Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1411: The only thing left is to grab the bank, right?

However, Nanlingxi is so rich that it is not afraid to step into any trap. Besides, commercial trading is originally a venture capital, and there is no huge profit without risk.

So she bought a bottle with curiosity and went to the surrounding cities to exchange goods.

After going this way, Nan Lingxi really guessed it, and the value of the commodity exchanged for Life Spirit Water was far less than the purchase price.

However, Nanlingxi did not give up, and deliberately asked the purchasers to check the situation of the Angel Cathedral in the surrounding cities, and learned that one of the cities was burned down due to the war, so they immediately arranged the purchaser to carry it. Life Lingshui went to the city.

The result was overjoyed, Life Lingshui directly exchanged for goods 25 times its own purchase price!

However, this time, Nan Lingxi also had an eye for it, and arranged for Liu Yaya to go to buy [Life Spirit Water]. Liu Yaya had the strongest anti-reconnaissance ability, and it was not a problem to avoid the enemy's eyeliner.

However, the various guilds are not fools. Since they discovered the existence of workshops, they naturally arranged spies to frequently conduct carpet searches in civilian areas, and found several hidden workshops, from which they purchased good products.

As a result, the store shipments of various guilds are increasing.

However, just as everything was thriving, the shops of the Riding Cloud Guild were upgraded again and turned into a commercial firm!

There is an essential difference between a commercial bank and a shop, and a commercial bank can monopolize certain goods from various surrounding cities!

However, monopoly is also accompanied by risks. Once the contract is signed, nc will take the initiative to deliver the goods to the door, and the price will be higher than the off-road purchase. After all, nc will charge transportation fees.

The benefits are self-evident. Players can save more time and focus on business instead of running away!

However, this does not mean that players can monopolize products at will. After running a business, the cost of products will naturally increase significantly, and the profit per unit of products will drop significantly.

In other words, if the funds are not strong enough to blindly monopolize a kind of goods that cannot be sold, it may cause the capital chain to be broken, and the contract cannot be performed, and a large amount of liquidated damages will be paid. In addition, the trade will be disgusted in the future, and the purchase price may be Will be affected.

But what if the monopoly is food?

That’s right, although food products sell well, it’s difficult to increase prices significantly. After all, the purchase price is cheap. All guilds can afford to buy them. All surrounding cities can also sell them. Moreover, the purchasers attach great importance to the price. The number of people is reduced immediately, and they will go to other stalls to buy.

Even if there is no sale, there is so much food to eat, there is no need to buy a certain kind of food.

However, Nanlingxi monopolized all the food in surrounding cities!

Soon, the business firm of the Cloud Riding Association became extremely popular. There were constantly nc fleets sending goods into the back door of the firm. The guests of the firm were described as long queues. What is even more incomprehensible is that, whether it is The rich and noble nc, or poor civilians, and even the royal family who came with a car, would go to the business of the Riding Cloud Guild to buy goods!

When all the guilds saw this scene, their saliva flowed...

They didn't even think about it, believing that this must be an effect brought about by the firm, so they crazily saved money to upgrade to a firm, madly following in the footsteps of the Cloud Riding Guild.

When they upgraded to a commercial bank, they realized that the commercial bank could monopolize the goods. Only then did they realize that the business activities of the Qiyun Guild could be so popular, and why some goods were suddenly unavailable...

The guild, blinded by the superficial phenomenon, directly chose some commodities to monopolize. As you can imagine, soon those guilds that were upgraded to commercial banks could only declare bankruptcy!

A guild declared bankrupt can almost only start from scratch and re-earn funds.


Declare bankruptcy and make a comeback?

That is, the system is inexhaustible. Loans have been prepared for everyone!

That's right, the guild players who declared bankruptcy will receive the loan notice from the bank, and the player has no right to refuse, and directly takes the loan!

From then on, they will start a new life from a loan repayment perspective... This game is too realistic. In reality, repaying the loan by oneself is enough for a headache. Now the game has to repay the loan to the system, which is really depressing.

However, everything could not go smoothly. Suddenly a natural disaster covered the entire country, all food production dropped sharply, and the business firm of the Qiyun Guild was out of stock!

Jingtian has to suspect that this is a manual intervention by kicking Tiannongjing. What natural disaster can reduce grain production to the point where there is no grain to supply to the main city?

Do people in the main city starve to death?

Sure enough, a game is a game. Don't take it too seriously. Even a foolproof business may be subverted by a setting that subverts common sense!

However, at this time, the wealth accumulated by the business firm of the Riding Cloud Guild had reached a terrible figure.

However, after Nan Lingxi was taught by the system's black hands to intervene, he suddenly felt dangerous. If it goes on like this, it might be overtaken by other guilds!

Ever since, Nan Lingxi directly upgraded the commercial bank to a bank with a swipe!

That's right, it's the bank. When everyone heard this crazy idea, they were muttering in their hearts: This is a business competition. How can you open a bank?

If you open a bank and get a few money printing machines directly, will others still use the competition?

I'm afraid the only way to win us is to grab the bank, right?

However, makes everyone stunned that Nanlingxi really found the nc who opened the bank, and after paying the corresponding security money, it obtained the right to operate the bank!

Oh my God, are we really going to start printing money?

Of course this is just a fantasy, the role of banks is not to print money...

Under Nanlingxi’s explanation, banks are very profitable. After they are upgraded to banks, commercial banks can absorb nc’s idle funds, and then invest the funds in the industries of various cities to increase the output and profits of the entire industry, thereby obtaining a steady stream Dividends...

In other words, as long as Nanlingxi invests in those best-selling products, and other guilds continue to purchase and sell, the Riding Cloud Guild can wait for dividends, which is equivalent to letting all other guilds work for themselves!

Not only that, business banks that are short of funds can also borrow from Qiyun Bank to tide over the difficulties. Although these guilds that encounter difficulties are unwilling, there is no other way. After all, the system only allows bankruptcy to apply for loans from the system or find Other guild banks apply for loans, and even private fund transactions between guilds and guilds are prohibited!

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