Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1355: Passer-by women develop heroines

"Don’t load us garlic, Ye Lanmeng has flown over, and we’ll come downstairs later. We have already discussed it and arranged a driver and a bodyguard for you to improve your identity and aura, and they will take you to dinner. Go shopping and watch movies. You have to behave well. If the performance is not in place, you can go to attack the forest at night after returning!"

Zhao Jiaxue spoke out the women's decision in one mind.

Attacking Lin Yumian at night?

Isn't that directly sentenced to death?

I don't want to really become a pimple toad!

"No, I can't lose a person as old. Besides, dating Ye Lanmeng, what's the matter with two light bulbs?"

Zhao Jiaxue's little hands continued to exert force, and Tianjing again begged for mercy in pain.

"You said don’t put garlic on us. The two of them are monitoring you. If they dare to escape, they will interrupt your leg and send you directly to the Nanlingxi hospital, so you can stay for a few days and enjoy the high-end ward. No. It’s not right. A few days obviously won’t heal. If you’re hurt for a hundred days, you can stay for a hundred days. Let the maids take care of you. I will definitely urge them to be heavier!"

My goodness!

You have to be violent in the hospital, right?

"Don't worry, how could I run away? I'm not familiar with the place where I am. Where can I run? Begging for food to fill my stomach on the hard road, and then sleep on the bench in the park? Now that the society is so developed, just find some newspaper cushions. It’s not easy to have your head? I would never do that kind of stupid thing."

"Okay, stop playing tricks on us, Yumian, let your people do it. Be sure to keep an eye on this toad, so that he won't steal swan meat!"

Hands on?

For what?

I have said that I will cooperate well!

"Okay. Hero, you see that I have worked so hard to find you for half of my life, this time I can't let you throw it away, right, so you just bear with me."

Is this how you treat your savior?

Can't you be gentle with me because I saved you?

Lin Yumian waved his hand. Several security guards rushed into the house and held Jingtian, then took out something similar to a medical syringe, and aimed a shot at a special position on Jingtian’s abdomen. Tian Jing only felt that A piercing pain spread all over the body, as if something had been implanted in his body.

"This is a micro tracker? You even have this kind of stuff? Damn, what are you guys from?"

The patio is also somewhat insightful, after all, after becoming a private bodyguard, he has never seen anything.

Many private wealthy people are willing to spend money to arrange for their family members to accept this kind of body tracker to prevent their family members from being kidnapped.

"Oh? It seems very interesting, are you lynching when you come to me?"

At this moment, I saw Liu Yaya dressed in a beautifully colored fringed long skirt, appeared in front of everyone, seemed a little charming and moving, as if he was the lord of the harem, not angry or prestigious, and made people feel inexplicable oppression sense.

It turns out that beauty can also give people a sense of oppression, making women with poor looks feel guilty, jealous, shrink back...

"Huh, you don't even notify us when you come back. Don't you want to invite guests to meet the wind for dinner? Or, you came back to hide men secretly? What do you want to hide from us? Or, what have you done? "

"Oh? I didn't expect you to miss me, but even if I don't say it, don't you know it?"

Liu Yaya still likes to answer questions with questions.

"We don't want to know about the mess between you and Toad! You just need to understand that the matter between you and Toad is only between the two of you, don't involve other people! People, we took it away, do you have an opinion? ?"

"Oh? Of course not. I would naturally support the unanimous external or something. But after Brother Tian finishes the matter, I hope I can let him choose where to live. I believe this way, he won't run away. We can't be treated like prisoners. Brother Tian has his own human rights to treat him."

"Hmph, even if you choose a place to live, you won't choose to live with you! Don't think that you can get overwhelmed after picking up a bargain. When you come back, we will hear how toad choose!"

Zhao Jiaxue did not show weakness. Seeing Liu Yaya let go of the patio so easily, she also gave her a face. Let's talk about the following things.

However, the patio at this time very much agrees with Zhao Jiaxue's words, this is a magic cave, kill yourself, it is impossible to break in alone!

Ever since, the courtyard was raised to the first floor by a few women and went to meet Ye Lanmeng together.

An unremarkable taxi stopped downstairs, and an unremarkable woman came out...

It's really inconspicuous, saying that she looks icy and clean, but she is less than one-tenth of Yun Yiyi's;

Say she is tall, but her tiptoe is not as good as Liu Yaya's fragrant shoulders;

Let's say that she is convex and backward, besides Bi Nan Lingxi, who can lose to her?

Say that she is ashamed of her appearance, but she is better than Zhao Jiaxue. Compared with other people, she is still a few blocks away!

This woman is too casual, she is really ordinary, and even the dress is ordinary.

I don’t seem to know what a match is, so I just wore a pink and white cardigan casually, with an ordinary bag and a long T-shirt inside. The only thing I can see is probably that That's not a long silk stocking leg, right?

If you have to put a label on Ye Lanmeng, it is: Passerby girl!

Although everyone had heard about the looks of Ye Lanmeng passersby before, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, they knew that Jing Tian hadn't lied before.

However, the women are still facing the enemy, you know, passerby women also have a way to develop a heroine, so you must not underestimate the enemy!

Besides, there are some abnormal psychology I like passersby, and I am suspicious of life by beautiful women, so I think passersby are more trustworthy.

Isn't it a common saying that beautiful women are full of lies?

Seeing Jing Tian, ​​Ye Lanmeng slowly walked up the steps, and greeted Jing Tian, ​​"Old classmate, long time no see, do you remember me?"

"Are you Ye Lanmeng?" Tianjing asked casually.

Ye Lanmeng looked very calm, staring at Jing Tian with sharp eyes, as if she wanted to see if there were traces of lying in his eyes, but after a while, she gave up...

"Old classmate, can you really recognize me?"

"Sorry, it's not that I didn't recognize it. I really amnesia. I know there is a complicated relationship between myself and you, but I really don't remember anything."

Tianjing is really an excellent actor.

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