Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1483: 1 go up

   That's right, the mission of Ruiyue to the various forces is to guard the way, for fear that the members of their guild will be harassed by the alliance players on the way back to the demon.

   After all, it is obviously unrealistic to ask everyone to help block the resurrection point of the Alliance City. This can only be a strong counterattack from all Alliance City players.

   Now is not a good time to sprout branches.

   But, is it difficult to understand how to guard the way?

   After all, the road from the Invasion of the Sea of ​​Chaos to the Guild Riding Cloud is so long, how can it be defended?

Yes, although the road is long, there is no need to guard all of them. You only need to guard the periphery of the Ranmogang Riding Cloud Alliance. The Demon players are not brain-disabled. On the way back to the battlefield, a large number of Alliance players hide directly. Just make a detour, there is no need to entangle in the fight.

   I'm afraid that people from the Cloud Riding Guild would run to the periphery of their Guild's premises to carry out a sneak attack, especially when flying kites, especially if the sister who doesn't eat mice is flying kites, that would be troublesome.

   Therefore, it is also very necessary to arrange other forces to help guard the road.

However, if a large number of Alliance players go to Luanmogang to besiege the new force of the Ruiyue Group, the situation will be bad. Although only one road outside the Guiyun Guild’s residence is protected, the position of the Demon Race is relatively loose. , It is very possible to be killed by ants more!

   Therefore, Ruiyue will naturally require the various forces to come to support as soon as possible after completing the set tasks.

   However, most of the people who came to support were the second-line members of the major forces. The combat effectiveness was uneven and the price was large, otherwise it was not enough.

   That’s right, although the Demon players dare not disobey the orders of the Americans, they can violate the rules and cut corners. After all, the main force of the guild is to stand guard and guard the road. Everyone must have opinions.

   Bei Mianzuo can be considered a good commander. This guy directly dispatched all the stalker players participating in the revenge battle, sneaked into the sea of ​​chaos, and professionally harvested the new force of the demons to resurrect and rush to the battlefield.

   On the other hand, he concentrated all his effective combat power, used a point to break his face, raided the demons army, and killed the demons players by surprise.

   At this time, the inner gates of the various guild residences of the Riding Cloud Alliance were completely broken. The Mozu players retreated a certain distance, began to consolidate their combat power, waited for the skill to cool down, and prepared to launch the final battle, completely destroying the resident buildings in one effort.

   However, just as the situation was getting better, Domineering received a report from the guild management, informing the Domineering Cloud Riding Alliance about the complex situation outside the guild’s residence, which made Domineering feel furious.

   He did not expect that the powers of various countries would fool himself, and only sent the old, weak, sick and disabled second-line members to assist him, and he did not expect that alliance players could quickly launch a revenge counterattack after the defeat.

It’s too late to regret it anyway. The other members of the demons who successfully invaded and destroyed the alliance’s resident return and died. After the mission is completed, they can no longer directly cross the sea of ​​chaos to come to help. You must receive the daily mission to see the luck transmitted to Go to the alliance site.

   The probability of this kind of teleportation is too low, especially when an invasion occurs, the system often directly teleports the demons to the dungeon!

   Damn it!

   These unreliable guys!

   You all came home in big victories. Have you considered that our side has not won completely yet?

   is really a group of pig teammates!

  The domineering heart is even more swearing...

  The group of pigs think that there is no alliance player to help Riding Cloud Guild at the beginning, and no one will help afterwards?

   Don’t they know that the enemy that has already been defeated is a broken tank and a last fight?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Even if the revenge battle fails, there is no loss, but if the revenge battle wins, although it will not save face, it can boost morale!

   They have no reason not to participate in the war at all. Did the leaders in the organization have brain problems?

   How can you not see clearly in this form?

   How can you carelessly lose Jingzhou?

   Isn't this pitting yourself?

   Actually, domineering is just a hindsight...

  As the saying goes, why there is nothing but an afterthought to alleviate worries!

  Although there is no precautionary plan, you can comfort yourself after the event, as if you have seen everything clearly, so that you can transfer the responsibility to others and let yourself be sublimated. This is the truth of self-comfort.

   However, after scolding his comrade, Domineering immediately recovered his calm. Looking at the falling Dapeng in the sky, he knew that if he dragged it down at this time, he would give the Cloud Riding Guild a chance to breathe.

   Now we must work hard to completely destroy the Cloud Riding Alliance!

   It’s okay, a last stand, maybe it can stimulate everyone's potential even more.

   So he didn't hesitate to be overbearing, and immediately gave an order to launch the final attack!

   Ruiyue group forces filed into the inner gates of the various guilds. After that, they first ushered in the guard NPC's pounce.

   This is no accident. The guard NPC of the Cloud Riding Guild is famous. They have upgraded the guild restaurant to the highest level. There are various types of mercenaries with extraordinary combat power.

  Of course, the demons are not vegetarians. Before the overbearing, all the forces called the Warcraft again. The Warcraft as the pioneer has already been fighting with the guard NPC.

   Even though the guarding NPC's combat power is stronger, but facing the sharp attack of the demon players, they and the beasts fell and died. Starting

There is no stalemate in the battle. It is just an illusion in the blink of an eye. Both players have officially entered the melee The first to enter the melee stage is naturally the Little Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow. After all, the number of NPCs that can be hired is twice that of Warcraft. , But the Mozu players swarmed into fifty people in one breath, and the NPC guards and monsters all died at the speed of destruction.

   The fifty cannon fodder who first poured into the guild’s premises were also beheaded by the members of the Cloud Riding Guild.

   But, soon, the moon-destroying forces poured in another fifty people. These fifty people are no longer cannon fodder, but the Transformers Army led by the American strategist, Tianshi!

   Although he expressed disdain for this battle, he was engaged in a domineering man, so he naturally did not dare to defy, and led the elite team to fight bravely throughout the process.

   Seeing that the coming people are the main force of the ruining moon forces, Jing Tian also felt a bit bitter in his heart. Everyone has fought more often, and there are no hole cards. Although those old-fashioned moves are sharp, they are still not enough for these experienced elites.

   They all found some ways to deal with it.

What's more, the inferiority in personnel and the inferiority in operation cannot be compensated by equipment and skills, especially the equipment and skills of the enemy. The skills are also remarkable, and Jing Tian has nothing in his heart. Odds.

  Even if all the means were exhausted, in the face of a powerful enemy, Jing Tian and the others only delayed the time of their death, and soon all the members of Qiyun saw the system god!

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