Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1473: Twenty times gold coin

"I can only say, have you ever thought about why you have to pay 20 times the gold coins to open two general guild skills at the same time? Does Tengyi company don't want us to spend money? Deliberately came up with such a dismissal setting, Wouldn't it be more reasonable to prevent us from opening two guild resident skills? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to set it to only activate one skill at a time? Isn't it possible that these 20 times gold coins will be worth the money?

   Jingtian's words hit everyone's consciousness like a bolt from the sky.

   Yes, Tengyi Company is not a brain-dead, how could it be allowed to kick the Tiannongjing to create an air wall that prevents players from recharging?

   These 20 times gold coins may really be worth the money!

   I don’t know what kind of variation there will be if you start stealing beams and changing pillars and the mirage at the same time.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that this is a pit made by kicking the sky well. After all, that guy likes to pit people the most.

   But such a big pit, as long as one guild falls into it, all guilds will know that this one-time pit appears as a system setting, is it too trifling?

   In summary, 20 times gold coins should be worth the money, at least some special effects!

   "What did the Jade Demon Alliance say? Has it been negotiated to go to the sea of ​​chaos to block the demons?" Vietnam Remnant Leisha asked.

   Jingtian shook his head in his heart. Although the Jade Demon Alliance agreed, the Blue Wolf Guild flatly refused.

"The Jade Demon Alliance still saves face, but the Blue Wolf Guild refused, and there is no need for us to communicate with the Magic Lantern Alliance. Without the Blue Wolf Guild, even if we join the Magic Lantern to attack the Demon Race, I'm afraid They can't kill many of them at all, and they have to increase the morale of the demons and destroy their own power. It is better to wait for work and wait for the demons to hit the door." Jing Tian's voice revealed helplessness and embarrassment.

   It is clear that he is also a Chinese, but why can’t the Chinese themselves be united?

   The Soul of the Blue Wolf may just wait to see his own jokes, perhaps hope that the demons will step down on the Cloud Riding Guild!

   It is reasonable to not send troops to the Chaos Demon Sea to fight the Demon Race.

In fact, even sending troops to the Sea of ​​Chaos will not change the current situation. After all, there will usually be people in the alliance staying at the station to avoid sneak attacks by the stalkers. The alliance that is already inadequate in combat power is just delaying the devil in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Time is up.

The corner of Jing Tian’s mouth has already raised a weird curve on the ground, like an evil clown, and he sneered in his heart: Well, this time I will let you know that even if you don’t contribute, the Demon Clan will not be able to break our Cloud Riding Guild. You short-sighted guilds, maybe they are going to eat their own fruits.

   Jing Tian faintly felt that the Demon might rely on the advantages of equipment to inflict heavy losses on the Alliance this time. However, even if he predicted all this, he was at a loss and could only seek self-protection under the alliance's own operations.

   It’s not that Jingtian didn’t think about letting the guilds of the Jade Demon Alliance activate the dual guild resident skills, but why should I persuade them?

   Could it be that with one of their own mouths, let them overdraft the guild treasury at one time and spend 20 times the gold coins to unlock a dispensable second skill?

   I am afraid that even Jing Tian can't help but suspect that he is the trustee of Tengyi Company?

   Let alone other guilds that don’t have much friendship, even if you don’t say anything, you will curse yourself in your heart, right?

   This kind of thankless thing, even good people can't do it!

Let alone those guilds that have thoughts and suspicions about the Riding Cloud Guild, plus if the information accidentally leaks out, the demons might also be on guard, then whether the dual resident skills can produce miraculous effects, it’s really not It's easy to say.

   After all, ten-legged people in this world are hard to find, but allies like pigs are flooded...

   These allies not only do not do what they say, they may also use their own strategies as a laughing stock, so there is no way to talk to the people in the Jade Demon Alliance!

   If you succeed again this time, I am afraid I will be charged with an unreasonable charge...

   Although his heart is bitter, he still has to go to the housekeeper Nan Lingxi honestly.

  20 times gold coins is indeed not a small number, but the system is not so frenzied that players must recharge real coins, whether platinum or black gold, can be used as effective gold coins to purchase guild resident skills.

   The items or skills sold by the system that are not tradable in Sky Dungeon can be purchased with black gold.

   After all, black gold cannot be exchanged for real gold coins. If black gold is no longer used for system-related purchases of common props and common skills, then black gold will have no value.

  Considering the necessity of the existence of the black market, kicking Tiannongjing does not require that guild skills must be purchased with platinum to activate.

   However, in Sky Dungeon, the number one black gold rich is undoubtedly the queen of the black market Nangong Lingxi.

That’s right, Jing Tian didn’t have the brains to use real money to buy the two guild resident skills, Mirage and Stealing Beams and Pillars. After all, you must have the consciousness of eating soft food. It is best to find the party with the lighter consequences to eat without talking about it. What kind of excessive conditions do not need to bear any emotional debt. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If you ask Feng Ji to ask for gold coins, I believe Lin Yumian will not refuse, and directly recharge a large sum of money into the game, then you will have to bear this real money debt. Although you can pay it off, it will be very meaty. painful.

  Black gold is different. Some people trade black gold privately. The exchange ratio between Chinese coins and black gold is not 1:1, and often hovering around 1:2.5.

  Of course, black gold transactions are also feasible with private acquaintances. Large-scale transactions still have the risk of being reported, and the consequences of permanent bans are too serious.

   In this way, I use black gold to eat soft rice, and even if I have to pay back in the future, it will be much less.

   As the saying goes, if you can save, you can save. After you ran away from home, you have a commoner view of money.

  Even if you don’t need to pay the money yourself, the love debt you owe is lighter, isn’t it?

   "Sister Lingxi, is it convenient for you to give me 20w black gold? I want to turn on Stealing Beams and Pillars and the Mirage at the same time to try to ensure that the guild's premises will not be trampled."

   "Brother Jing still sees this way. In order to punish you, you must promise me one thing."

   "Uh...what's the matter? He is merciful."

The most feared thing has come. In the past two years, as long as they have something to ask for their help, they will allow themselves to agree to all kinds of strange things, especially the old demon who wants to ask her for help. Taking wedding photos with her is a life nightmare, lingering!

   Now as long as someone negotiates terms with myself, I subconsciously think of taking wedding photos, and my goose bumps come out again...



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