long time.

"Brother Feng, are you still there?" Ye Mo thought the phone was hung up?

At this time, Leng Feng cursed in his heart, all profiteers are profiteers, too fucking black.

Leng Feng forced himself to calm down his excitement. "What are your plans, Ye Mo? Manager Zhao asked me to write to him in the evening."

"That depends on what Brother Feng plans. "Ye Mo asked in a playful tone.

"Ye Mo, you don't need to test me. I, Leng Feng, can do anything. Just tell me what to do?" Obviously Leng Feng was a little unhappy.

"Don't, Brother Feng, I'm not testing you. I just want to ask if you have any friends. I'm afraid that Manager Zhao will come over to cause trouble at night. Although I'm not afraid, and you know that I'm very familiar with the police officers in the branch, but I'd better not use them if possible.

No, after all, it's not that time yet."

"Don't be afraid of this, don't look for anyone, I, Leng Feng, still have the ability to deal with a few gangsters, just wait for me to tell Chang Lan and I'll go over."

"Then I'll trouble Brother Feng."

"Ye Mo, don't play this trick, I, Leng Feng, don't buy it."

"Then it's settled." Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then hung up the phone, with a faint smile on his lips.

Eastern Suburb Shantytown;

"Old Qin, you said it's been three days, and Ye Mo doesn't know where he went. Look at Qingqing, that girl, she's not even paying attention to school." Wang Yan looked at Qin Qingqing, who walked out of the room with her schoolbag and head down, and was worried. After all, she had raised her daughter for eighteen years.

"Old woman, don't worry, haven't we also been through that age? They grew up together, and Qingqing's intentions are obvious to everyone. Besides, Ye Mo is not a simple kid, especially after returning from the Ye family, he seems to have become a different person. I dare not say whether Ye Mo has any intentions towards Qingqing, but he is really good to Qingqing. "

What Qin Jianghe said is right. Wang Yan shook her head helplessly, "I am worried about Qingqing because I know this. I am afraid that the goddess is interested, but the Xiang King is ruthless. Most of the people who get hurt in this matter are girls. How can I not worry?"

"Even so, we can't do anything. You know that Ye Mo and Qingqing are not ordinary people. They can only grow up after experiencing more. Just like Ye Mo has been back to the Ye family for six years. Now that he has returned, can you still find a little bit of the child's aura?"

"Even when I stand in front of Ye Mo, I feel like I am looking up to a mountain and strategizing. Especially this kid is really weird. Not only did he save my life, but he also saved those children, and also the water."

"Do you think these are all coincidences? "Qin Jianghe took a puff of cigarette and then thought of something.

Looking at the doubt in her husband's eyes, Wang Yan suddenly remembered something and asked unconsciously: "You said Ye Mo is the noble man the old immortal mentioned? "

Qin Jianghe did not speak, but nodded affirmatively, recalling the sudden death of Qin Zhenbang, the eldest son of the Qin family, and his wife 18 years ago, which shocked the entire Magic City at that time.

At that time, Qin Jianghe and Wang Yan had to protect the infant Qin Qingqing. Fortunately, they met an old immortal who told his father that he could only go to Shangjing to have a glimmer of hope, and he would meet Qin Qingqing's destined nobleman. Now think about it, it was 18 years ago.

After all, the Qin family is a giant in the entire Magic City. As the exclusive driver of Qin Zhenbang, the helmsman of the Qin family, he has naturally seen some strange people and things that ordinary people can hardly see. Especially after returning this time, Ye Mo's almost mythical predictive ability made him think of someone.

That is Ye Mo's master, the old charlatan. Could it be that the old charlatan is also a figure like the old immortal.

In the Yuanhua warehouse;

"By the way, Ye Mo, when will we start selling water? Now I heard that the bottled water in the supermarket is almost emptied. "Leng Feng grabbed a handful of melon seeds and ate them while talking.

"Don't worry, let them sell first, we are not in a hurry." Ye Mo also leisurely turned a handful of melon seeds and ate them.

"Ye Mo, what if they transfer water from other places?" Leng Feng asked the question in his mind.

"Don't worry, this acid rain is very large, almost covering the entire Jiangnan Province, so even if water is transferred, it has to be transferred from other places. It is estimated that it will take more than half a month or even a month to get to us. Even if the water is brought over, the natural purification of tap water has been completed, and the large amount of drinking water hoarded by individuals has not been used up, so the direct consequence of transferring water from other places is backlogs, or even price cuts and promotions. Will you still transfer water to Jiangnan Province? "

Looking at Ye Mo's confident look, Leng Feng just secretly admired him. He really didn't understand how Ye Mo's brain grew. According to Ye Mo, it was possible to sell a barrel of spring water for fifty.

Leng Feng suddenly remembered the bet with Ye Mo. It was obvious that he was calculated by Ye Mo, but there was nothing he could do. He just smiled helplessly.

A phone rang. Leng Feng saw that it was Manager Zhao and pressed the answer button directly.

"Leng Feng, how is the matter I told you about?" Before Leng Feng could speak, Manager Zhao continued, "Don't worry, Brother Zhao won't treat you badly."

Leng Feng was too lazy to say anything and handed the phone to Ye Mo directly.

Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction and took the phone directly. He said to Manager Zhao, "Manager Zhao, is it interesting for you to do this?"

There was a brief indifference on the other end of the phone. After a while, Manager Zhao's cold voice came out: "Ye Mo, Leng Feng, I think you are not willing to accept the toast, so don't blame me for being cruel. Then he hung up fiercely.

Phone call.

In the office of Sunac Credit, several gangsters were playing cards, while Dong Biao, their boss, was working in the bedroom with his secretary.

"Brother Biao, Brother Biao, it's Lao Zhao's call."

"Go to hell, can't you see that Brother Biao is doing something?" Obviously the secretary was a little unhappy, after all, she hadn't had enough fun yet?

"Brother Biao, Lao Zhao said there is a deal worth millions and asked if you would do it?"

"Fuck, why didn't you say so earlier." Then Brother Biao picked up the phone.

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