Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1408: Pediatrics competition

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As for Yang Miaomiao yelling and expecting to rise to level 99, everyone didn't take it seriously. After all, if you go directly to level 99, you might really have nothing to pursue.

After experiencing the powerful power of the full level, everyone's motivation to upgrade feels strong, and they are gearing up one by one, hoping to reach the next level.

This has to make Jing Tian secretly admire the method of kicking the Tianjingjing...

Of course, the experience value of the anniversary celebrations did not disappoint most players. Most of the members of the Riding Cloud Guild jumped three levels in a row, and they have stepped into the 48th level. In any case, they have much more experience than ordinary daily gains. .

However, level 48 is far from level 60, and as the level increases, everyone finds that their upgrade efficiency after rebirth is lower than before rebirth!

It's not because of anything else, but because I brought a few crane tails!

That's right, I don't know if it was because of the smooth sailing before. Jing Tian and the others met were all elite players, but now everyone is either temporarily looking for casual players to join the team, or is a fixed team newcomer with a half-hearted.

Said they are newcomers, these people are also above level 45, but regardless of equipment level or operational awareness, they are really far from the members of the Cloud Riding Guild.

This led to the illusion that the level of the dungeon was lightened and flat.

Maybe you can still rely on comprehension skills and operations to crush Demon Xiaobai before, but Demon players above level 45 have been fighting all the way. PVP experience is rich, and they have brought a lot of leveling to Jing Tian from time to time. Trouble.

Coupled with the existence of pre-tasks for the rebirth gameplay, it directly allows everyone to face more and more sudden changes in the upgrade process.

Even if you can't meet a real monster player who cooperates with the demon, you can also encounter a guy hiding behind the monster who sneaks.

These real-life monsters are always picking soft persimmons every time, specifically killing rookies in the team, often causing the upgrade to be interrupted.

Jing Tian has also gradually adapted to these accidents, and will not run to the World Channel to drool these players who turned into monsters like ordinary players. After all, they are also helpless. Apart from the way that monsters complete tasks, there is really nothing left. Retired.

Under these circumstances, the experience of everyone in Qiyun almost all slowly increases with a daily growth rate of 1%...

Of course, the teammates cannot be blamed entirely.

After the official launch of Mermaid and Dungeon, Jing Tian frequently led the crowd to rush into the underwater world. Although he threw off a lot of players at the beginning because of his rich experience, compared with those sports enthusiasts and martial arts enthusiasts, the people of Riding Cloud Guild Slowly defeated, the level can not stand firm at all, can only barely be regarded as a medium level in the game.

In fact, it may also be due to the generally poor physical fitness of Chinese people. Mermaid and Dungeon are more popular in overseas countries, and many of the characters on the rankings are actually foreign players.

This is not surprising. A pharmacy at 100 meters in China, and a gym at 100 meters in Europe and America. This is the surprise of people's lifestyle and the manifestation of the spiritual gap.

However, Jing Tian's goal in itself is not to dominate the mermaid and the underground city.

Using the mermaid system, on the one hand, is to exercise, and on the other hand, to accumulate more offline points for yourself in Sky Dungeon and improve the overall strength of the character.

Yes, we mentioned before that using Mermaid and Dungeon can increase the number of offline points for the corresponding Sky Dungeon game account. This is one of the important reasons why many players rarely enter the gym.

However, the turtle speed upgrade is not a 0.1% increase in experience per day. Don't forget that there is a guild competition.

Even if there is no way to get a better place in the hegemony, but you can also get a lot of experience.

Don't forget, during the guild competition, even when spectators watch other guilds, they can get good experience points. Jing Tian will definitely not miss it.

What's more, as more and more players are reborn, various changes have taken place in the rules of the Guild Tournament. The guy kicking Tiannongjing is very ambitious, and the weekly Tournament rules will be revised.

For example, in the guild power competition on July 11, 2021, the rules of the official game have changed. The level and combat effectiveness of all players suddenly become a dead letter, because the content of this game has also changed from the battle theme to the management. theme.

The content of the competition is to operate different commercial activities in a main city and obtain the maximum profit.

It sounds inexplicable, but after experimenting, players quickly discovered that as long as they choose a business scope, they can get a start-up fund. With this start-up fund, they can go to NPCs in surrounding cities to buy a batch of goods~ then the goods will be shipped to the main city for sale, earning the difference.

However, it should be noted that the purchase prices of various commodities in surrounding cities are not the same.

Moreover, the price of goods in the main city fluctuates. If there are too many players selling the same product, NPCs will hesitate when they buy at the player's booth, and even compare the prices of various booths.

If the types of goods sold are particularly rare, scarce in the market, and the use value is very high, as long as the price is right, even if it is more expensive, it will be very popular.

The entire business competition seems to be similar to some business practices in the real world.

Moreover, some unexpected things will happen during the whole business process, which will surprise players.

For example, if the city owner suddenly orders the collection of a certain strategic material, the sales of this material will increase sharply.

In other words, suddenly a passing wandering merchant brings a substitute for a certain commodity, then this commodity will be unsalable in a short time.

However, these events cannot affect the overall situation at all. The real winner is the wise man who can control the market.

That’s right, this kind of business competition, how can it be so rare that Nan Lingxi, the queen of the business community, is not doing it, but Nan Lingxi quit at this time, and his eyes slipped and said: "The profiteer is not in the state today. I have no interest in this kind of pediatric competition. ..."

Feeling is pediatrics in your eyes?

Obviously, Nanlingxi is seeking benefits and wants to open conditions!

Unexpectedly, the women next to me have now become unprofitable and unprepared guys...Who started the process and caused these girls to be broken?

Seems to be the inexplicable woman Liu Yaya?

Helpless, Jing Tian could only gritted his teeth in his heart, but with a smile on his face, he asked, "Uh...what kind of reward do you want?"

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