Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1269: Valuable items?

It's just that a deep trace of blood and tears ran directly below the eyeball, which looked like two red lines deliberately tattooed.

   This is a horror makeup special effect, if there is really no special effect, there will be no game feeling.

  Dungeon is really daunting in order to consider the national conditions of all countries in the world!

   Fortunately, the undead in the cage seems to have been used to such a scene, and very skillfully fumbled out a simple-looking iron chain from his pocket, and locked the front door of the cage firmly.

The influx of undead waved the magical weapons in their hands, and the magical soldiers continued to rub against the fence of the cage to produce dazzling sparks, but the level of weapons in their hands seemed to be really not as high as these rusty old weapons, no matter how they hit , It is impossible to destroy the rust attached to the surface of these dilapidated soldiers.

   It can be seen how strong these magical soldiers are, it really makes people have the urge to rush to tear down a few pieces and go back!

   Seeing that there was nothing to do, these anthropomorphic monsters gathered outside the cage had to choose to give up and slowly dispersed.

   "These creatures are just contaminated by evil forces. There are too few people who can stay awake. It's a miracle that you can stay awake. You follow me."

   Too few people stay awake?

   Can anyone besides you stay awake?

   The key is that we are not the characters of the ancient wars, why can't we stay awake?

   Don’t you think we are at the same time as you?

   The undead didn't give a few people time to think about this problem at all, and had already removed a huge shield, revealing a deep passage.

   Without any explanation, the undead had already got into the tunnel and took a step ahead of its own accord.

   The emotional cool running is not over yet!


   There is no other good place for everyone, they can only follow the undead into the narrow passage to become Zheng

However, everyone quickly discovered that this passage was absolutely accidental. Along the way, everyone discovered that the composition of the entire ancient fortress did not follow any architectural rules at all, and there was no load-bearing wall at all. Piles of magic soldiers were built at will to support them.

   The passage that everyone walks through is actually the gap left by a large wave of magic soldiers when they piled up the load-bearing wall.

However, it is coincidence that when we reach the end of this passage, everyone's vision suddenly becomes wider. Of course, this kind of openness is also limited. It was only a little wider at the time, but everything in front of us made Everyone was surprised again.

   "This is the room bedroom cat? It's rare that you can open up such a place in the garbage dump to come to cat."

   Yes, in this load-bearing wall made of weapons, there is still a relatively open space, which is simply a tofu project!

   More importantly, this human undead even renovated this space for home improvement, and the ground was covered with diamond shields, forming a rather creative floor tile effect.

   I didn’t expect that this undead still knew the art of decoration, and lived a good quality of life!

   The four corner depressions on the front of the rectangular shield were supported by four short halberds, turning it into a somewhat hard but very comfortable single bed.

   This undead still knows how to enjoy, and he also pays attention to the comfort of life!

   Several round light shields were inserted between the three spikes of the erected mace, cleverly forming a shelf, and there seemed to be some valuable items in the shelf.

   Valuable items?

   Is it the broken page of the ancient skill book?

  The reason why the undead of the human race did not directly kill the ancient fortress, is it that they came back to get the broken pages of the ancient skill book?

   Is it a task reward?

   Everyone may develop now!

   Sure enough, I saw the undead of the human race take out something from the shelf, especially a book similar to a scroll, which was particularly conspicuous and eye-catching.

In the next second, the undead opened the shabby ancient book, and only heard him say in a somewhat vicissitudes of life: "After a long time, even my name has been forgotten, but fortunately, I still have such a diary. It can remind me of who I am. This is probably my most precious thing."

   turned out to be a diary!

   A broken diary is more precious in your hands than the broken pages of a god-level ancient skill book, so why not hurry up and reincarnate?

   Let everyone look forward to it for nothing, okay?

   Aren’t you afraid that we’ll kill you monster in collective killing mode?

   Feeling, you have forgotten who you are, and you still remember your daughter?

   As expected, paternal love is also a great thing!

   Isn't it a daughter control?

  The key is to think of your daughter who has been in peace, we think this love is a bit deformed!

   "Oh...remember, remember, it turns out that I am Liu Baiqi, a general of the Huang Clan."

   As soon as the voice fell, the NPC logo "Liu Baiqi" ​​appeared on the head of the undead.

   "Wow, the passerby NPC has taken the title, is the difficulty of the task increased, and the rewards become richer? I will be able to brush the BOSS later, let's greet me kindly!"

   Yang Miaomiao leaves only saliva in the voice of this alien, and I don’t know how this guy’s thoughts jump. Why do you think that NPCs with names and titles will release more rewarding tasks?

  The point is that you, the alien, want to graciously become the boss, right?

Liu Baiqi didn’t care about the greedy non-eating of and continued to mutter to himself: "The battle was really tragic. Although we won the victory in the end, the 14 ambassadors successively tried to seal The alien beasts gave their lives and we lost the mainstay! The subsequent battle was extremely fierce. In the process of destroying the alien demons, most of us were also corroded by evil forces and gradually lost ourselves, but we never gave up fighting. I persisted until the day of victory. God finally protects us!"

   With a long sigh, Liu Baiqi seemed to recall the process of his comrades becoming walking corpses, a little regretful and a little lonely.

   Protect your sister, you are dead, how can you protect you?

   Where does the power of your faith come from?

"When the war was over, everyone gathered together for a carnival at the beginning, and then things quickly changed. On the night of the carnival, some people were eroded by evil forces and turned into killing machines, and they turned their butchers at their former comrades. , The comrades they supported did not die, and became monsters like them."

   At this point, Liu Bai pounded his chest and feet, as if regretting something.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "In the beginning, I also prevented everyone from meeting each other, believing that God would save these lost children. But never expected that our temporary mercy would cause an uncontrollable disaster. Even God can't save us either. He can only use powerful space magic to seal the entire battlefield. We have become abandoned people, lingering on life."

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