Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1403: To play a game but also to understand the formation

   I have to doubt that this magic stick really has two tricks, and it can actually put out some so-called gossip Nine Dragons Lock Sky Formation. It has somehow been recognized by the system, and it has passed the system requirements first and can be tested and used.

   Jingtian has already begun to speculate, maybe kicking Tian Nongjing to come up with this trial is to want the player to work for him, create some special map environment, and apply it directly to the game map in the future!

   Yes, you know, if players from all over the world create maps together, there are far more creative maps developed by Tengyi's own staff!

It's not Jingtian's random speculation. You know, at 22 o'clock last night, the official forum directly announced the method of opening the fifth trial. Many people guessed that Tengyi was too much to bear and could not stand it. The pressure of public opinion had to announce the opening method.

However, Jing Tian definitely wouldn't agree so naively. If he couldn't resist the pressure, he would have surrendered his gun long ago. How could he have to wait until most players are trapped in the fifth trial and announce the opening method? ?

   Is it because there are too many players trapped?

   Even if the news needs to be released, Tengyi can use the trumpet to distribute the method of opening the map editor. There is no need to release it through the official website!

  Perhaps, all of this was arranged long ago, and even the official news was released early and regularly based on forecasts?

  Kicking Tiannongjing is afraid that everyone can't find the map editor, and that the world players can't use it for him!

   And it is not so easy to publish the editor to avoid players' suspicion and avoid criticism from the game media.

   is really a sinister guy!

   Although he wanted to understand everything, Jing Tian still couldn't resist and violated the main policy of the game. After all, he was just a grassroots player now.

   Besides, being able to plan a map personally is also the game experience Jing Tian wants most!

Soon, everyone got the latest news from the ignorance of the white mouth: "This player test is not a test by yourself, it is for other players to test. I see players continue to pour into the gossip Nine Dragons lock sky array I built. Shengsheng trapped them! It's really mysterious. I don't know where these test players come from. Are they the players in the reincarnation tower?" 78 Chinese fastest mobile terminal: https:/


   Another player test?

  How is it possible? Now that most players are attacking the city of Reincarnation, how can they enter the game map you created?

   can't forcefully end their trials, come here to be a guinea pig for you, right?

  So, these people didn't participate in the activities and were forcibly arrested?

   "Uncle Se, my 9th turn to death formation is also set up, and the system inspection has passed, and the test can be started! I just don't know, which of the monk and I's formation is more powerful, how can we compare?"

   The second disease in Xiuxian can also be formed!

   Nine turn to death formation?

   doesn't sound like a good thing, you have to go to death after turning nine, it's terrifying!

   I'll go, do players who understand the formation have the chance to pass this level?

   It’s really devastating to play a game and understand the formation method!

   Does the system like to see a special maze map?

   Jingtian feels that he may have caught something. Regarding the player’s claim that he broke the formation, Jingtian must personally verify it!

   In order to clear the customs, Jing Tian asked Feng Chime and Bai Do not understand to share a bird's eye view of his maze, and soon the two screenshots were shared on the guild channel.

   At first, everyone still clicked on the screenshots of the two people with the mood of watching the joke, but when they opened it, everyone took a breath. I have to say that these are really two magical formations!

   White does not understand the black maze. From a bird's eye view, there is really the outline of gossip and Tai Chi, and there are visual errors, and the gossip is looming.

   More importantly, if you look closely at the details, it seems that there are nine true dragons hovering in different places, revealing an illusion of grandeur.

   After seeing it for a long time, it seems that the spirit will be imprisoned in it, which is really mysterious.

   Is this really a kind of sleepy formation?

   What is puzzling is that this guy hardly used any decorative props. After all, in the screenshot, there is a statistics on the number of buildings, objects, monsters, etc. that have been used. Obviously the details of this map are very rough!

   However, the rough map just passed the system requirements, and the maps that I carefully crafted did not even qualify for acceptance!

   This is obviously something wrong!

  Look at the maze created by the wind chimes again. The Nine Turns to the Death Array is really well-deserved. A bird’s eye view of the entire map is a huge "death", which happens to be written by nine maze roads.

   Why is "death" written in nine ways?

  How many dead characters are there?

   Yes, 6 strokes, but how many line segments are there?

   I believe everyone has understood.

  A closer look, Jing Tian was even more shocked. There is more than just the road here, but the nine roads are particularly wide and prominent. Surrounding the word "death", there are densely packed small runes!

   stared for a long time, Jing Tian even felt cold all over, as if he was staring at something dead, inexplicably...

   Could it be that the system prompt is wrong?

   The system should not remind itself to pay attention to the appearance of the map details, but should adjust the creativity?

   No, the system prompt is definitely useful.

   So what's the matter?

   Jingtian feels a little But he also seems to understand thoroughly. Kicking Tiannongjing not only treats players as free labor, but also attaches great importance to creativity. Creative maze maps will reduce all aspects of requirements!

   That's right, the creative map should be well matched.

   As long as you compare with the existing mazes in the system, the ones with extremely low similarity will naturally break through!

On the other hand, the dungeon maze that I created is quite different from the maze in Sky Dungeon and has no use value. Therefore, the system hopes that it can make some innovations and improvements in the details, so that some details can be improved in the future. The settings are applied to the dungeon maze, which is an update to the details of the system maze map.

   is really good calculation!ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

   Knowing this, Jing Tian didn't bother to make any more details. He waved his hand and clicked Save and New to start the drawing of the second map.

   Now that I understand the truth, don’t cheat and plan in vain!

  The slowest progress now is Yang Miaomiao. This guy is addicted to the thrill of destroying the map. After all, after building an area, if you click one button to clear it, there will be a special effect of blasting the map, just like a building blasting.

   This guy has been tearing down and rebuilding, and his progress is almost zero now. It's really a complete game break!

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