Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1343: Halo carrier

   Fortunately, Tian Jing returned to the original world not long after. Otherwise, when Jing Tian’s body is fully developed, he might decide what earth-shattering series of affectionate things the Tian Jing will do!

   "Oh? 27 broken pages of ancient skill books, 28 people, how do you plan to divide it?"

   "What's the problem with this? Just tell her that her share is gone, and the villagers have unlimited professional skills and don't need it at all." Zhao Jiaxue directly provoked.

   "This is not so good, I say that Xiaoya will find out. I have known her since we were young, and even if we don't give it to myself, we won't give it to her!"

   Tianjing felt like Mingjing in his heart.

"Why don't you give it to yourself? You have a special copy in your hand and cannot be traded. If you don't sacrifice Liu Yaya, then sacrifice your female classmate! Ye Lanmeng, who just talked about it, seemed unpleasant to her. Why do you give her points? Even if you do, her points and proficiency are not enough to learn! Holding it is a waste of emotions. It's better to sacrifice it and let Lingxi give her some game coins, which is considered compensation."

   Obviously, Zhao Jiaxue is also unhappy with Ye Lanmeng. The so-called first love that pops out inexplicably has the possibility of becoming a rival!

   Even if Jing Tian doesn't like her, it doesn't mean that Ye Lanmeng doesn't have ideas for Jing Tian!

   "I actually saw her for the first time. No, I haven't seen her once. I really don't have any relationship with her classmates. I just don't know if this will make Jing Tian difficult?"

   Before a few people could discuss the reason, Liu Yaya was impatient.

   "Oh? Why don't you speak, it's better to roll the order, whoever is the lowest, whoever gives up automatically."

   "This method is ok, fair and reasonable."

   Most of the people agreed helplessly, but the voices of the ugly chick and the beautiful lady were full of disdain and said: "No need to fight, let's not!"

   There are still two voluntarily abstaining!

   "Oh? This won't work, everyone is a family, why did you two sacrifice? Are you two very different from each other?"

   "Of course not, just because...we don't need it anyway."

   The two women spoke in unison, but there seemed to be some unspeakable conceal in the voice that could not be expressed at all.

  No need?

   Are you really internal staff of Tengyi, whose skills are all adjusted by modifying data?


   Why did Liu Yaya say so much today?

   Isn't she always low-key these days?

   If no one asks her alone, she rarely even speaks!

   But why is there a 180 degree change today?

   hasn't waited for everyone to understand this question.

   Liu Yaya continued to ask: "Oh? Since everyone has no objections, then I will see you at the guild station and hold a ROLL point contest. By the way, during the insurance period, I have to ask Jing Tian a question."

   "What's the problem?" Tian Jing was not afraid.

   "Oh? If I roll the biggest 100 points, can I win directly?"

"of course!"

   Before Zhao Jiaxue could stop him, Tian Jing had already answered!

   Damn it!

   Liu Yaya was talking about it for a long time!

   The maximum ROLL point of Sky Dungeon is 200 points!

   However, Tianjing doesn't know at all, he just subconsciously thinks 100 is the maximum!

   Just when everyone was amazed, Liu Yaya's heart became magnificent...

  天哥, it really is you!

   Unexpectedly, you are back again!

   Could it be that Jing Tian had another accident and suffered any serious injuries?

   Anyway, Liu Yaya is 100% sure and sure that the patio is back!

   Suddenly, Liu Yaya had the urge to immediately return to the Konghai Garden, rushed into 1801, and embraced the patio!

   However, the next moment she was a little afraid.

   She was afraid that Brother Tian would reject herself again, just like she rejected herself last time.

   I've hurt myself once, and once again I experience the kind of pain that is more heartbreaking than death, I don't know if I can live.

   She calmed down suddenly, without exposing anything, she began to think quietly...

   "Are you confused? Isn't the highest point 200? I didn't react just now, and you were almost taken into the ditch!"

   The patio naturally has Zhao Jiaxue on the sidelines to make up for it, and it’s not too late to direct and explain. Although he said this now, it is a bit unnatural, but it still relieves most people.

   "That's right, Sister Ya Ya, are you fainting the aircraft carrier? You will talk nonsense when you faint the aircraft carrier. That feeling is really uncomfortable. It proves once again that the sea is very dangerous. Why don't you come back quickly!"

   faint aircraft carrier?

   Are you saying that seasickness is not good?

   Don’t say that you seem to have been on an aircraft carrier, okay?

   The alien technology is so advanced, how can it be possible to use a backward thing like an aircraft carrier?

   Are you talking about a space aircraft carrier?

   "Oh? I accidentally said it wrong, it's just a mistake."

   Zhao Jiaxue was still thinking about how to respond to Liu Yaya's next question, but Liu Yaya suddenly became dumb, which really surprised Zhao Jiaxue.

   Is that gone?

   It’s gone!

   Today's Liu Yaya is really more elusive!

   "That's it, see you at the guild station!"

After the hastily finished, UU reading Zhao Jiaxue directed Tianjing to find a way to escape from the current map. Tianjing described the sky garden he saw with the Flower Fairy NPC and Zhao Jiaxue. Zhao Jiaxue felt a little strange, but not much. Asking anything, let Tianjing try to operate Zuijing Guantian and talk to Fairy Flower, looking for a way to leave.

Of course, it’s a bit strange. You should know that in the past two days, when people were talking about the sky garden system in the forum, they said that there was only one gardener like an aunt in their garden. I haven’t heard of any flower fairy in the sky garden. It's because the way of entering at the time was wrong.

   Or maybe, that sky garden is just a copy, it doesn't belong to the view of the sky at all.

   Even Yun Yiyi, who has always been cautious, thinks so.

   However, this flower fairy is really a servant who sits on the well and watches the sky, and everyone will drool with envy in the future.

Not only because the flower fairy looks good, the key is that when the servant grows flowers, plants, and pets, he does not charge additional labor costs. It only requires various basic expenses and provides more nutrients to the flower fairy. .

   The gardener's aunts of other people are different. Each player's gardener's aunts have different labor costs and abilities. They are random at first.

   Players who are dissatisfied with the gardener can be dismissed and then hire a new gardener aunt.

   Of course, dismissing and hiring a new gardener will incur some handling fees. Just like in reality, forcibly dismissing an employee is to be compensated!

   This can be regarded as a pit set in the Kicking Tiannongjing.



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