Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1400: Endless space

Especially when facing level 99 monsters, Jing Tian was extremely careful. Although he found the secret key level at first, Jing Tian did not move and arranged some cannon fodder to be adjusted to level 99 monsters, until someone failed the strategy. , Jing Tian concluded that the secret key level was refreshed, and immediately arranged a wave of cannon fodder for further testing with a wave of his big hand, and finally locked the secret key level and cleared the level in one fell swoop!

   Of course, it's just that most of the fans cleared the level. Those who were cannon fodder, and the slower players, did not keep up with the pace of the level, and failed to pass the level.

   But there is no need to be discouraged, the female emperor directly gave the guide to the second generation ancestor of the **** of sniper with a big hand, and his president organizes the rest of the female emperor's husband to pass through the barrier.

  Of course, things like cannon fodder must be replaced, otherwise those who always act as cannon fodder will naturally cause emotions.

   is actually nothing, this kind of strategy has been summarized by the players, and the empress actually transferred the command.

   Yang Mimi has also entered the fifth trial at this time, and has no interest and mood to continue organizing a big event for 10,000 people to pass through the barrier.

Jing Tian understood more or less the true intention of kicking Tian Nong Jing. In fact, he wanted to train the player’s team cooperation through the fourth trial, and even test the guild power cooperation. Even if everyone can’t see and touch each other, he can organize a thousand A big breakthrough in the scale of people and 10,000 people.

   And organizing this kind of activities with tens of thousands of people is a great test of the guild manager’s organization and management ability. If guild members are usually loose and used to carrying out the guild’s instructions, it will have to suffer.

   For example, Feng Ji’s Scenic Party Group Association.

   As we all know, the people of the Scenery Party have the least organization and discipline. Even if they encounter an invasion by the demons, they rely on everyone to organize their own defenses and use people to fight against the demons in the wild.

   Normally, the guild rarely engages in activities, and everyone is relatively free.

   So, now organizing everyone to go through the fourth trial together has suffered.

   Why do landscape party players still participate in activities to break through, instead of strolling around to see the scenery?

   The answer is simple, the scenery of the Samsara Tower is time-limited!

   Other scenic spots can be visited at any time, but the activity map is often short-lived. If you miss this pit, you will not have this tower!

   So, be sure to board the Samsara Tower to see different scenery.

   Yes, although the interior of the Samsara Tower is its own space, it also has a viewing window through which you can see the scenery outside.

   It’s not that you can climb up to forty levels by simply completing the third trial. What is the difference in the scenery?

   It seems that some people have forgotten the old saying: If you want to be a thousand miles away, go to the next level.

   I have to say that this group of scenery party's obsession with seeing scenery is more fanatical than the most loyal believers in the world.

   This can be regarded as a lesson for those lone rangers. When they are always silent in their own world and think that everything can be done by themselves, give them some lessons appropriately, which may change their game view.

   Sky Dungeon still recommends that everyone go out of their own world and blend in with players all over the world, instead of closing oneself and playing the game as a stand-alone player.

   If you have to play as a stand-alone player, you will definitely lose a lot of fun.

Going up the tower is the fifth trial. Jing Tian has already heard Liu Yaya introduce the basic situation of the trial, but he can’t figure it out if he doesn’t enter it. It’s hard to find a strategy based on imagination alone. .

   When everyone entered the fifth trial, the illusion appeared in the tower again. Unlike the illusion of the small space in the tower before, this time it turned out to be an underground world with an unknown radius, just like a dungeon.

   But, in this illusion, there is nothing but the ground!

   Why is this?

   Such a large map copy, it is impossible to have nothing, it must be that the player did not find the mechanism to start the trial here.

   Liu Yaya had previously manipulated the character to run back and forth in the illusion, but couldn't find any clues at all, except for the endless space or the endless space, there was nothing but space and herself.

   Don't talk about breaking the formation, there is no formation at all, how to break it?

   However, the setting that Liu Yaya can't find is not necessarily undiscovered by others, especially for yourself, you can analyze and think about the setting here from the perspective of the main strategy of the game.

   However, Jing Tian walked into the fifth trial for two hours, and he was helpless and clueless.

   For the first time, Jingtian felt that he couldn't even feel the idea of ​​kicking Tiannongjing. Before, he could guess some possibilities, but this time, no matter what he assumed, he didn't even think of a setting to convince himself.

   Everyone sat and discussed together at lunch time. This time everyone changed from the usual style of being overwhelmed and silent and quiet.

   is not that everyone is introverted, but has no clue at all.

   If you want to make everyone unreliable, at least have some clues?

   Now I will give you a blank map for everyone to imagine. This is like giving a little kid a blank sheet of paper to make it difficult for him to see a science fiction series from the blank paper.

  Lunch is also a bit less tasteful because of the doubts in the game. This time I am afraid it is the most difficult level ever encountered!

That’s Not only the people of the Guild of Riding Clouds, but also players from around the world are also talking about it. At this time, more and more people have passed the fourth trial, and the number of people lost in the fifth trial naturally A crazy rate of growth.

   The official forum was directly swept up by the screen, and the customer service calls were all busy, but Tengyi was tight-lipped and did not release any strategy at all, which made it impossible for players in the world to start.

  Since I have no clue, Jing Tian didn't force it, so he directly notified the suspension strategy. Everyone should have a lunch break, the exercise of the sport, and the adjustment of mentality are perhaps the most needed now.

   Jingtian directly fell into the upper and lower bunks and fell asleep drowsy. This is a long-lost comfortable feeling. It has been a long time since I took a nap.

After being awakened by Zhao Jiaxue's twittering, Jing Tian knew that this woman was going to organize everyone to go to the hot springs on the roof again. Anyway, she was idle. Everyone is used to hot springs these days, and there is nothing embarrassing, so Jing Tian also He agreed.

   Sitting in the big hot spring surrounded by fairy mist, Jingtian empties himself, and has the illusion of being in a fairyland.

At a certain time, he suddenly sounded the fifth trial in the game. Although the barren land is endless, you can see far and far, but he seems to be in this hot spring, the mist is lingering, and you can't find it. one direction.

"Frog, I think soaking in a hot spring is just too comfortable, too wise, as if your mind is open! Do you think that the fifth trial is actually nothing, after we go online, you can break it casually! "

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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