Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1346: Games can promote the development of the home improvement industry

"Such an advanced computer should have a screenshot function, the big deal is that I will take a screenshot to show you, you can always believe it? If you say I can PS or something, then I can only record video. The screen recording function should always be Yes, please teach me soon."

"There are indeed these functions, but it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. The system will clearly distinguish and indicate whether the screenshots have been edited again. You should post them to the guild. This kind of thing should be explained to everyone, not me. The whole guild Staring at the broken pages of the skill book in your hand, you can't be so careless, maybe you will be accused of embezzling guild assets!"

  Zhao Jiaxue saw that Tianjing was so cooperative in finding clarification methods, and she died and began to put herself in her mind. Now this situation must be explained clearly to everyone. After all, another person is forced to be unable to obtain the remaining pages of the skill book...

   Tianjing is so smart, he obviously understands that these skill book fragments are all Jing Tian staying up all night and bursting out all night, but Zhao Jiaxue said it was a guild asset, which was really funny.

   But, after all, it is Jingtian's things, so it is divided, there is no loss for myself, and it is not broken at all, so I will clarify according to Zhao Jiaxue's words.

   However, the screenshots of the game can be used to screen whether there is PS processing or something, which is really incredible!

   This is also good, so as to save players from cheating people everywhere with PS pictures!

Under Zhao Jiaxue’s guidance, Tianjing posted the picture on the guild channel. Everyone looked at it and couldn’t understand the underworld saying: "Well, my hexagram shows that there are variables on the president’s side. Sister, you still don’t believe your brother. Fortune-telling, look, he really changed his mind here. Amitabha, I have revealed too many secrets."

You deserve to be a **** stick, you can count this kind of thing. In other words, you just said that the guild leader hasn’t been online in the past two days. !

   "Brother God, you are not kind, how can you secretly bind the broken pages of the skill book to me? Is there any props to bind items to me?"

   It seems that this is your brother who broke out alone, he just swallows all of them, and it is not your turn to say that!

  In other words, does the system have props for binding items?


   However, binding means that it cannot be destroyed or listed for trading. Most people will not do this.

   There are only some collectors who will bind a series of special props and store them in their own space rings. In the future, they can also be used to decorate their own houses.

  Yes, Sky Dungeon can have its own house in the future, but it cannot be opened at this stage, because the house can also be a big fuss. After all, this is the real estate industry!

   It is not impossible for games to promote the development of the real estate industry and construction engineering industry, especially the gradual improvement of 3D printed buildings. There are many things that players cannot think of, and no players can’t do.

  In the future, players can select all real estate developers in the current city, and select the apartment types to purchase. These apartment types will directly become rough houses in the player's game.

   Needless to say, players can decorate the house step by step. All the decoration materials are modern, and there is a professional decoration company to quote the decoration plan.

   Players can choose the model of the decoration company, or make their own decoration DIY settings.

   Of course, all settings related to electrical appliances have been replaced with magical appliances, and all magical appliances also need the support of magic power supply lines.

   This magic power supply line is actually a wire.

   In other words, the entire decoration plan can be used in reality!

   This is the ideal product of the combination of virtual and reality in games.

   All the furniture in the game can also be customized through the furniture market, and all samples can also be customized for purchase and delivered directly to the home.

   Yes, games can promote the development of the home improvement industry!

  Moreover, in the future, all those who want to experience the panorama of decoration and the real simulation experience of the model room will use the Sky Dungeon game console!

   Not only that, this development will also be applied to virtual office, but it’s a story, let’s leave it alone...

   Of course, it is possible for the player to secretly use the binding monopoly for the tradeable things that the team broke.

The probability of doing this is very low. If something that can be traded is exploded, it can only be sold on the white or black market in exchange for money. However, if it is bound, the item itself cannot be sold, and the money for binding the props must be added. Somewhat outweighs the gain.

   "Oh? I don't think so. I have read the information. It is not easy to obtain treasures, and binding is a matter of course."

  The village woman has actually spoken for Zuijing Guantian again!

   Everyone was somewhat stunned, and didn't adapt for a while. You must know that the village women have not spoken like this for many days, and they usually have so few words that everyone has to guess what Jing Tian has done to Liu Yaya.

   Now, seeing the village women once again willing to take the initiative to do endorsements for Zuijing Obviously the atmosphere has greatly eased, and everyone is relieved.

   After all, there are so few members in the guild. It’s not a matter of looking up and lowering your head. If there is any contradiction, everyone will feel the illusion of a throat.

   "Yes, Jing Tian wouldn't do that kind of thing. Don't everyone know what he is? If he dares to do, I promise to castrate Jing Tian's family!" Zhao Jiaxue vowed.

  The point is, how did you castrate the whole family?

  How do women castrate, is it drowning?

   Damn system voice-to-text system, I'm starting to joke everyone again!

Before everyone can understand this question, Zhao Jiaxue continued: "The top priority is to hope that everyone understands. I am afraid that two people cannot get the broken pages of the ancient skill book at the same time. Let's start ROLL now. One person three times, take the highest value. how about it?"

"Since there are exactly two people, the two of our sisters can do it or not, our comprehension skills are already full, we really don't need it! Even if it is assigned to us, we can't use it at all, why don't you listen to us? What about it?" said the ugly chick who was a sister.

   Everyone turned their attention to the beautiful lady.

Beauty Auntie smiled coldly: "My sister is right. We have good comprehension skills, and we don’t want to merge. The key is to share the worries for President Frog. Are you right, my good sister. I believe Frogs can Long will be grateful to my sister, this is a very big favor!"

   You know, ugly chicks like to raise frogs the most!



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