Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1478: Kill five people with one move?

   Just the navy is enough to defeat the regular army of the alliance, this battle is really unexpected!

   "Dear Queen, it's time for you to make a move, this time I was overcast by the demons."

   "Hee hee, so fast? Didn't you think that Mozu is quite powerful? There are still many methods."

   Obviously, Ralf had already seen everything, and she didn't hesitate to use time and space magic directly.

   As soon as the time and space magic came out, the alliance immediately unreservedly sounded the horn of counterattack, and soon some Demon players died completely and were taken away by the system god.

   However, Jing Tian was not happy at all, because he knew clearly that after the fall of these demons players, more powerful demons would flood in!

However, Jing Tian had no choice but to inflict severe damage to the Demon players in one go, and as far as possible to kill all the navy forces in one go. Even if the main force of the Demon Race was facing next, as long as he maintained the advantage in numbers, there was still a battle. Of the power!

   This time the development of the fighting situation is difficult to control. As long as one step is wrong, the whole situation will collapse.

   "The dark dragon is dominating the sky!"

   Jingtian feels that there is no need to command now, and he must go all out!

   Sitting on the well and watching the sky immediately activated the solar eclipse effect, and he turned into a shadowy dragon and jumped up. The next moment his visual focus locked on the demon's healing position, he plunged into the crowd!

   At the same time, the bone-refining halberd in Zuijing Guantian's hand exudes a strong black energy. In an instant, the white bone-refining halberd seemed to be dyed into black charcoal by the black gas, and the bone-refining halberd itself ignited a black flame!

Undoubtedly, sitting in a well and watching the sky holding a bone-refining halberd under the cover of the solar eclipse, he slammed heavily into the demon’s healing position. Only the moment the bone-refining halberd landed, there were 3 healers and 2 melee occupations in that area. A domineering influence, the bloodline plummeted!

However, the bloodline plummeting is not all. After the vision returned to normal, five black dragons appeared in the shadows of the five of them and went straight into the sky. Under the influence of the black dragon's soaring to the sky, the blood value of these five people plummeted. And the character itself was thrown high into the air, and his fate was on!

  No, no, the previous breathing enemy is still dead, and now it's dead!

   Kill 5 people with one move?

   is incredible!

   This is too sturdy, right?

  Although some people have synthesized the [halberd method·Yibatian], those people still stay in the first form that Jingtian used in the past, and it is only a single attack.

   However, after two fusions in Jing Tian's hands, Yiba Tian finally mutated!

Of course, there may also be more or less credit for the fallen **** Eastern Emperor Taiyi. This guy made a point when Jing Tian merged with the power of God, and told Jing Tian that when he merged with the power of God, it was in some specific scenes. If it is carried out in the same environment, the probability of fusion mutation is greater.

  This kind of enlightenment is simply the supreme wealth for everyone in Jingtian, and everyone has never considered this aspect.

   Perhaps it was because he was overconfident and didn't think about what kind of black-box operation that kicking Tian Nongjing would do to surpass himself in this regard, so that after hearing the news, Jing Tian was silent for a long time.

   Yes, although my game planning is very successful, it is not necessarily perfect, and I shouldn’t underestimate Kicking Tiannongjing!

   You must know that the essence of Sky Dungeon lies in adventure and discovery. The reason why Donghuang Taiyi revealed the news to the players may also be the arrangement of kicking the patio, allowing more people to explore the hidden gameplay.

   So, Jing Tian searched for a dark dragon's lair. With the help of the guild members, Jing Tian killed the dark dragon and carried out the operation of fusing the power of the gods on the corpse of the dark dragon.

   The dark dragon's lair is also a place where you can't see your fingers. If the player doesn't wear light source props, then nothing can be seen here.

   When Jing Tian was fusing, he even asked everyone to leave, and he put the light source props into the package before fusing.

   Every step can be said to be well-intentioned!

Of course, do your best and listen to your destiny. Although your own arrangements are seamless, there is a possibility that things like fusion skills will fail. Even if you prepare well, it may cause fusion to fail and turn skills into a tasteless existence. Jingtian's approach is actually also In adventure and gambling.

   Fortunately, the sky pays off, Yiba Tian finally undergoes an abnormal change, and it mutates into [Dark Dragon Yiba Tian].

Dark Dragon One Overlord: Super long-distance jumping and charging skills, transforming into a dark dragon soaring into the sky, using Fang Tianji to launch a fearful blow to the target within the locked range, PVP has a special damage enhancement effect, and accompanied by environmental darkness Attribute damage and dark dragon damage, PVE has an additional percentage damage bonus effect on monsters. The solar eclipse effect is triggered, and the surrounding field of vision is shrouded in darkness instantly. Only the caster can maintain a normal field of vision. The monsters in PVE will lose their ability to move in the dark.

   In the process of charging, the incarnation of the dark dragon is immune to all attacks and negative so the mana consumption is higher.

   That's right, what Yiba Tian hurts Jingtian the most is its blue consumption!

However, what surprises Jing Tian is that the damage of his fusion skills is too high, especially the damage of the dark dragon. I don’t know why this damage value is affected by the dark attribute environment. It has a special enhancement in the eclipse state. effect.

   However, don't get me wrong, Jing Tian didn't choose a player of the same level to start this attack, but picked a soft persimmon and pinched it on the rebirth level 55 demon navy, so he could use a single skill to kill five people instantly!

   If it weren't for the terrifyingly sophisticated equipment of the Demon players, Jing Tian would still have the confidence to kill 5 ordinary level 60 players in one shot.

This is the relative imbalance brought about by powerful equipment. With the explosion of higher-level magic cores, the quality of equipment has become more and more different. Although there were few spikes a year ago, it was accompanied by the game’s Development, everyone's own attributes are strong, equipment is strong, and skills are strong. In addition, some professions have probabilistic spike skills. It is no longer a myth to appear to spike opponents in battle.

However, a single move to kill five enemy players who are more than 10 levels lower is completely beyond the normal scope. After all, if the physical attack skill group is attacked, the damage will be divided, and it is easy to cause damage attenuation. The skill that kills one person in a second is in the crowd. In the middle of the show, let alone killing five people, it is very difficult to put the blood line of the five people into the endangered stage.

   In a sense, Jing Tian has already upgraded Yiba Tian from a general-level skill to an imperial level, and half of his foot has stepped into the threshold of a god-level. If there is an opportunity, maybe he can be a god.



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