Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1375: No active non-online games

   11 months after the game was launched, most of the members of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild have been reborn and reached level 40. Ye Lanmeng is the only exception. Although her level is also level 40, she is a pre-rebirth character.

   At this point, Jing Tian let out a deep breath, unexpectedly, he could lead the world by 40 players!

   However, Jing Tian didn't feel how big the lead was.

   You need to know that, taking the view of sitting on the well and watching the sky alone, it is actually very slow to upgrade with Ye Lanmeng alone. Before, I didn't have all the team members in order to avoid extra problems. I just upgraded quickly. 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

   Now the major guilds must be One Belt Four, upgrading at full speed. It will probably not take long before you can pass level 40. The upgrade speed is much faster than Jingtian.

   You must know that the more novices you bring, the faster the team can gain experience, and the faster the respawn players can upgrade.

   So, Jing Tian didn't hesitate. There is no need to hide it anymore. Whether you directly form a savage or form a fixed member, everyone will do everything possible to reach the level at full speed!

   There is nothing to conceal at this time, as long as you have no hesitation in the level!

   Players have been reborn one after another, and the happiest one is naturally Nanlingxi.

   You know, she was the first to learn about the rebirth from Jing Tianguchi. She was also the first to start planning and stock up on a large number of low-level high-grade equipment at the lowest price!

   Now, a large number of stockpiled low-level and sophisticated equipment are sold directly on the black market, earning her a lot of money.

  Unfortunately, black gold cannot be converted into platinum, otherwise Nanlingxi will be able to create a terrifying myth of making money!

   Although she has also considered trading black gold privately and converting black gold to platinum, there is great insecurity.

   It's not that Tengyi will punish it after finding it, but it's that players are blackmailed!

   Similar blackmail incidents have occurred in many parts of the world. Players first used platinum to buy black gold from merchants, and then used transaction records and chat records as evidence to blackmail merchants to pay more black gold.

   If the merchants disagree, they will report with the evidence in their hands!

   You must know that the penalties of Tengyi after receiving the report are very large. It is not just a simple matter of confiscation of gold coins, but Tengyi will directly delete the account.

   Moreover, after the player whose account was deleted enters the game again, he finds that his platinum will be a negative number, and it is a large negative number.

   This is the ticket issued by the game company to the player. If the player does not pay, then your newly created account can only get bound gold coins, and half of the gold coins will be deducted every day as a penalty.

   Even if the player takes the initiative to delete the account and rebuild, the punishment still exists.

   Therefore, some players thought of blackmailing in this way.

  Because, if the buyer makes a report, Tengyi will not punish the buyer, but will also reward a large sum of black gold as a reward for the report to encourage the buyer to fight fakes.

   This makes private transactions of black gold difficult.

  Many merchants have to make compromises in order to keep their accounts, and can only use large amounts of black gold to buy out buyers.

   Of course, there are many players who still report after extortion, which makes the merchant extremely angry and shakes out all the black materials.

   Although the scolding is happy, Tengyi Company is happy to see such tragedies unfold, to warn players not to conduct private transactions, and even publicize these stories in forums and other channels.

   Later, Tengyi company even secretly sponsored some professional whistleblowers, paid them some platinum, arranged for them to attack various private trading markets, and soon the black gold trading market fell apart...

Therefore, even the profiteer Nanlingxi is quite jealous. If he wants to break his head, although he can ship to the children of a large family according to his own network, they will not offend Nanlingxi for such a small bonus. If the maid was instructed to make a transaction, even if the account number was deleted, it could not be deleted on the head of Nangong Lingxi. 78 Chinese debut

   However, in order to be out of line, we did not do it aggressively.

   After all, Nan Lingxi is not rare to earn these little money, she just feels rare to make money, after all, she is a profiteer!

   You must know that the Cloud Riding Guild is not short of money. Even if Nan Lingxi makes a lot of money, Jing Tian and the others will not accept Nan Lingxi's funding.

   This is Jing Tian's own arrogance. It is their principle to be free from merit. If you don't pay, they would rather not.

Before, Lin Yumian wanted to increase the club’s treatment many times, but Jing Tian refused. Jing Tian believed that the scenery party group guilds that helped Feng Ji now were very limited. Even if she paid all the Raiders of the dungeon, it was not worth her more investment. .

   So, Nan Lingxi just made deals with people who have good relationships, and those people also came to the door on their own initiative, and it didn't cause any trouble.

   One month later, most of the members of the Cloud Riding Guild have been upgraded to level 45, and the world's first echelon players have upgraded to level 39.

   Sure enough, as Jing Tian expected, the 40-level advantage in the front disappeared over time. Now the players behind him are chasing his guild at high speed.

   However, on June 16, 2021, on the first anniversary of the launch of Sky Dungeon, Tengyi Company has never been open for holiday events, and suddenly the first anniversary of Sky Dungeon was released!

  Everyone who plays online games knows What is the fastest upgrade of the game and what rewards are the richest?

   That is naturally an activity!

   No activities are not online games!

   Sky Dungeon finally failed to escape this vicious circle, it makes people sigh!

   After all, although activities are fresh, they often have a sense of jumping out. Especially for the Sky Dungeon that yearns to become the second world, the activities may be a stumbling block that will impact ideals.

  Moreover, it seems that you have to participate in this first anniversary event, because all other normal routines are closed!

   That’s right, all daily, even dungeons have stopped spawning monsters, let alone dungeons and wild monsters, the entire game server seems to be paralyzed!

   All the NPC tasks are also unavailable, and the distribution is suspended. After going online, everyone has small eyes and wide eyes, and even pk discussions are all prohibited...

   This is too weird. I have never heard of an online game that has completely paralyzed other functions after an event!

   Nima, is this an event or a funeral?

   Is the game server going to hang up, and now we are preparing for the memorial ceremony?

   For a while, many players complained about customer service and submitted various bugs, which really made the staff of Tengyi Company dumbfounded.

   In addition to harassing the customer service, the only thing that players can do is bickering...

  The World Channel instantly became the battlefield of players from all over the world. Everyone, you come and go, not for the system, or for the game planning of Tengyi Company. For a time, there is no bounds and endless saliva!

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