Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1315: Shahrer Leondona

   That's right, it's exactly the same as I met before, this guy is definitely not a dog god!

   Damn, I was fooled by a bitch!

   This is simply the biggest stain in life!

   My God, this guy is really arrogant, right?

   The arrogant afterimage actually left his real body to himself, and pretended to be a dog **** to seek the player's help?

   What kind of ghost setting is this?

   And he helped Aoru to restore his true body so stupidly?

   is really self-inflicted and cannot live!

   Sure enough, the living creature snatched from the boss is not a snack, but a child of the boss!

"Hahaha, I didn’t expect you guys to bring this seat here. Thank you. I blame the **** guy on the trouble with this seat. On this battlefield, take advantage of my serious injury and draw my supernatural power. The seal has entered the magic circle, and this weird circle has been established. Once this seat gets close, it will lose all power. For so many years, I have been waiting for someone like you to take me to break through the shackles of the 梼杌. The divine power of this seat is finally restored to its original state! Sure enough, it was correct to not kill you at that time! However, it is different now. Should I kill you?"

   That's true!

  BOSS doesn’t know the gratitude graphic at all, only knows that they are forced by death...

   "Hehe, this guy has reached level 100 now. It's really a super boss!"

  Level 100?

  Why doesn't the system give a chance to stop it from upgrading? In that case, we might still have a chance to live!

  Perhaps, this is a false proposition.

   Even if this guy didn't upgrade, he was still at level 80. He and Ralf had tried their best to destroy its monster intelligence. If they continued to fight at that time, I'm afraid that they would be sent back to love marriage thinking!

   This BOSS will even cheat and use players!

   This setting is really ridiculous!

   Hundred and ruthless now, it is simply a desperate existence!

   How can I overcome it?

   can't beat it at all!


   Can you escape now?

   Jingtian doesn’t even have the confidence to escape!

However, Ao Ruan seemed unwilling to give Jing Tian more time to think. He laughed wildly: "Since you are not satisfied with the previous rewards, now is the time for additional rewards. However, the rewards are for you to witness the real Don’t blame this seat for grace and revenge. Before I let you go, but you have to stay and wait for death, then this seat will naturally meet your requirements!"

   When did you give us time to escape?

   Is it the last second?

   only one second?

  You really are fake compassion!

   "Be careful, husband!"

  Lalfa immediately moved the Shield Sage to step forward, and seemed to be ready to take a powerful blow with Invincible!

   Proud Tiger's claws just swayed in the air, and ten blood lights hit everyone like ten giant slashes. Obviously, even if the Shield Saint is invincible, it can't stop this range of attacks!

   Damn, this is a mortal plot!

  Where is such a sharp attack?

   It's just a casual blow, and it has caused such a shocking long-range damage!

   It seems that it is inevitable. Even if the Shield Saint is in front, he has no way to protect everyone. Time is too late to make a move, and the opponent's attack speed is too fast!

   At the moment Jing Tian gave up struggling and prepared to meet his death, a translucent wall suddenly appeared in front of Ao Ruan, and the translucent wall directly bounced the Ao Ruo attack back!

   What the **** is this?

   Could it be that the arrogant circle was activated?

   That's so timely, it's really a gift in the snow!

   I have to say that these two beasts, both of which are in different worlds, still have the habit of fighting in their nests, which is really surprising.

   But, it’s good to fight in these two alien beast dens, otherwise this ancient battlefield will completely become the land of the living dead!

   Isn't it right? I can't see the shadow of the 梼杌 at all. Could it be Ralf?

   As expected, the NPCs are all open!

   "Uh... dear queen, you still have such a powerful skill?"

   "Hehe, husband, don't get me wrong, this is not what this palace does."

   It's not you, then who else is here?

   No, there is no one on the ground, it does not mean that there is no one in the air!

   Jingtian immediately adjusted his perspective and looked towards the sky.

   That's right, in the next second, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and from the back of this figure, you can know that this guy is an archangel!

   This is not an ordinary angel family, but a real archangel!

   Yes, when it comes to archangels, I'm afraid there is only the fourteen archangels that have passed away, right?

   Jingtian has seen Serafott Shetina, one of the fourteen angels, and the shape of this guy is exactly the same as Serafott Shetina's appearance and equipment, except that there is a gap in appearance and body.

   Then the answer may already be ready.

   "Long time no see, arrogant, it seems you are alive and well."

   "What? Impossible, it's impossible, you should be dead!"

   The proud and ruthless voice trembled unexpectedly, as if the person in front of him was a nightmare in its, after so many years, have you even forgotten the names of old friends? "

   old friend?

  Jingtian is a little messy, one of the 14 angels who was created by God and guarded the Continent of Love, Marriage and Love, is actually an old friend with invaders from another world?

   Did kicking Tiannongjing make some earth-shattering changes to his plan?

   "Shalil Leondonna, you have sacrificed your body to seal the seal, you are dead, why are you still here? This is impossible, this must be an illusion!"

  'S arrogant voice is still full of surprise.

"Don’t you know that you have been taken away by 梼杌, and 梼杌 tried to swallow your magic power, but what made it unexpected is that your magic power ran away in its body. After it tried to suppress your magic power to no avail, it exploded. It died. Greed killed itself."

   "What? Impossible! You are lying to me!"

   Ao fiercely grabbed his ugly head with his tiger claws, feeling a little bit painful.

"It's impossible. I haven't killed it personally. Who allowed it to die so easily? Damn traitor, I have only one wish for so many years, and that is to kill it! It's dead, then I What's the point of living for so many years? Ah... why not let me destroy this world with myself!"

   Haughty and ruthless face became a bit distorted, as if it were a demon who had just awakened.

   is really chilling!

   "Hehe, old friend, if you can't get out, why don't we have some fun here."

   "Why can't you get out?"



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