In the teaching office, Li Ming looked very cold and said to Ye Mo: "Ye Mo, your qualification as a poor student has been reported. According to school regulations, your qualification as a poor student will be cancelled." Ye Mo frowned slightly. His qualification as a poor student was reported, and there was such a boring person. Besides, he hadn't been to school for half a year, and he didn't offend anyone in school. Especially this thing is not about who squeezes who, so there is only one situation, that is, the Ye family. Thinking of this, Ye Mo couldn't help but sneer. Ye Sitong, you only have this ability, I really think highly of you, but Ye Mo thought about it and understood what Ye Sitong was thinking. Then the toad doesn't bite people, but it disgusts people. Because in the past, Ye Mo would really hold on to this quota for poor students, because Ye Mo really had no money, but now Ye Mo doesn't care at all. Ye Sitong knows this, of course, but Ye Sitong still does this, the purpose is very simple, that is to disgust Ye Mo and make him uncomfortable.

"Oh, Director Li, who reported me, and for what reason?" Ye Mo already knew in his heart that Li Ming must have a relationship with the Ye family, or with the employees of the Ye family.

"You have no right to know this. First, to protect the safety of the reporter and prevent your revenge, and second, the reporting materials are true and valid. The reason why I called you here is not to investigate, let alone discuss, but just to inform you." Li Ming spoke coldly, looking at the information in his hand, without even looking up at Ye Mo.

Ye Mo laughed, and laughed loudly "Director Li, you have such a great official power? You treat a student like this, I want to ask you, who is your right." Ye Mo's tone also became cold, and then he sat down on the chair opposite Li Ming.

"Ye Mo, you are so insolent. This is an office. How can a student like you be so uncultured?" Li Ming was obviously angry and was about to pull Ye Mo.

Ye Mo did not stand up, but just glanced at Li Ming coldly, and then said: "You'd better be polite to me. Don't think that you can control me as a director. I don't know how you became the director when you were shot by someone."

Ye Mo's words were cold and sarcastic, which made Li Ming stunned on the spot.

After a moment, Li Ming laughed loudly again, clapped his hands lightly, and sneered at Ye Mo: "What a Ye Mo, you are indeed a person that makes President Ye headache, but this is a school, and what I, Li Ming, say counts."

"Ye Mo ignored the school rules and insulted the school leaders. He will be expelled from school and expelled from school immediately."

"You don't have the final say on this?" Ye Mo stood up and looked at the door, then said: "Hello, Principal Yang, Teacher Xu."

This attitude is absolutely a model of a three-good student, which is completely different from how he treated Li Ming just now.

"Director Li is so powerful, it turns out that the 19th High School is the one-man show of you, Director Li." Yang Ao, the principal of the 19th High School in Shangjing City, is an education madman in the education industry. He is truly dedicated to children. Although the 19th High School ranks last in Shangjing City, the annual enrollment rate can be stabilized in the middle, which shows how hard the leaders and teachers work.

"No, Principal Yang, you misunderstood." Director Li Ming quickly explained, "I received a report saying that Ye Mo's information was false, so he became a poor student, so I am dealing with it."

"Oh, but I just heard Director Li say that it was not an investigation, nor a discussion, but a direct notification to Ye Mo to cancel his qualifications?" Obviously, Yang Ao, an education fanatic, can't tolerate any sand in his eyes.

Just when Ye Mo was called away by Li Ming, Wang Zhonghua was serious for a rare moment and secretly followed Ye Mo. He heard Li Ming's words scolding Ye Mo from outside the door. He knew that Li Ming was deliberately making things difficult for Ye Mo, so he hurried to find the head teacher Xu Xiaoping.

After Xu Xiaoping knew about this, he knew that he was not important enough, so he had no choice but to go to the principal to seek justice. Just now, the two of them saw Li Ming's arrogant attitude outside the door. If Principal Yang hadn't been here, Teacher Xu really couldn't suppress Director Li.

"No, because the information provided by the reporter has been confirmed to be true, there is no need to investigate." Li Ming argued a little embarrassedly.

"Director Li, your logic is flawed. Even if you break the law and go to court, you still have a defense lawyer to defend you. I am different. I just gave you a notice. I don't know who reported it, and I don't know the content of the report. You sentenced me to death just because it's true." Ye Mo doesn't tolerate Director Li.

"Ye Mo, shut up. Principal Yang and I

"The head is speaking, do you have the right to speak?" Li Ming glared at Ye Mo fiercely.

"I think you should shut up. Even if someone reports it, it must be reported to the principal in charge for verification and investigation. You are overstepping your authority, do you know?" Principal Yang is indeed fair and impartial, upright and honest.

"That Principal Yang, I have already greeted Vice Principal Li."

Vice Principal Li is Li Ming's uncle. Principal Yang just frowned and continued, "This is Shangjing No. 19 Senior High School, not your Li family's company. The school has its own rules. What does your greeting mean? Is it a care or a pass?"

It is obvious that Principal Yang did not mean to let it go.

"That, Principal Yang, look at my uncle." Li Ming did not know what to do. After all, he and Principal Yang were not at the same level.

Just when Li Ming was in a state of disgrace, a voice came from outside the door.

"Isn't it against the rules for Principal Yang to bully the weak like this? "The man who came was Li Ming's uncle, Li Zifeng, the vice-president in charge of the approval of poor students in the school.

"I think it's Director Li who bullies the weak. Ye Mo just wants to know what's going on. Your nephew is going to expel Ye Mo just because he insulted the leader. May I ask if there is such a rule in the school or the Education Bureau?"

Yang Ao was obviously very dissatisfied with Li Zifeng and Li Ming, the uncle and nephew. They were arrogant and domineering at ordinary times, and now they expelled Ye Mo without any reason. Yang Ao had to stand up. After all, he would retire in less than a year, and Li Zifeng was a popular candidate for the next general school.

But Ye Mo had to be protected because Yang Ao knew Ye Mo's strength, and he was the only one among several school leaders who knew it.

"What's the big deal? Li Ming is a director after all. He contradicted and insulted the director. It's not about how this student studies, but his quality and morality are corrupted. Expulsion is also reasonable. "Li Zifeng justified Li Ming's decision to expel Ye Mo with a few simple words.

"If I have a problem with my character, then you still have you." Ye Mo pointed at Li Ming and Li Zifeng and said, "Then your moral character is probably expired."

The word "expired" made everyone laugh. The farce in the office had already attracted several students and teachers. After all, the world is not short of people watching the fun.

"Ye Mo, as the vice president of the school, I officially decide to expel you, a student with corrupt morals and low quality." Obviously Li Zifeng was really angry.

"Li Zifeng, do you dare?" Yang Ao asked sternly.

"What am I afraid of? As you said, the school has its own regulations, and the assessment of students' comprehensive quality happens to be within my authority. Do you think I dare?"

"In this way, students with corrupt morals are the black sheep of our No. 19 High School, the rotten fish that rots the pot of soup. "Li Zifeng accused sharply.

"Who said Ye Mo was morally corrupt, who said Ye Mo was a black sheep, who said Ye Mo was a rotten fish." Suddenly a voice came from outside the door.

Li Zifeng's eyes widened instantly, thinking: Why is he here?

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