Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1362: Attack the shield of the son with the spear of the son

After Tianjing casually fabricated a reason why Ye Lanmeng was unwell and entrusted her old classmates to visit and study, everyone unexpectedly accepted it.

   This really surprised Tian Jing. After all, he himself didn't believe it very much, and he didn't know why he could convince everyone.

   Yang Mimi was repeating Tang Molan's name. She seemed to think of something, but she avoided talking.

   In the past few days, the upgrade speed of the entire guild has been affected by the patio, and the efficiency has dropped drastically. Especially when sitting on the well and viewing the sky in the patio, the speed of gaining experience is comparable to that of a turtle crawling.

   so that the experience of other members of the guild surpassed Zuijing Guantian, which seemed to be the second to last existence.

   ask who is the last one?

   Of course, it was Ye Lanmeng. After all, she hadn't been reborn yet, it was too early to catch up with the big army.

Of course, the women did not give up waking up Jing Tian. They shot when it was time to make a move. A variety of scientific experiments were imposed on Tian Jing, always bringing him some physical or mental damage, but unfortunately, Jing The sky still cannot be awakened.

  The only objection is Liu Yaya. She naturally hopes that Tianjing will drive her forever. In this way, she can persuade Jing Tian to let him marry herself.

   Therefore, Liu Yaya is opposed to everyone's operations. From time to time, he will stand up to save the patio in distress, and even try to destroy everyone's various plans.

   Although Tianjing understands Liu Yaya's different intentions, he is still somewhat grateful to Liu Yaya. After all, under her umbrella, he will not suffer too much.

   Seeing that many fantastic ideas could not be carried out, Liu Yaya and Tianjing did not cooperate very much, and the excitement of everyone awakening Jingtian also disappeared somewhat.

As a result, everyone figured it out, and forced Tianjing to continue to drive on behalf of him. First, he consolidated the level of sitting on the Jingtian. You can’t wait for Jingtian to wake up so that he can see that the level gap with everyone is too large, and it will be difficult to hide the truth. The truth is out.

   The happiest thing is of course Liu Yaya. The girls naturally know Liu Yaya's special feelings and intentions towards the patio, and naturally stare at her like a thief, so that she can't find any opportunities in reality.

   This made Liu Yaya a little bit regretful. At that time, it was the right time to fake the show. If you take that kind of thing to the ground, you won’t be so passive now.

   Why didn't I have the courage to be a little bit more?

   But, which woman would send herself out so easily for the first time?

   Even Liu Yaya can't do it by asking yourself!

   is so sloppy after all, what is the difference between having never owned it?

   However, in reality, you can't be alone with Tianjing, but in the game, you can always talk to Tiange and talk about life. It still makes Liu Yaya very happy.

  Moreover, Tianjing is really abusive. He can't control his own concern and cares about others casually. It is easy to give people a warm illusion.

   Not only Liu Yaya, but Nan Lingxi is also in the process of reminiscing with the courtyard, regaining the wonderful childhood time of the year, and being bathed in the warm sunshine of the courtyard again, which makes people feel a little unstoppable warm and blurred.

  Nan Lingxi did not have Liu Yaya's enthusiasm, but in this kind of warm memory, she once again made clear the position of Tianjing in her heart.

   To her, Tianjing is her elder brother from childhood, a higher level of existence than family affection, but Tianjing did it when her family could not be by her side.

   But that is not love.

   Nan Lingxi still likes Jing Tian more, and feels that the mature Jing Tian is his prince charming, the man he wants to entrust for life.

   In a sense, Nanlingxi is more realistic, at least not in love with visitors from another world.

   However, within a few days of these days, Zhao Jiaxue couldn't sit still. She couldn't stand the scene of Tianjing talking about feelings with Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi, and held an important representative meeting.

   The content of the topic of this representative meeting is: Should Tianjing be sent to Nanlingxi's hospital for a comprehensive examination, so as to find a more scientific way to wake Jingtian.

To be honest, after getting familiar with the game these days, Tianjing feels that his game state is getting better and he can immediately keep up with the upgrade speed of the large forces. However, now he wants to send his consciousness back to the original world. He is actually somewhat inside. Unwilling.

   To put it plainly, he just doesn't want to leave!

   I have to say that the game is really a kind of mental opium. Once you get started, if you don't let him play a life and can't take care of himself, it will be difficult for him to give up directly.

   However, the reality is cruel. Except for Liu Yaya's strong opposition, everyone supported Zhao Jiaxue's proposal.

Tianjing didn’t understand why Nan Lingxi was also standing on Zhao Jiaxue’s side, and asked with a pitiful expression: "Sister Lingxi, are you waiting for me to leave like this? I thought that back then, you acted like a baby in my arms. Marrying you when you grow up, although you forgot, I still remember! You know, I didn’t know that I could go back, but I’m serious!"


   Big killer!

   Nuclear weapons!

   Tianjing is already excited about his genius He feels that as long as he throws out this nuclear weapon, Nan Lingxi will definitely stand on his side again!

"Brother Jing, I'm really sorry, I will remember your love for this profiteer. If you travel with your body in that world, the profiteer will definitely be with you without hesitation. But this is Jingtian's. Body, if you use him to stay with me, this profiteer will not be really happy and happy. As you said, you do not belong to this world, you are just a passerby after all, the profiteer wants to cooperate with repeat customers forever, not What to earn from passersby."

   What a good one to attack the shield of the son with the spear of the son!

   This is indeed what Tianjing once said.

  Nanlingxi is also so insidious!

   It's clear that you fell in love with Jing Tian to say this!

   Sure enough, Liu Yaya really loves herself, regardless of whether she is a monster in another world who wins her home!

   Why are you trying to provoke so many women?

   If only Xiaoya is by his side, how beautiful the future is!

   Maybe, I might be judged by my own mind, right?

   But now even if they want to betray, these women might agree to it?

  In their eyes, they are driving on behalf of others. They want to occupy the car as king, but there is no door!

   Therefore, Tianjing was **** by the people to the Nanlingxi hospital, where a thorough examination was carried out, especially the brain examination. All available medical technology was used on Tianjing’s head!

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