The competition was a test, but the results were not good.

Back at the competition site again, Zhang Yi and several examiners stared at Ye Mo intently. This time, they didn't think Ye Mo would plagiarize, but they were interested in Ye Mo. Only people who are too good will be envied.

Ye Mo did the questions very quickly, so fast that Zhang Yi and several examiners were dumbfounded, because Ye Mo just read the questions once and then started to answer them immediately. He put his pen on the calculation paper and calculated step by step. The steps were clear and his thinking was quick. There were several questions, and Ye Mo's solutions were something they had never seen before.

Zhang Yi and the others looked at each other, and they all saw surprise in their eyes, because Ye Mo had never stopped writing since he started answering the questions, and there was no mistake in the writing and steps of the questions. As long as the last question got an average score, Ye Mo's score would not be the first in Shangjing City, but might be the first in Jiangnan Province.

This Ye Mo is too scary.

This detail was naturally seen by everyone in the jury. Is this the dark horse of this year's physics competition?

Finally, Ye Mo stopped writing, because the last big question did not have a specific title, it was an exploration and expansion question, and the question was very simple.

On new energy, there are only five simple words, but it is more difficult than any other question, because new energy is nothing more than those few limited energy sources, such as electricity, wind energy, and air energy. As for the knowledge related to bioenergy and solar energy, it is a bit difficult for high school students nowadays.

Ye Mo finally stopped writing. He was thinking. In fact, other candidates also stopped writing. After all, the design of this question is too broad. If you answer it well, you will stand out, and if you answer it badly, you will be eliminated.

Finally, after five minutes, Ye Mo wrote down a few topics that shocked Zhang Yi and several examiners, "Water-fueled Engine".

Moreover, seeing what Ye Mo wrote, he was more and more surprised and profound, so that Zhang Yi stood beside Ye Mo unconsciously. This move was not only Zhang Yi, but also several other examiners came over, followed by the top ten lecturers, the principals of the jury, and the education leaders. Finally, Ye Mo was surrounded by the eyes of no less than a dozen people.

Just when Ye Mo wrote the last word, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. So that's how it was. They immediately felt a sense of sudden enlightenment. Although Ye Mo's idea was too unrealistic and it was impossible to popularize it in this era, isn't science about making the impossible possible?

Just like ten years ago, who would have thought that you could make a video call, buy things without bringing money and pay directly with your mobile phone, cars don't need to burn oil, and heating doesn't need to burn coal? As for other high-tech, they are gradually appearing in the eyes of the people, so it is possible that water-fueled engines can be popularized.

In fact, water-fuel engines have already been developed in the laboratory, but the hypothesis and related arguments proposed by Ye Mo seem to be more accurate and feasible than the research results in the laboratory. This is not a simple competition question, but has risen to the stage of scientific research.

In fact, when Ye Mo answered the last question, Zhang Yi and several examiners knew that there was no need for evaluation in this competition. Ye Mo was no longer the first in Shangjing City, but the first in the province.

The competition was over, and because of the on-site scoring, all candidates did not leave.

Except for the last big question, there was a flexible score, but the other 90 questions had already been scored. As expected, Ye Mo ranked first with a full score of 90 points, and Gu Tianjiao, a genius in Shangjing City, followed closely with a total score of 89 points, and then the girl from the Long family ranked third with 79 points. As for the people behind, they didn't pay much attention.

However, Ye An, the genius of the Ye family, was ranked tenth, and his score was still 65, but Ling Feng, who was ranked eleventh, scored 64.5, so it was still uncertain who would get the top ten places in the end?

Ye An saw that Ye Mo's score was ranked first, and his eyes were red with anger, but the Ye family's tricks obviously didn't work here, so he could only be angry silently.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on the big screen, because the scoring of the last big question was too flexible, so not only the top ten teachers participated in the judging, but also all the candidates participated in it, especially for this year's dark horse Ye Mo and the absolute genius Gu Tianjiao's final ranking.

After more than an hour of evaluation, the rankings changed slightly. After all, the previous big questions were dead questions, and it was not difficult to get high scores by hard work and practice, but the last big question was different.

Finally, the big question was finally

Gu Tianjiao's question appeared on the screen, the conception and application of new energy liquid battery.

It seems that it is hard to say who will win the physics championship this year.

The top ten teachers were very entangled, because this was no longer a simple physics competition, because Ye Mo and Gu Tianjiao's final questions had extended to the field of scientific research, so it was too unwise to simply judge by scores, so they finally voted by raising their hands and handed the two's questions to more authoritative physics professors for judgment.

As for Ye Mo and Gu Tianjiao's ranking, it was temporarily shelved, but the other rankings had been arranged. Although there was not much change, three of the top ten candidates fell out of the top ten, and unfortunately Ye An was among them, and finally ranked eleventh.

The competition came to an end, and the results of the competition were announced three days later.

Ye Mo, who walked out of the competition venue, was very relaxed. He found that Zhang Haishan had not left yet, leaning against the police and smoking. When he saw Ye Mo coming out, he quickly threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, and walked towards Ye Mo.

"How did you do in the exam?" The tone was casual.

"It's OK, it should be no problem to get the first place in the exam?" Ye Mo answered confidently.

"The matter of Tu Wu and Qi Tongwei has been investigated. It was Ye Sitong from the Ye family, but the people who contacted them were other people, so?" Zhang Haishan didn't say it directly, but Ye Mo could hear that he couldn't do anything about Ye Sitong?

"What about Director Tian?"

"Ronghua Group, but direct evidence?"

"The fingerprints on the paper?"

"It was the security inspector who searched you. He said that you had a bad attitude and made it difficult for them to work, so they retaliated against you?"

"In other words, there is no evidence, so it's over?"

Although Zhang Haishan was reluctant, he still nodded affirmatively, and Ye Mo smiled indifferently: "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

"Do we need to thank each other?"

"Where are you going? Uncle Zhang will take you there?" Zhang Haishan saw that Ye Mo was not unhappy, and asked immediately.

"Goodbye, I always feel weird riding in your car."

"Okay, brat, call Uncle Zhang if you have anything."

Watching Zhang Haishan's police car slowly leave, Ye Mo first went to KFC, bought a large family bucket, and then got on a taxi.

At the "Farmer Sanquan" water station, Leng Feng and Chang Lan had been busy for a whole morning, and finally they could sit down and rest for a while, but both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

They never thought that in just half a month, the income of the water station would be more than 50,000. According to Ye Mo's calculation, the two of them could share more than 20,000. This was something they didn't even dare to think about before, especially Chang Lan had a hundred times more confidence in the future of herself and Leng Feng.

Who would have thought that in a month, it was like going from hell to heaven.

Ye Youyou went to school, and was sitting in front of a small desk at this time, writing Arabic numerals crookedly. Although it was ugly, the little girl wrote very carefully and seriously.

Leng Feng and Chang Lan were so happy to see the little girl.

Suddenly, the little girl sniffed, and the saliva in her mouth flowed out. She stood up happily and ran towards the door.

"Brother Ye Mo, are you here to see Youyou?"

Just when the two were confused, Ye Mo held Ye Youyou in his arms with one hand, and the other hand was holding a KFC family bucket.

"Ye Mo, you are finally here. I was thinking of calling you. Your brother Feng said you were busy and didn't want me to disturb you." While speaking, Chang Lan took Ye Youyou from Ye Mo's arms.

"It's okay." Youyou kissed Ye Mo deeply on the face, then ran to the small wooden bed with KFC and ate it with hearty mouthfuls.

"Ye Mo, this is the income and expenditure of the water station in the past half month, with a profit of more than 50,000." Although Ye Mo didn't care, Chang Lan cared a lot.

"Sister Lan, you can just take care of these. I came here to ask Brother Feng for something?"

Chang Lan thought Ye Mo came to ask about the water station, but she didn't expect Ye Mo to think about it at all.

"Brother Feng, get ready. We're going to the Magic City in three days?"

Leng Feng didn't seem too surprised, he just nodded lightly.

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