Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1462: Skill Assist System

  Obviously, he could easily do this kind of action in Mermaid and Dungeon before!

  No, right? Although the mermaid and the dungeon fitness system are connected to Sky Dungeon, there is a fundamental difference.

   The difference is that: Mermaid and Dungeon can create their own moves at will. There is no fixed skill system. Players can inspire various moves according to their own potential. It is a purely somatosensory game.

   However, Sky Dungeon is a constrained VRRPG online game with an attack cooling skill system. It cannot completely unbind it like a mermaid and a dungeon, unleash its fists, and create some moves casually.

   If you can, maybe someone can rely on the magical ordinary attack to defeat the player who uses the skill.

Why do you say that?

To put it simply, the skill is actually the enhancement of the ordinary attack and the effect of the combo. If the player can continuously attack as he wants, for example, if Jing Tian can make a number of consecutive stabs in an instant, then the effect of the ordinary attack will catch up with the skill. It worked.

   Obviously this is not working, even if it is a normal attack, there is a cooling time.

In other words, the player cannot use consecutive ordinary attacks. Jing Tian cannot first stab the bone-refining halberd from the sky, and then chop down. In the eyes of the system, these are two ordinary attacks, and there must be a closing action between the two ordinary attacks. , Or cooling time.

The system also seems to have noticed Jing Tian’s attempt, and uttered a voice reminder: "Sorry, all attack actions in Sky Dungeon pay attention to the integrity of moves, including ordinary attacks. You must complete an ordinary attack before launching the first attack. Second. When launching an attack, it must be launched according to the normal attack action, otherwise the system will determine the player's own move. If you want to open the own move, you must turn it on through the system settings. After opening the player can change the attack move at will to make full use of Weapon, but all self-created moves will consume physical strength according to the range of the attack. Moreover, the damage generated by self-created moves is always calculated by the normal attack damage formula, and will not produce critical strikes and critical strikes."

   That's it!

It’s also right to think about it. Fang Tianji’s normal attack is a straight stab. If the player can change the normal attack action and form at will, wouldn’t it be possible to pick up Fang Tianji and hit the sweeping group attack effect time after time. ?

  Moreover, self-created moves consume very critical physical strength. If you consume physical strength at will, then if you want to jump quickly and avoid some of the enemy's skills in battle, you may experience the embarrassment of exhaustion of physical strength. The gain is not worth the loss!

   Sacrificing flexible action ability in exchange for positional attack power may be desirable for some meat shield professions, but for myself, it is naturally a tasteless existence.

If you can use your own moves without restrictions, and you can frequently hit critical hits and critical hits, then the output frequency may be high, and the sustained damage is higher than the use of complex skills, then a genre will appear: Life cycle.

   That's right, it's birth rebirth. Just use flat A. What about upgrading skills?

what? Can skills control the enemy?

   There is no control over the birth, and it is simply tasteless?

   So, how about letting a teammate control the enemy, and others surrounding them for life?

   And if the weapons are replaced with light weapons such as daggers and sharp knives, it might be possible to pierce several blood holes in a second, then the game will completely change.

   There is no need to fight at all, as long as the number of people fights.

   Therefore, in order to maintain the order of the game and give some people who are eager to break the rules a little opportunity, after comprehensive consideration, under the rules of the game, they developed their own moves and put a shackle on their own moves.

   This can be regarded as the way the benevolent sees the benevolence and the wise see the wisdom, as long as the need arises, you can conduct in-depth research in this area, Jing Tian sighed in his heart and decided to give up.

   "How about? You already know how to launch an attack! Now I will lift the skill restriction, and open the skill support system, and the hit support system. You can try to use the skill shortcuts silently to activate the skills."

   Skill support system?

  Hit assist system?

   These are the systems that Jing Tian has planned, but they are all written in writing, and the incomplete stealth system itself is an existence that can only be expected and unspeakable.

   When Jingtian planned the skill assist system and the hit assist system, it was only a conceptual plan, and could not enrich the planning details at all. It could only describe the feasibility and practicality of this system in theory.

   What is the mystery of these two systems?

   That's all, you'll know after a try!

   I can see the system of my dream come true, and Jing Tian's heart is still stormy, just like the first time I learned that Sky Dungeon was created.

   "Heaven is falling!"

   Tian Jiang is Jing Tian's favorite starting style. The character can jump high and then launch a sharp blow from the high position. It is really an unsatisfactory starting skill.

Jing Tiancan can call out the shortcut instructions for the skill, and the character jumps up automatically. At the same time, the system has multiple footholds on the ground, but these footholds are not spread out across the screen, obviously only for the bottom For several scarecrows, Jing Tian just casually let his eyes stare at one of the footholds, UU reading www. The character will automatically fall towards that foothold!

   This is the skill assist system?

   After the skill is activated, the player character will automatically proceed according to the skill action set by the system, but the player can choose the direction of the skill attack according to the visual focus.

   Wait, there are still numbers in the circle of these footholds!

  What are these numbers?

   Is it a hit assist system?

   should be correct, these values ​​are the hit rate!

   Choosing different footholds should have different hit rates, but now these scarecrows are static and will not avoid them at all. These hit rates have naturally become 100%.

   The bone-refining halberd in Jingtian's hand smashed the Scarecrow's head without any suspense, instantly smashing it to pieces, and then turning into a data light spot and disappearing with the wind.

   Strange, since there is a hit assist system, why didn’t it come out when I tried a normal attack just now?

   Is it because ordinary attacks cannot be applied, and the calculation of hit assistance?

   It shouldn’t be, is it possible that the hit will be invalid on normal attacks?

   doesn't look right at all, it should be easier to calculate the hit rate for normal attacks.

Thinking of this question, Jing Tian used his arms and launched a normal attack again [Straight Stabbing]. However, this time when Jing Tian's arms were exerting force, he suddenly noticed that many circles appeared in front of him. The middle is the number zero. Isn't this just the hit assist system?

   Surprised, Jing Tian actually forgot to focus and select one of the rings, and the bone refining halberd just poked it out so casually...


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