Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1260: Why did it become a garbage station?

It's really a portal!

Others didn't think much about it, and stepped forward to keep up. The visually fraudulent images suddenly became hazy and blurred. Before the whole image was completely dark, the blurred images gradually became clear again.

After everyone thoroughly saw the picture in front of them, they immediately squeezed a cold sweat in their hearts!

That's right, even Jing Tian is no exception, because what appeared before his eyes turned out to be a mountain framed by weapons of various sizes.

It may be an exaggeration to say that it is a mountain, but if it is a tower, the height of this magnificent building is too underestimated, so it may be more appropriate to describe it as a mountain of weapons.

The Eiffel Tower and Tokyo Tower are not worth mentioning in front of this weapon mountain, and the Pyramid is also inferior to it by nine points!

Such a magnificent weapon mountain appeared so abruptly, making everyone's eyes wider than bull's eyes, and even suspecting that everything in front of them is an illusion...

Why did such a magnificent and domineering complex appear in the ancient battlefield?

Why not appear on the mainland of Aiyinsi?

This is simply a waste of creativity, and it is such an awesome creativity...

That's right, at this time, everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild stood at the foot of the weapon mountain, watching the densely packed magical soldiers above their heads so casually build and pile up such an inexplicable behemoth full of beauty and majesty. Everyone felt surprised. Naturally, a cold sweat...

No matter how you think this weapon mountain is not a good place, there may be some pit waiting for everyone after entering!

Everyone even suspected that if they walked over by themselves and stepped on it, the balance of the whole mountain would be destroyed, and the weapon mountain would collapse completely!

Then this is the big pit in the world, and it is indeed possible to create such a big pit...

Jing Tian admired the engineers who designed the ancient battlefields more and more. There was no such magnificent building in his original plan. Just such a weapon mountain, it must take a lot of effort to build it?

After all, it is not easy to build countless weapons into a giant mountain. This requires cleverly arranging all weapons to achieve a subtle visual balance between the weapons, and to create a path that can accommodate players to pass. It is not only hard work, but also very powerful innovation.

When everyone looked up at this miraculous building and sighed the infiniteness of the game world, Yang Miaomiao said again: "My God, are we here at the waste collection station?"


Why is a waste collection station?

Obviously it is a world miracle, a world wonder, how can it become a garbage dump?

Jing Tian really doesn't understand the aesthetics of aliens. Could it be that the previous weapons are just inserted in the mud, it is considered to be beautiful, and you leave your mouth to make ideas. After being piled up as works of art and forming a world wonder, it becomes a waste concentration camp?

We really don’t understand the alien world!

Okay, Yang Miaomiao's words successfully reminded people of some car graves, and thought of scenes like those metal shells falling and piled together...

No, no, no, this can’t be compared, okay?

If you think about it this way, you will definitely be kicked out and changed the system secretly, giving you a special state that is unlucky for a lifetime!

That's right, don't ruin everyone's artistic eyes, okay, the pictures presented in our minds are the wonders of the game world! It's not a waste collection station!

Despite the comfort in my mind, when everyone observes these world wonders again, there is always an inexplicable taste of falling prices...

"My God, we are going to the garbage dump here? There will be no rancid meow? Also, there are a lot of mice in the garbage dump!" Yang Miaomiao asked with disgust.

If there is a mouse, you must grab it and put it in your mouth!

"Ah...I can't help it, little brother, you can see clearly. This is an ancient giant fortress built by countless ancient gods. The initial area is larger than the entire Union City. As players enter, the entire building The area of ​​the fortress will also be enlarged in proportion. And you can see clearly that although the structure of this ancient fortress looks like a magnificent mountain, it is actually layered on top of each other. It is not a garbage dump at all. What waste collection station!"

Ralfa finally couldn't help but broke out, it was really unbearable, despised such a magnificent design thing, as a real NPC of Tengyi company, it was unbearable!

Obviously it is a super setting that the company is proud of. It could have conquered the peak creations of players in the world. How did it become a garbage dump?

After kicking the Tianlongjing, you will definitely bring a large number of game planners, artists, and programmers to your house to block the door!

Listening to her say this, it saves everyone from guessing.

Listening to Ralf’s reprimand, Jing Tian recalled his childhood. When he was a child, he was not only criticized and educated by his sister once. At that time, his sister would always say: "Brother, you want to become the head of the family. Man, why can't you do this? My sister can't be by your side for a lifetime, let me see clearly..."

"Daughter-in-law, let's go through this fortress layer by layer? Is there no elevator?"

Lift your sister!

Are you old witches too old to walk?

The key here is the game!

"Hee hee, if you have the ability, of course, you'd better take it all off. The more the pages of the ancient skill book burst out here, the higher the level."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's climb the mountain!"

The medicine emperor seems to be particularly interested in this peculiar architecture, and has found a mountain climbing point.

No, no, What kind of mountaineering entrance, this is obviously a tunnel paved by shields, there are several tunnels like this one at a glance, and I don’t know why the medicine emperor chose this one. Or is it because this one is more general?

Why can't we see any tricks?

Is there such a big gap between our vision and children?

"set off!"

Jing Tian didn't bother to study whether this passage had hidden mystery. In his opinion, these passages were just different fortress entrances. Presumably, those teams that can pass through the giant ancient gods teleportation array will definitely teleport to this giant fortress randomly. Around.

Then, there should be no difference between these entrances.

There will definitely not be any more mazes here. If it does, it will be too nonsense. It will take ten and a half days to enter this weapon fortress. Everyone is still playing with wool!

However, after everyone followed the medicine emperor for a while, Jing Tian realized his superficiality. The entrances to the fortresses before were mysterious!

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