Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1272: Didn't you say that you are a pioneer?

Fortunately, Liu Baiqi did not wait for everyone to speculate, and added: "I have discovered that this fortress is not that simple these years. Gathering a certain kind of energy, the entire fortress is like a huge magic circle. Until recently, I finally got some eyebrows, and I found that they built a portal in this layer."

  What, there is a portal here?

Where does    teleport to, is it the top of the ancient fortress?

   Or can it be sent to the mainland of Aiyinsi?

   Or is it teleported to Sky City to seek revenge from God?

  The key is, we don’t want to leave yet, we are going to explode the broken pages of the ancient skill book here!

   Everyone was still surprised and puzzled, Liu Baiqi continued: "I have also studied for many days before I understand the destination of the portal. The destination of the transmission is not elsewhere, it is the mainland of Aiyusi."


   These walking dead want to be teleported to the mainland of Aiyinsi?

   Isn’t that the end of the world?

   Isn't it right, isn't the Mozu going to grow several times?

"Don't be afraid, I have been observing for a long time. Although this magical portal can indeed teleport monsters to the continent of Aiyinsi, the energy consumed to break through the seals of space is huge, and this space is the most scarce. It is energy. The portal now doesn't even have enough energy to send one person back to the continent of Aiyinsi."

  Emotion is a super energy-consuming machine with high carbon and low efficiency!

   Sure enough, there is no such cheap lunch in the world. It is so barren and it is very difficult to create a powerful teleportation magic circle!

   A portal that can't be activated, what's the worry?

   Do you want to use this portal?

  How to use without energy, you are not afraid of the chaos of time and space, just leave you in the eternal time and space tunnel?

   or encounter some space storm, you will be crushed directly!

   But fortunately, it is not for everyone to pass, after all, the energy transmitted by one person is not enough!

Just after everyone took a sigh of relief, Liu Baiqi laughed strangely. He only heard him greedily say: "Now that new creatures have entered this land, the energy of this space has suddenly become rich. I believe that. Might and Magic should be able to send me back to the Continent of Aiyingsi by myself. As long as you are willing to help me, I will give you a broken page of the skill book."

   Feelings need energy from the player?

   Is this an immortal formation that draws biological energy?

   More importantly, it turns out that you, an old thing, haven't gnawed away all the ancient skill books?

   secretly left some torn pages!

   Since you told us earlier, believe it or not, we really started the killing mode to grab it from you?

   "Brother, let's start the killing mode and grab it from this old man, maybe you can get stuck in him, you can burst a broken page of the skill book!"

  You are so greedy, you want to use the old dead man as a BOSS card?

   How can there be such a greedy alien like you, don’t you feel ashamed of being tall and tall?

   The system immediately popped up a selection box to accept the follow-up task.

   I need to ask, of course I have to accept it!

   Everyone started following Liu Bai for a long time, wasn't it just for the broken pages of the ancient skill book?

"Hahaha, sure enough, I haven't wasted in vain all these years, what I'm waiting for is this day! Hahaha...I can finally return to the continent of Aiyingsi...Hahahaha...daughter, daughter, I will definitely find you, and You will always be together! Hahaha..."

  Ha is your daughter buried together?

   The crazy laughter made people feel that Liu Baiqi was more like being corroded by the power of the ancient demons, and he regretted it somewhat.

   I really want to try Yang Miaomiao’s suggestion, and I hacked you directly!

   However, since the teleportation array has been charged, an NPC will be teleported to Aiyinsi Continent sooner or later, and this ferry ticket will be given to Liu Baiqi, who is still conscious.

   But in retrospect, you said that you wanted to take us back to the mainland of Love Marriage. Isn’t this obviously pitting us?

  Obviously not enough energy, you just want to go back to the continent of Aiyusi by yourself, and pit us here, right?

   Why are you so insidious?

   Are you so scheming about the city?

   How can you not speak frankly?

   We will definitely allow you to cheat us, we don’t feel like leaving the ancient battlefield!

   We still have to stay here and explode the broken pages of the ancient skill book!

"We will kill the enemy as much as possible on the road. There will be a group of walking dead guards in the teleportation formation. I am responsible for the main attack. You can cover and wait for the opportunity to urge the teleportation formation. All this is very simple, as long as you can do it. Naturally, your benefits are indispensable! My daughter, must wait for me!"

   This is too good to hear. In the past, NPCs used to call out that they were weak and helpless. They asked the player to act as a pioneer and overcome all obstacles. Now, finally, an NPC who can take the initiative to take the lead!

   is not only the first battle, but also the main attack. This is simply great, our combat effectiveness is fighting the five scum!

   It seems that his desire to take refuge in the demon clan is still quite but I don’t know if he becomes a demon clan, will he meet everyone in battle one day?

   Anyway, in their own planning, it is impossible for Alliance players to break into the Demon Territory.

   So, the six people followed Liu Baiqi all the way back to the cage. The walking dead outside the cage were no longer visible, so Liu Baiqi opened the chain and released everyone out.

Cautiously following Liu Bai's rise all the way, I don't know if it was due to the mission. The Walking Dead retreated to Liu Baiqi. Everyone only needed to run, and without losing Liu Baiqi, he easily reached the teleportation formation he mentioned earlier. area.

   Sure enough, the area is heavily guarded. Not only are there patrolling anthropomorphic monsters, but there are also a large group of fixed-point guards who want to sneak in. Obviously, it is impossible.

   "Ten Kings!"

   This is not the time to dislike the ten great kings, whether they will be cumbersome. They must be summoned early. Ralfa did his duty and did his duty without waiting for Jing Tian's reminder. He had already worked hard and started.

   Otherwise, if you wait until the enemy finds everyone killed, and then think of the call, it might be too late!

After observing for a while, Liu Baiqi sighed: "It seems that they will not leave here anymore. We must kill all these monsters before we can take away the teleportation formation. What are you still waiting for? Hurry up and cover me. Attract these walking corpses away and kill them!"


   Didn’t you say you were a pioneer before?

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