Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1293: The dumb eats coptis, and only hums

  Lalfa seemed reluctant to answer this question, or he was busy ordering the top ten holy kings and couldn't care to say more.

   "He is the eighth achievement of the operation now."

   As the saying goes, revenge on an enemy with your own hands is far more refreshing than hiding behind and watching!

   If you change to be yourself, you will definitely attack the opponent yourself. That is the perfect plan and the perfect revenge!

   Jing Tianyu was shocking, even Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi, and Feng Ling were shocked and angry!

   I have seen shameless planning, I have never seen such shameless planning.

   has been against everyone secretly, now he blatantly fights himself directly, everyone still has no reason to say, everything is speculation, can you kick the patio well?

   This is the dumb eating Coptis chinensis, if there is suffering, only hum!

   Yes, after some thinking, Jing Tian concluded that Sitting Jing Guan Tian should directly participate in the role of a real BOSS. After all, I have never heard of a sudden IQ explosion in a world BOSS before. Now I choose to play it proudly, which is clearly aimed at him.

  The one who can't let go of the original game's main strategy is probably the main strategy of today's game!

   Unexpectedly, taking away the main policy power of the game from my own hands, and now using my main policy power indiscriminately, he will directly suppress himself in the game. It is far more rampant than the previous methods of modifying the strategy of the competition!

"Kick the sky and run the well, can you hear it? I know you are playing the Boss. Today, I will fight you, Jingtian, even if you are able to take advantage of the right time and place, I will turn the tide and show you! "

   "Okay! The frog said so well!"

   "Uncle Se, you finally got it again!"

   "Come on!"

   The three women around him have announced their support.

   "Hee hee, I don't think it is. Husband, you may have guessed wrong."

   However, Rafa interrupted Jing Tian's delusion aloud.


   Isn’t this a real BOSS?

   At this moment, the effect of Shield Saint’s petrified skin finally faded. However, Shield Saint did not flinch, and used a force vision skill similar to [Lion Roar].

   Tier 6 roar: A powerful roar erupts, causing the target within the range to lose vision within 3 seconds, forcing the vision towards the Glory Paladin. A certain chance to trigger a forced lock on the skill.

  , who had already turned around and was about to attack [The Shepherd King], the proud and ruthless had to turn back one hundred and eighty degrees, staring angrily at the shield saint in front of him, as if to swallow the shield saint alive.

   And while arrogantly glaring at the Shield Saint, the Shield Saint exudes a bright golden light from all over his body. This is the forcible control skill of the Glory Paladin: [Glory].

   Sixth-tier glare: The light of glory irradiates the body to remove all action negative effects. Within 4 seconds, it is immune to action negative effects.

   At this time, the shield saint is not controlled, but it does not mean that he will not be controlled in the next second. The purpose of using the glare in advance is to gain 4 seconds of uninterrupted control time!

   The proud and ruthless tiger claws have been raised high, as if the sharp blow will finally be applied to the shield saint, but the shield saint seems to have not seen it, and continues to use the [Giant].

   Facing the crazy falling tiger claws, Shield Saint’s body began to inflate, as if being inflated by a large inflator, his body rapidly skyrocketed many times.

   At the same time, the skin color of Shield Saint's body changed to the color of the Great Wall again. This is obviously the use of [Giant] and entered the form of a powerful giant, with all attributes skyrocketing and defense power greatly improved.

   For a while, even the 80-level arrogant attacks seemed a bit weak and the damage value was not satisfactory.

  Although the giant is not a completely invincible skill, the perverted shield saint's defensive attributes have exploded. Now that the total attributes have skyrocketed, it has turned into a great wall and is unbreakable.

Therefore, after the effect of the lion roar, Ao Ruan turned around and prepared to directly attack the Muwang who threatened him the most. Under the control of a real person, Ao Ruo would obviously no longer follow the ordinary hatred system. He would follow the controller's consciousness behind it. Choose a goal.

   However, at this moment, the giant-shaped Shield Saint did not intend to let go of the arrogant, and directly displayed the main skill of the giant: [Fortress]!

   Fortress: The body transformed into a giant turns into a fortress to protect a certain area, and its defense power is greatly improved.

   The normal usage of fortresses is to enclose one's own personnel in the fortress, which can effectively protect important targets.

However, in addition, the fortress is also used as a cage by many Glory Paladins, directly locking the enemy’s important targets in their fortresses, which has the effect of controlling the enemy in a short time and buying time for their personnel. Encircle the enemy's target directly, and after the fortress effect disappears, encircle the local target.

The fortress that is now turned into by the Shield Saint Giant is firmly trapped, and he can only madly beat the walls of the fortress from the inside. However, after the defense is further improved, Shield Saint’s vitality loss is slow, and he doesn’t care about being arrogant Smoked wildly.

   This time, he roared arrogantly, like a dinosaur trapped in a cage. Under the rage, the attack became sharper.

   I finally have a chance to catch my breath!

   "Dear Queen, why do you think this is not kicking the patio well?"

   Jingtian continued the previous topic about sitting on the well and watching the sky. UU reading Jingtian even suspected that Ralf and Kicking Tiannongjing are also intersecting. Maybe you can get some real information about him from her.

   More importantly, if this guy deliberately concealed his identity for Ki Tian Nongjing, it is possible!

   As long as you pass the other party's answer, you can guess one or two more or less.

   "Because I am so ugly."


   is too ugly?

   Is it still a life member of the Yan Value Association, who has a special obsession with the appearance of the character he operates?

  Lalfa's answer surprised Jing Tian, ​​and this answer was very unconvincing to Jing Tian. He could even think that Ralfa was trying to cover up and excuse his superiors.

   That’s right, it’s just to excuse the guilt. If the major media websites are told that the main strategy of the game Sky Dungeon is actually for their own selfish desires, then public revenge to persecute a player, I am afraid that all kinds of crazy topics will be unearthed.

   Maybe, the media will also notice your identity and start investigating yourself, which is really troublesome.

  Although you can ask Lin Yumian to settle everything, there is no absolute secret in this world. As long as someone is concerned about it, sooner or later flaws will be revealed.

   So, the best way to avoid exposure is to not let people remember.

   Even if he kicked Tian Nongjing and put on his armor himself, Jing Tian really couldn't say much to the outside world. It seemed that the best way was silence.

   Really: The dumb eats yellow lotus, and he just hums when he is bitter.


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