Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1432: It’s better than the magic stick that white doesn’t understand black

???? Moreover, everyone can win bonuses through work, whether it is used to heal themselves in the future, or to subsidize the family, to honor their parents, at least they have the value of living!

???? Therefore, no vegetative person chose to seek death. They signed contracts with the help of their families and were sent to the Medical Research Institute of Tengyi Company. While receiving treatment there, they began to undergo pre-job training.

???? At the beginning, all vegetative people think that the game world is illusory and unreal. There must be various maladjustments to live in the game, and even lose the freedom of life.

???? However, when they actually logged into the game, they discovered that the game can be so real, at least it looks so real!

???? Even if there is no freedom at work, it can be pleasing to the eye, and you can contact the players, and dispel the boring vegetative life.

???? Therefore, many patient NPCs live their lives with joy in hardship, and many of them want to tease game players.

???? Of course, Kicking Tiannongjing is very supportive of this kind of person. After all, he himself is a complete scam. If the real NPCs he recruited can inherit the hobbies of the players, it would be perfect.

???? Therefore, although Ki Tian Nong Jing Zui did not actively ask the real NPC to tease the player, but acquiesced and even encouraged the real NPC to diverge thinking, to increase the tortuous and difficult task as much as possible.

???? NPCs with high mission failure rates can even get special bonuses!

???? Not only that, Tengyi company even opened up to them the incomplete stealth system in the experiment.

???? Incomplete stealth system is actually the player can sneak into the game and control the character's every move through brain signals, but it does not cut off the player's body perception in the real world.

???? This is for the safety of players. Some novels advocate a completely sneaky game system. This will produce a lot of unsafe factors, especially if a fire or natural disaster occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable.

???? However, the application of this incomplete stealth system to vegetatives is equivalent to complete stealth. After all, they have no way to connect their brains to their body organs, but this does not affect their use of a brand new stealth system.

???? Their personal safety does not need to be considered by themselves, and professional medical staff are responsible for their health for a long time.

???? It's useless to let them think about it. Could it be that a vegetative person can jump off the bed and run after a fire?

???? So the stealth system is applied to the patient, there is no safety hazard, and it will not be scaled by people.

???? It is precisely the brand-new incomplete stealth system that opened up a second life for them, allowing them to obtain a second body.

???? That's right, these vegetative people can now control the actions of their characters through their own consciousness, and even gain some character perception, even these...

Perception is very rigid, but they like the feeling of being alive.

???? This feeling at least gives them an illusion of comfort. They are still alive. They are not Frankensteins who don't even have a body, let alone waste people lying in bed and wasting time...

???? At this time, the Eastern Emperor couldn't care about so much anymore. He immediately said: "The deity is not as unbearable as you think. I am going to give you a task of providing props, and the contents of the props are easy to buy. If you don’t believe it, you can take it and decide whether to leave the deity. the world of young people, we old men really don’t understand, why the basic trust between man and **** is gone? Then how can we talk about faith? What? This **** must awaken the conscience in your heart and let you dedicate your glory to God again!"

???? actually said he was an old man?

???? Don't know how old this old thing is?

???? You guy is even better than the white stick that doesn't understand the black. He must be very compatible with you. I won't believe in the God in the game!

???? "If your lion asks for any expensive props, I will waste a mission in vain."

???? Jing Tian still didn't believe Donghuang Taiyi's words.

???? "You just rebelled against the fallen **** and immediately joined the other gods, and you can't get the number of missions. This is the rule. Besides, if you betray the original god, you will definitely be chased by the gods for at least 24 hours. During this period, you can’t invest in other gods. If you cherish the number of missions so much, you should take it and take a look. Although the **** cannot choose the content of the specific items to be submitted, you can control the scope of the items to be submitted. Well, it will definitely make you buy it easily."

???? "Well, I will trust you once! Don't waste my trust!"

???? Jing Tian has rarely assumed the posture of the Jing family, but in the face of the "principal" guy in front of him, he must not weaken his morale.

???? Jingling, the system prompts, the fallen **** [Emperor Taiyi] has issued a service mission to you. May I accept it immediately?

???? Choosing to accept, a scroll flew out of Donghuang Taiyi's hand and shot directly at Zuijing Guantian's like a meteor, and like a hidden weapon, if you didn't know Donghuang Taiyi Without killing himself, Jing Tian would already subconsciously manipulate the character to avoid it.

???? The next breath, the scroll burrowed into the body of Zuijing Guantian, and the system reminded Jing Tian that he had obtained the scroll of service mission.

???? "Uh... you post a mission, as to make it so fancy?"

"Aren’t you alone? The deity showed you some special effects. Shouldn’t you be grateful? When there are a lot of people in the future, the deity will not talk to those mortals one by one, but will only choose to watch. The guy who meets the eye can just talk a few words. This fully shows how much the **** values ​​you, and I hope you will not let down the king's expectations!"


?? Looking forward to your sister!

???? What can you expect?

???? "With this kind of differential treatment, you are not afraid of others complaining that you are not doing your business properly? Why do you only look at the pleasing interaction? In my opinion, every player has the right to talk to you, and you also have the obligation Meet all players!"

???? "You want to exhaust the deity? The deity is not a fallen nanny, how can it directly communicate with all the servants? Even if I want to work hard, but you players won't want it? After all, I don't have a clone technique. , Dialogue reception one by one, I’m afraid the people who want to pick up the task at the gate of the shrine will be lined up in the Spring Festival train station. At that time, players will complain frantically, right?"

???? Have to say, this guy does have a bit of truth.

???? Although it is a real NPC, it is impossible to receive players one by one!

???? "This time it is still true. If you didn't receive it in person, would it be your colleague?"

???? "The deity does not need a clone."

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