Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1330: Games can also promote the development of the world pharmaceutical industry

"Hehe, don’t my husband think of it? It’s actually very simple. Sharing pets is not impossible. Many pets don’t need to recognize their owners, such as pet rabbits, pet cats, hamsters, hedgehogs, birds, ornamental fish, etc. It can be shared completely. Besides, even pet dogs, there are many who will not completely take care of them. We can screen, and only the dogs that are very close to relatives will be put on the shelves. For example, Bianmu, Springer, Teddy and other docile Dogs, smart and relatives, strangers are also completely ok."

After a deep breath, Ralf continued to explain.

"On the one hand, several people can raise money together, and on the other hand, everyone can change raising. Of course, sharing raising or changing raising needs to be completed in the cloud pet base, and in order to ensure the health and safety of pets, and the normal operation of shared play , Can’t be taken out of the interactive park arbitrarily. But exclusive pets are different. If the player wants to have a pet but cannot keep at home, or is afraid of trouble, he can even reserve the type of pet directly through the game or other channels. It is not impossible to provide for the whole process."

"The point is finished, I am actually more concerned about the relationship between this sky garden and the game itself, in other words, what is the relationship with the character itself?"

Jing Tian feels that cloud pets or cloud planting are nothing more than testing products. Whether they can be popularized and widely disseminated requires the joint promotion of players and Tengyi Company. Instead of researching these new products, it is better to research. What kind of bonus do you feel when you download these new products?

"Hee hee, I always feel that husband, you like to ask knowingly today! The plants planted in the sky garden can naturally be used for missions, medicine, tea making, etc."


Making tea?

Although there is no potion that can be eaten in battle in the game, there are still potions that can be quickly recovered in a non-combat state.

But what is the setting for making tea?

Is it convenient for the profession of selling tea?

Since you don’t understand, just ask!

"Uh... the mission is clear without saying, and pharmaceuticals can barely understand, what the **** is making tea?"

Sure enough, Kitian Nongjing has changed his game planning!

"Hehe, can't the clever husband guess? The pharmacy is made by planting Chinese medicinal materials, and then synthesizing medicines according to the Chinese medicinal prescriptions, which are used to eliminate abnormal conditions and increase vitality in a non-combat state. Many follow-up tasks will also be obtained from the player. Medicinal materials or medicines, or various medicines will be used in disguise."


Sister, I clearly asked about tea making!

Do you like the answer from Nanyuan Beihui so much?

I naturally know the development of games to promote the development of the Chinese medicine industry, and I also imagined it!

For example, if you do a certain task in the game to inform NPCA that you have a bad cold, and then you need anti-viral Chinese medicine for treatment, the player will buy or grow synthetic medicine through the sky garden, and complete the torture of the synthetic medicine, and finally complete task.

This process allows players in the world to understand some basic medical knowledge, the basic effects of some herbal medicines, and some validated Chinese medicine prescriptions.

In this way, players in the world will continue to be exposed to the pharmacology of Chinese medicine, pay attention to the cultivation of herbs, promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry, promote the improvement of the world's medical standards, make medicines cheaper, and make medicines greener and healthier.

Many countries think that Chinese medicine is mysterious, and some people even think that Chinese medicine is a fraud.

In fact, Chinese medicine has passed the test of history and resisted the threat of modern medicine. It has survived and multiplied. It is a true science.

However, it is a pity that so far only more than 20 countries have passed legislation to recognize the legal status of Chinese medicine, more than 60 countries have recognized the medical value of Chinese medicine, and many countries know almost nothing about Chinese medicine. The development of Chinese medicine still needs the common understanding of Chinese people. Hard work.

Well, as a member of Huaxia, Jing Tian is still willing to make such a setting boldly!

Yes, games can also promote the development of the world's pharmaceutical industry, which is also one of the important programs for games to promote the development of the world economy.

All the prescriptions in the game have been verified by many generations of Chinese people, especially recognized by modern medical research. They are all real prescriptions, corresponding to accurate disease symptoms.

Dispensing medicine in the game is naturally not illegal, and it does not require the consent of countries. This is a cultural spread and infection that allows all mankind to discover that the flowers and plants around them have so much medicinal value!

In the future, Chinese medicine may be produced globally. Chinese medicine can bring good news to more people. Even if it is not used for the treatment of some diseases, it can also be used to strengthen the body, promote longevity, and strengthen the body.

Not only that, the game also provides players with the opportunity to make their own prescriptions. Players in the world can write their own country’s herbal prescriptions into the game and indicate their pharmacological effects. After being approved by the Institute of Medicine, they can get a lot of reward.

These newly invented medicines will also be quoted in the game database and be quoted by various tasks.

In other words, the game may be integrated into the world's herbal culture to further promote the development of Chinese medicine, not just staying in experience, but more likely to be innovation and discovery!

Therefore, the herbaceous plants that can be grown in the sky garden almost encompasses herbaceous plants from all over the world. Any herb can be found in the game library. This can be regarded as collecting medical remedies in the hands of world players through the game.

I believe that after long-term development and evolution, the development of herbs will be immeasurable! The development of Chinese medicine will benefit all mankind!

Obviously Compared with the creation of western medicine, this has a lower threshold and is more grounded. Most people can participate in it. This is a herbal movement for all mankind!

"Dear Queen, I care more about making tea."

Jing Tian naturally understood everything he had set, and now he wanted other answers.

"Hehe, I haven't finished talking about it yet. If I say that pharmaceuticals can even get more applications in the copy, would you be interested, husband?"


Get more applications in the copy?

Indeed, this is not within the scope of Jingtian's planning.

"Uh... this is a bit unexpected. Don't you want to say that the potions you make can be used in dungeon battles, right? This is a brand new attempt. Although it may change the current status of the dungeon, it will also bring it to the dungeon. Bring new vitality to let more players participate in the competition of the dungeon ranking. In this way, the dungeon will have more variables and the ranking will be more unstable, but one thing is stable. Those with complete medication are more likely to get high scores. To get a better ranking."

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