The old man was very happy, but he was still very happy.

In the high-end residential area by Qingshui Lake, Zhao Jiwei sat on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, feeling mixed emotions.

Thinking about it, he was really stupid. He mistook green tea for peony, grew up with a golden key, did too many absurd things, and had too many people he felt sorry for.

I just talked a lot with Geng Xiaomei, and the mystery that had puzzled him for three years was finally solved.

It turned out that three years ago, when Zhao Jiwei's father Zhao Jiuzhou was inspecting the work, the tower crane fell. It was Sun Xiaozhou's father Sun Jianguo who saved Sun Jiuzhou with his life. Before his death, Sun Jianguo asked Zhao Jiuzhou to take good care of Sun Xiaozhou, because Sun Jianguo's wife Zhou Ling died of cancer five years ago, and Sun Jianguo was Sun Xiaozhou's only relative in this world.

In order to let Sun Jianguo go with peace of mind, Zhao Jiuzhou decided to let Zhao Jiwei marry Sun Xiaozhou, but Zhao Jiwei refused, because Zhao Jiwei always had a white moonlight in his heart, that is Geng Xiaomei. Although Geng Xiaomei was not from a famous family, the two had been in love since high school. Through Geng Xiaomei's relationship, it was found that Sun Jianguo was already in the late stage of cancer.

Moreover, the tower crane was also tampered with. For a while, Zhao Jiwei found Zhao Jiuzhou with the information, and his mother Ji Xiaolan was also at home. Both mother and son felt that Sun Jianguo was too despicable and used this method to morally blackmail the Zhao family.

But Zhao Jiuzhou could not believe that Sun Jianguo could do such a thing. After all, he had been with him for more than 30 years. When his wife Zhou Ling needed money, Shentu Express threatened and lured her with high salaries many times, but Zhou Jianguo was not moved. So Zhao Jiuzhou would never believe that Sun Jianguo was such a person.

Later, Zhao Jiwei went to Sun Xiaozhou in a fit of anger, thinking of giving him some money to get rid of this burden, but Sun Xiaozhou heard Zhao Jiwei's insulting words to his father and wanted Zhao Jiwei to leave without asking for anything. After all, Sun Xiaozhou knew what kind of person his father was.

But when Sun Xiaozhou woke up again, he found himself lying on his bed with Zhao Jiwei, and there was a tingling pain in his lower body. After all, Sun Xiaozhou was already 23 years old and graduated from a prestigious university, so of course he knew what happened.

Just when Sun Xiaozhou was crying in grievance, Geng Xiaomei broke into the room and accused Sun Xiaozhou of being as despicable and shameless as Sun Jianguo, and used such a dirty way to morally blackmail Zhao Jiwei. ,,

In an instant, Zhao Jiwei's originally regretful mood suddenly became furious. Later, Geng Xiaomei pointed to the cup that Zhao Jiwei had drunk. Wasn't this the water poured by Sun Xiaozhou, and Sun Xiaozhou didn't drink it at that time?

Zhao Jiwei didn't say anything, he just picked up the water cup and left. The final test results are predictable. Zhao Jiwei was angry and brought Geng Xiaomei to Shangjing City.

But who would have thought that all this was a trap set by Shentu Express, and this trap had been set since Zhao Jiwei was in high school. It's really scary to think about it.

And through Geng Xiaomei, she already knew that the tower crane that killed Sun Jianguo was indeed tampered with, but it was not Sun Jianguo, but Shentu Express who bribed several workers to do it. In other words, if it weren't for Sun Jianguo, his father would have died three years ago.

Zhao Jiwei really didn't have Zhao Jiuzhou's vision in judging people. I still remember that Zhao Jiuzhou said to Zhao Jiwei at that time, "You should look at people with your heart, not your eyes. Eyes can deceive people."

Think about it, wasn't he blind at that time?

But these grandsons are really smart. They took advantage of the ugliest side of human nature. It is true that Sun Jianguo had cancer, the crane accident was true, and it was true that Sun Xiaozhou was framed and lost her virginity. But she was blind. How could a girl like Sun Xiaozhou use her innocence to hold on to a man who didn't love her?

Thinking of this, Zhao Jiwei slowly took out his mobile phone. Zhao Jiwei, who was always fearless, hesitated. It had been three years. Although Zhao Jiwei had always remembered that phone number, he had never called it once. Now he felt depressed when he wanted to call that number again.

It seemed that it was not a phone number, but a heavy burden. After thinking for a long time, he made up his mind that men should be responsible for the mistakes they made.

As if he had figured out something, Zhao Jiwei called Wang Lin and asked for Ye Mo's phone number.

It was not until the moment Wang Lin put down his phone that he finally understood in his heart that the words "Master Ye" meant that Ye Mo was right. Moreover, he had just learned through his connections that something really happened to Lanting. The gas pipelines were damaged in many places and there was a risk of explosion at any time. Once a fire was ignited, the 95-story building would become a living hell.

Master Ye Mo is really a god. It's better to apologize to him as soon as possible.

"Hello, Master Ye. I'm Ji Wei. I apologize to you for my stupidity before." Zhao Jiwei was no longer arrogant. He was just like the most devout believer, worshipping.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao has solved the trouble?" Ye Mo still looked calm. Since practicing the Void Body Training Technique, Ye Mo's temperament seemed to have changed, and he looked at many things less and less.

"It's solved. I have to thank Master Ye for his advice." Zhao Jiwei was not flattering him, but was sincerely grateful.

"That's good. What's the matter? Mr. Zhao has something else to do?" Ye Mo didn't have time to chat with Zhao Jiwei, and asked back.

"Master Ye, I'm telling you that I have to go back to Fuzhou. When I come back, I will personally apologize in person. It will take at most three days." Zhao Jiwei explained quickly.

"I'm going to find Sun Xiaozhou." Ye Mo directly said what Zhao Jiwei meant to return to Fuzhou.

Although Zhao Jiwei was shocked, he understood when he thought that the other party was Master Ye.

"Xiao Zhou is a good girl. I hurt her. Men should admit their mistakes." Listening to Zhao Jiwei's sincere words, Ye Mo smiled rarely.

"Don't worry, Xiao Zhou is still waiting for you, and there is a surprise. It's good to be relieved. Go quickly and don't let the girl wait too long. Sun Xiaozhou has had a hard time in the past three years."

Zhao Jiwei felt bitter when he heard that Sun Xiaozhou suffered.

"Master Ye will come to thank you in three days at most." Then Zhao Jiwei hung up the phone.

Ye Mo was also happy for Zhao Jiwei. He thought that the second generation of rich people were not all useless, but just in different latitudes.

Zhao Jiwei had a loyal lover and a family, while he had no loyalty and no family, but he had caused a peach blossom debt.

"Wenren Muyue fell in love at first sight? I think she was attracted by her beauty." Ye Mo couldn't help but laugh. A smart woman, a smart daughter, even deceived Wenren Jingteng's high IQ. As for whether Jiang Hongyue knew about it, Ye Mo couldn't guess. Speaking of Jiang Hongyue, Ye Mo felt that she was more mysterious and shrewd than Wenren Jingteng.

Wenren Muyue used me as a shield, and he had to pay a price. Anyway, the Wen family is one of the four major families in Tianjing, and Su Qinghe's Su family is the power center in Tianjing. This is interesting.

At the No. 1 Senior High School in Shangjing City, Professor Zheng looked at the notes handed in by Ye An, nodded with satisfaction, and told Ye An: "The city-wide physics competition will be held in a few days. This physics competition is very important. If you enter the top ten, you will not only become a city's three-good student, get extra points in the college entrance examination, but also have the opportunity to be directly recommended to Tsinghua University and Peking University. You must play well. The teacher is optimistic about you."

"Thank you for your concern, teacher. I will definitely not let you down." Ye An bowed respectfully to Mr. Zheng, "Thank you for your careful teaching these days."

Mr. Zheng nodded with satisfaction, "Today I will go back to Tianjin to participate in the competition. "I'm going to join the academic seminar. When the seminar is over, I guess your competition results will be out. You must tell the teacher as soon as possible, okay?"

"I know, teacher."

Mr. Zheng patted Ye An's shoulder, got on the business car, and finally said, "I'll wait for your good news in Tianjing."

The business car slowly left in the envious eyes of everyone. Who would have thought that just because of a note, Mr. Zheng actually recognized Ye An as his last disciple? Mr. Zheng is a doctoral supervisor at Tsinghua University and Peking University, and is also an honorary consultant for several research institutes. In other words, as long as Ye An works harder than ordinary people, he will have a bright future.

Ye An was also very proud. Looking at the envious eyes of his classmates, he slowly got on Ye Sitong's Land Rover.

"Ye An, is your head still uncomfortable?" Ye Sitong asked Ye An while driving.

"Much better, but every time I study, I always feel dizzy, but it's not a big deal. Besides, it can't be blamed entirely on Brother Ye Mo. After all, Brother Ye Mo didn't mean it." When Ye An said this, he seemed to be afraid that Ye Sitong would be angry, and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

Then she said to Ye Sitong aggrievedly: "Fourth sister, don't be angry, I didn't mean to mention Brother Ye Mo in front of you."

Ye Sitong slammed the brakes, and the Land Rover in the Mercedes-Benz stopped immediately. Ye Sitong's face was red, and her teeth seemed to be broken.

Then Ye Sitong calmed down her anger and said to Ye An: "Fourth sister doesn't blame you, but don't mention that beast in front of fourth sister in the future, okay?"

"Yes, fourth sister, I know." Then Ye An lowered his head deeply like a well-behaved kitten, but his eyes revealed a smug look.

"Ye Mo, the Ye family will always be mine, and you will never get it."

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