Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1206: break off an engagement?

  Furthermore, as the number of rebirths increases, there will also be similar teams in the demons, which are relatively balanced, but temporarily unbalanced.

   At this time, the little mother suddenly sent a message. Seeing the old witch's portrait flashing, Jing Tian didn't want to open it.

   Old witches find themselves mostly nothing good!

   opened her message, just like when everyone opened the APP and saw their parents forward some inexplicable poisonous chicken soup to themselves, they were smoked and uncomfortable.

   However, Jing Tian was afraid that the old witch would do something unfavorable to him, so he could only open it reluctantly.

   However, with such a reluctant look, Jing Tian’s inner building seemed to have been completely destroyed by an earthquake of magnitude 100!

I saw that the little mother’s voice message was converted into a line of text: "Snarling Dog, how did you bully Liu Yaya? Why did Liu Jiaya send an angry letter to resign? Even if you don’t like Liu Yaya, you can’t hurt her so much, right? , Can’t you wait for her to meet true love? Are you still a man if you do this?"

what? break off an engagement?

  I wanted to divorce a long time ago, okay?

   Is it that you guys have always been unwilling to be unwilling?

   However, Jing Tian felt a pain in his heart, as if he had lost something most important.

  Isn't this a matter of looking forward to the stars and the moon, why is it so uncomfortable that the sky is broken in my heart?

   Jing Tian didn't understand, and her body trembled inexplicably, thinking of Liu Yaya not playing games, Jing Tian suddenly understood: she must be gone!

  In other words, I feel guilty for hurting myself because I missed my hand. Are you so alienated?

   What happened to her?

   Did everyone say something bad when he was in a coma?

   Then, Liu Yaya fully realized that she decided to leave herself?

Jing Tian was confused, but before he could think deeply about this issue, Feng Ji's voice message was also sent over: "Hero, all the female troops in our building suddenly evacuated. Is it related to Liu Yaya? Isn't it angry? Everything is the power of internet celebrities?"

   This matter really has nothing to do with Internet celebrities!

   Even the female officers and soldiers sent by Liu Yaya evacuated?

   This is a smashing mess, has it come true?

   Is it possible that Liu Yaya intends to completely disappear from her world and never return?

   Liu Yaya, are you going to abandon me for the second time and leave me?

   Jing Tian has two lines of tears in his heart...

   He understood that a man would not flick lightly when he had tears, but this kind of news penetrated his mind, his eyes no longer listened to his command, and at the same time, the tears were about to break through his eyes and fall to the husband and wife palaces on both sides.

"what happened to you?"

   Ye Lanmeng noticed that she was sitting in a well and watching the sky suddenly, and asked with concern.

   "'s nothing, the friends who were playing with the guild suddenly decided to retire, I want to leave."

   Jingtian's voice trembled slightly.

   Friends playing together in the guild?

   Ye Lanmeng keenly smelled Jing Tian's strangeness, and she asked in confusion, "Although I don't know how you have a guild, that friend left because of you, will you come back?"

   Jing Tianyan that year watched Liu Yaya disappear into his own world, but he was arrogant and did not go to her to ask her to understand.

   Ye Lanmeng disappeared overnight, but Jing Tian couldn't find it even though he tried all means.

   After losing Ye Lanmeng that year, Jing Tian ran away from home, left the original school, and never went back.

   Jingtian also wants to ask now, want to ask Liu Yaya: "Will you come back?"

   Women’s sixth sense is often very accurate. Ye Lanmeng seems to have felt something. Before Jing Tian could answer, she ran a stronger question: "Can you stay with me?"

   Jing Tianxin was in a mess, but he already had a clear answer in his mind.

   He faintly replied: "I will be back, sorry, I will go offline first, be careful when you play alone."

   Ye Lanmeng didn't obstruct her, so she went offline.

   Ye Lanmeng didn't have it, it doesn't mean that Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi didn't. The two seemed to know what Jing Tian was going to do, and they all got off the line temporarily.


   Yun Yiyi is like a queen, giving a simple command to a servant.

   "Frog, it's not us stopping you, but Liu Yaya's choice, I hope you can respect it. She left, everything is good to you, she can only hurt you if she stays!" Zhao Jiaxue inexplicably reasoned.

   When did the dirty lady be reasonable?

   Jing Tian always felt that this matter was a little unclear.

  Why did Liu Yaya leave and treat herself well?

   Why would Liu Yaya stay here hurt me?

   Can she still be addicted to violence?

   "I must go. If I think I am, I will be upset forever." Jing Tian didn't hide it, showing his attitude.

   "Oh, I said it's not because of you, but because of another person!" Zhao Jiaxue was a little worried.


"We didn't believe it at first, but Liu Yaya didn't love you, but another person who looked like you, almost exactly the same. Today, that person suddenly appeared when you were in a coma and rejected Liu Yaya's Infatuated, and resolutely left. Afterwards, Liu Yaya completely collapsed and cried violently. In short, the person she likes is not you, but just looks like you."

   Zhao Jiaxue explained it with a leap of thought, and even explained it in a vague way.

   Someone who looks almost exactly the same as me?

   Could it be that he still has a brother of triplets?

   It's impossible!

   Jingtian stared at Zhao Jiaxue with the questioning eyes of a liar, but Zhao Jiaxue's eyes were full of care and sincerity. Yun Yiyi on the side also coldly affirmed: "It is true."


   There is such a coincidence in the world?

   Liu Yaya is with herself just to comfort the loneliness in her heart and the love that has nowhere to rest?

   "Where is that person now?"

   "I said that I left, even Liu Yaya can't find him. How do we know where he is?"


   Can't find Liu Yaya?

   How is it possible, is it another child of the Eight Great Masters?

   Jingtian's heart is full of doubts, and she can't accept that Liu Yaya has been playing with herself as a stand-in pillow for so many days. Is her emotion worthless in her eyes?

   Really not many years have passed, so in Liu Yaya's eyes, I have only become a spare tire from a small follower?

"I know, even if it has nothing to do with me, I still want to talk to Liu Yaya. I hope she can continue to play. Without her help, we have less confidence in reaching the top of Sky City." The strong words make sense.



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