Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1466: jump over?

   Obviously, this is much more difficult than using the direction controller to adjust the aiming star. Players need to use their own body to grasp it. At least it will be slower for ordinary people to get started.

   The basic attack of the crossbow has become much simpler than the operation of the melee weapon. As long as the trigger is pulled, the crossbow will immediately spit out the crossbow to attack the target, which is much more realistic than the melee weapon.

how to say?

If the melee weapon is slashed casually, it will be judged as a self-made move, but the long-range weapon will not. As long as the player raises the crossbow with one hand and pulls the trigger with the other hand, the posture is standard. As long as the crossbow is filled, it can be refilled. Launch an attack.

  Only some nervous players will try to add more extra moves during normal attacks.

   For example, the empress, this guy is now studying how to shake the hidden weapon box to launch the level A, how to launch an attack during the fall...

   Apparently this guy has discovered the new world...

   Jingtian tried, only when one-handed crossbow is forced to pull the trigger, the system will judge it as a self-created move. In other cases, as long as the two-handed crossbow pulls the trigger to attack, you can easily launch a flat A normal attack.

   Sure enough, remote Ping A is more comfortable!

   Immediately after Jing Tianyou tried the basic skills of launching the crossbow, the basic skills of the crossbow seemed to be activated without any difficulty, and manual activation was more suitable.

   It is difficult to change the attack point of the crossbow when it is automatically launched. After all, the player must not only grasp the time of three attacks and three attacks, but also change the landing position before the attack. This is simply more difficult than the sky.

  This is different from Fang Tianji. The basic skills of the crossbow are piercing through the Yang with a hundred steps, two bursts, and three bursts, which can be activated by pulling the trigger in rapid succession.

However, if you want to change the two-shot and three-shot crossbow arrows to different directions, you need to use manual mode to control the direction of the crossbow, adjust the angle in a very short time, and after the angle is adjusted, Press the attack button.

   It sounds difficult, but it seems very easy to control the crossbow with his own body sense. Jing Tian only tried twice and succeeded.

   This has finally restored Jing Tian's confidence, so that he will not be treated as a white pit by the new system.

Instead, using the skill assist system, two bursts and three bursts can't easily stagger the landing point of the crossbow arrows. Jing Tian expects to use the visual focus system between the calcium carbide sparks to lock the position of the burst, but this time is too short. It is impossible to capture easily.

   It seems that my previous conclusions are a bit sloppy. When to use the skill assist system to activate the skills through a password, and when to use their own actions to activate the skills, they still need to be treated differently. They must not be generalized.

   The combination of Chinese and Western medicine can be effective. The manual mode and the automatic mode can be switched at will. That's fun!

   It seems that you must figure out which skills are suitable for manual activation and which skills are suitable for automatic mode. Strengthen the practice of skills that require manual mode activation. You only need to be familiar with the skills of automatic mode.

Jing Tian exhaled a deep breath. He suddenly felt that the incomplete stealth system was like an uncontrollable horse. Even if he was fully prepared, he would still be like a brand new rider, and he couldn't do it overnight. , Easy and free to control.

  Perhaps, this is the challenge I pursue, the adventure I pursue...

   Jingtian suddenly became excited, and suddenly felt that the game became interesting again.

   is not just Jing Tian alone, why other people are not like this, some of the freshness that fades, or even deteriorates, suddenly seems to have swallowed some spiritual treasure, and it is completely new!

   Everyone was so excited that their hearts were trembling, as if they had entered the game on the first day. No, it should be said that they were crossing into the game world, both familiar and unfamiliar.

   is precisely this kind of feeling that makes everyone crazy about it.

   If it is not for the system to allow players to calmly understand the operation of the game, then players will definitely be allowed to use the communication system at will.

   Now, the system has deliberately blocked all communications of players, and even the world channel has been temporarily blocked, which shows that the system wants to give everyone a quiet experience environment, so that all players can quietly think about the changes in the game.

   If this is not the case, I'm afraid Yang Jiajie's astonishment and 100,000 voices have filled the entire chat room long ago, and Jingtian would hardly have an environment to experience calmly.

   This is very important. Don’t always go to hearsay. Seeing is not true. Only by experiencing it yourself can you feel the charm of sneaking!

   But even so, Zhao Jiaxue's sounds of confusion and abuse from time to time interrupted Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi's understanding.

   However, fortunately, the two of them have long been used to Zhao Jiaxue's surprise.

  Moreover, the old dirty woman talking to herself was also comprehending the game itself, and shared her findings with Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi, so that they could compare their own experience, so neither of them stopped speaking.

   Being free from interference from players in the world does not mean that you cannot communicate in private.

   There is no absolute in everything.

After the interruption exercises, everyone has experienced various basic operation teachings. Although these so-called basic operation teachings are not difficult, the experience cannot be described in a single word. It can only be said to be rich to the extreme~www. Everyone has a lot of associations in their minds, and they are full of doubts. I feel that there are many questions that need to be answered in future operations.

   "Brother God, the star now feels like you are a predictor, this non-complete stealth system is so interesting, and finally it's a bit challenging. In the future, the star should work harder and fight for more bosses!"

   Yang Miaomiao's adapting to the new system was surprisingly fast. After Jing Tian quit the teaching system, this guy found Jing Tian for the first time.

   It can be seen that the speed of this guy through the tutorial is amazing.

   predict the emperor?

   I just ask you not to underestimate the incomplete stealth system, okay?

   How can I become a prediction emperor inexplicably?

  What did I predict?

   What do you mean by finally being a little challenged?

   Is the previous two years of gaming career a piece of cake for you?

   Why don’t you go to the sky and tear the sky with your hands?

   Also, besides being a boss in your life, can't you set other goals?

   "Uh... as long as you like it, why are you faster than me? Are you like a fish in the water in the teaching system?"

   "What is like a fish in water, the native is a cat! The tutorials just now are too simple, the native skipped it!"


too easy? jump over?

   How can the tutorial just now be skipped?

   Are you sure that you used some alien black technology?

   "How did you skip the tutorial?"



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