After the call, the two of them finally got together.

Ye Mo looked at Zhao Jiwei like an idiot and said, "Mr. Zhao, why don't you answer the phone first?"

Zhao Jiwei thought about it carefully and realized that he was overthinking. Geng Xiaomei was an artist under his media and it was impossible for her to know Ye Mo. As for why she called him at this time, could it be as Ye Mo said?

Zhao Jiwei calmed down and pressed the answer button without hesitation. Instantly, a sweet clip sound appeared on the other end of the phone, which made people feel a sense of relief.

"Brother Wei, it's been a long time and you didn't call me. I miss you so much." This kind of pestering is really unbearable for ordinary men.

Zhao Jiwei looked a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "I'm talking about business, if you have something to say, please speak up, otherwise I'll hang up."

"Oh, I wanted to give you a surprise, you have something to say, I'll call you later." After saying that, he didn't forget to say "what", love you.

Zhao Jiwei listened to the busy tone on the phone, and his heart was finally put down. He looked up at Ye Mo, and an excited laugh instantly resounded throughout the imperial concubine's hall.

"Master Ye, that's all, isn't it time to fulfill our bet?" It seemed like a joke, but his face revealed a hint of viciousness.

Ye Mo was not anxious, let alone angry, he just tapped the table lightly with his fingers a few times, counting, one, two, three, and then heard the voice prompt from Zhao Jiwei's phone.

Then Ye Mo glanced at Zhao Jiwei, who looked very calm and understood the meaning very well, and looked at his phone.

Zhao Jiwei said something to pretend to be mysterious, but he began to panic in his heart. A bad premonition came to his mind. He pretended to be calm and looked at his phone. However, when he finished reading the text message, Zhao Jiwei's eyes immediately widened and his face was full of disbelief.

He kept saying, "This is a coincidence, an absolute coincidence." Then he looked up at Ye Mo and asked, "You did it, didn't you?"

"I don't know if you did it, but it's true that you got her pregnant." Ye Mo would not show mercy to Zhao Jiwei.

"What's wrong, Jiwei?" Gu Lingtian looked at Zhao Jiwei's nervous face and asked quickly.

Zhao Jiwei looked embarrassed and glanced at Ye Mo. He wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Zhao? What are you going to say this time?" Ye Mo asked playfully.

Zhao Jiwei changed his arrogant attitude and said to Ye Mo: "Don't worry, although I am not a big shot, I understand the principle of accepting defeat. In one day, as long as you are right, I, Zhao Jiwei, will personally give you 20 million." After that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that Zhao Jiwei did not cheat, and relying on the memory of his previous life, he knew that Zhao Jiwei was still a conscientious young man, otherwise he would not come to Beijing alone for an ordinary Sun Xiaozhou.

"Ahem" Ye Mo sighed softly and said to Zhao Jiwei: "For Sun Xiaozhou's sake, I will give you a piece of advice. You'd better check where Geng Xiaomei lives. It will be good for you. Remember to check it carefully."

Zhao Jiwei, who had almost taken a step forward, suddenly stopped and turned back suddenly. His face showed solemnity, then he looked at Ye Mo and nodded heavily, and then said two words "Thank you".

Looking at Zhao Jiwei's back as he left, and then looking at Ye Mo, Gu Lingtian, Miss Jiang, and even the young man who had not spoken just now, they all felt that Ye Mo was really mysterious.

"Master Ye, can you help us solve the puzzle?"

Looking at Gu Lingtian and the other three people like curious babies, Ye Mo smiled helplessly and said to them: "It's very simple. Behind Geng Xiaomei is Shentu Express."

"So it's Shentu Express, the mortal enemy of Zhao Jiwei's father?"

Suddenly Gu Lingtian thought of something and asked quickly: "Then the child in Geng Xiaomei's belly is really Zhao Jiwei's."

Ye Mo nodded first, and then said: "It was Geng Xiaomei who gave Zhao Jiwei the medicine, but Geng Xiaomei didn't know that Zhao Jiwei also took the medicine. Logically, she couldn't get pregnant, but Geng Xiaomei took clomiphene."

"What the hell is clomiphene."

Several people actually took out their mobile phones and started to check, and finally understood what was going on.

Clomiphene is commonly known as the multi-birth pill. This kind of thing should not be taken carelessly. It will cause multiple births, stillbirths, deformities, etc. Especially Zhao Jiwei took the medicine, so the child is Zhao Jiwei's, but the child is most likely to have problems.

How many people can figure it out?

However, Zhao Jiwei could also figure it out, so he ran out in a hurry.

"Master Ye, what is the thing you asked Jiwei to look for?" Although Gu Lingtian guessed something, he still wanted to confirm his guess.

Ye Mo smiled and said to Gu Lingtian: "It is the life-saving straw of the Zhao family. The rest depends on the life of Mr. Zhao."

Until this time, the eyes of several people looking at Ye Mo no longer had a trace of contempt, but only awe, respect, and even a little fear.

The storm finally passed, Wang Lin gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then gave an order to prepare to serve the dishes.

But Ye Mo had no intention of staying, so he stood up, nodded slightly to Gu Lingtian and the others, and then said to Wang Lin: "I'm sorry, Chairman Wang, I just remembered that I have something else to do, so I won't eat. Thank you for your hospitality."

After saying that, he didn't give Wang Lin a chance to argue, and was about to leave the Concubine Hall. It was not that Ye Mo didn't want to stay, but the incident at Lanting would happen in half an hour at the latest. If he didn't leave now, he would really be unable to leave when the time came.

The young man next to Miss Jiang finally spoke, "Brother Ye Mo, I am Wenren Jingteng from Tianjing, and I am Mu Yue's biological brother."

Ye Mo, who was about to leave, glanced at Wenren Jingteng, who indeed looked a bit like Wenren Mu Yue, and then politely said, "So it's Brother Wenren, I'm a little rude, please forgive me."

Wenren Jingteng smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's indeed Ji Wei who is making trouble, anyone would be like this."

Miss Jiang on the side rarely showed a smile, glanced at Wenren Jingteng, and said jokingly, "It seems that you, as a brother, don't have as much face as your sister."

Not to mention a few jokes, the scene became much more joyful.

"Master Ye, I came to Beijing with Hongyue this time to pick up Muyue back to Tianjing, but Muyue made you sound like a god, so Hongyue and I disturbed you."

As for Gu Tianjiao, he was probably with Wenren Jingteng, so he came over. As for Zhao Jiwei, the madman, Ye Mo couldn't guess, after all, their thinking was not on the same level.

"Brother Teng, you should call me Ye Mo, Master Ye sounds weird."

I thought Wenren Jingteng would change his words immediately, after all, it would be more friendly and natural, but I didn't expect Wenren Jingteng to say very seriously: "Master Ye, although Ye Mo is a title, Master Ye is a person with real ability, and people with ability should be respected. As for what Muyue calls you, I don't care."

Two days ago, when Wenren Jingteng saw Wenren Muyue, his sister, who didn't like to talk, actually pulled him and Hongyue to chat for a whole night. If the police force hadn't had something to do, they would probably have continued to chat.

Wenren Jingteng only thought his sister was weird, but Jiang Hongyue, the future daughter-in-law of the Wen family, certainly understood Wenren Muyue's thoughts. That woman didn't admire him first and then love him, so she told Wenren Jingteng that Wenren Muyue was in love.

Wenren Jingteng, who was always calm and sophisticated, didn't react for a while, and finally said with some surprise: "Muyue is 21 years old, and Ye Mo seems to be only 18? Three years difference?

What's wrong with three years old? Xiaolongnu is more than ten years older than Yang Guo? How many hundreds of years older is the Seven Fairies than Dong Yong?

But Wenren Jingteng was embarrassed. This time he came to ask Muyue to go home and complete the marriage contract with the Li family. Speaking of it, Wenren Muyue is also a person of temperament. In order to escape marriage, he ran to Shangjing to become a small police officer. Now there is Ye Mo. Wenren Jingteng's head hurts when he thinks about it.

Fortunately, Jiang Hongyue and Wenren Muyue are best friends, and Moreover, Jiang Hongyue was his future sister-in-law. Finally, after Jiang Hongyue's repeated questioning, he learned the whole story. It turned out that his best friend was in love with him. Now the couple became more curious about Ye Mo.

They all wanted to see what Ye Mo, who could make the eldest daughter of the Wenren family, one of the four major families in Tianjing, fall in love with him, looked like.

After seeing him today, it was just like what Wenren Muyue said, he would turn into a dragon one day.

After hearing this, Ye Mo didn't know what to say, and then he started to greet several people.

Ten minutes later, Ye Mo stood up and said to several people: "Brother Teng, I really have something to do. I will say goodbye now and meet again if I am destined to. "Looking at Ye Mo's anxious look, Wenren Jingteng didn't know what to say. Although he was unhappy, he was Mu Yue's brother after all. This kid really didn't give him face, but he couldn't say anything after all, so he just nodded with a smile.

Ye Mo also nodded with a smile and said to the few people: "Brother Teng, leave Lanting in five minutes. There is a bloody disaster here."

When they heard Ye Mo say the words "bloody disaster", they were all shocked, especially Gu Lingtian, who knew that Ye Mo couldn't be shooting without a purpose.

Looked at the phone, and then said to Ye Mo

"Master Ye, please tell me clearly that the Gu family will definitely reward you handsomely."

Ye Mo's face changed, and he asked casually, "This Lanting?"

"Lanting is the property of my mother's Nalan family."

The Nalan family is a giant in Fuzhou. Now Ye Mo finally knows why Zhao Jiwei is afraid of Gu Lingtian.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo nodded lightly and said to Gu Lingtian, "Because of Lanting~~~."

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