Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1485: Sow discord

   As long as the Demon players attack the guild hall, they will find that the building has indestructible properties, and all attacks will become invalid!

   You have to know, if the demons are not blind, how could they have been attacking invincible buildings?

   When they found the mirage, they would naturally look for the real guild residence immediately.

   In fact, the demons will never be caught in such a low-end trap. They have already found out the exact coordinates of the guilds' residences. How could they make such a low-level mistake?

   "Brother, do you have a fever? Go offline and rest now!"

"Uh... I said it was the fusion of guild skills. Are you so unsure of me? It's okay to tell everyone now. I opened Mirage and Stealing Beams and Changing Pillars at the same time. After the two skills are merged, a special difference will occur. Change, that is, the guild residence of the mirage will become a complete body, and the real guild residence will become an invincible body."

   "Brother Tian is really burnt, let's go and kill the guild meow!"

   "That's right, Uncle Se is a bit abnormal today. If the real guild becomes invincible, do we still need to guard the guild? Isn't it possible to watch the demons invade calmly?"

"The smelly man is drinking too much, right? If it's a mirage, how could we land on the fake guild station by taking the Dapeng? This is completely incompatible with the system setting. Your drinking is as bad as the wine. Come, let's do it again. A cup. Men are really contemptible." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   The drunkard said while pretending to drink.

   The key is not to think that everyone is as addicted to alcohol as you are!

   "Uh... the guild is indeed invincible, but it is also limited. What is the fusion guild skill? Since it is the invincibility effect of the fusion of the surrogate and the mirage, what if the mirage is defeated? Will the invincibility continue to exist?"

   Jingtian feels that communicating with these people is really laborious, unlike Yun Xueyiyi and Liu Yaya, who can guess a lot of things even with just a few words.

   As if to confirm what Jing Tian said, the guild channel suddenly popped up a system message: Warning! The guild station from the mirage was shattered by the demons. They must have discovered something. Please return to the real guild station as soon as possible to defend! New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  Oh my god, what everyone was defending just now was really a guild station from a mirage!

   The fakes from the Mirage actually have all the functions of the genuine ones!

   "Huh? Why? Why did we take the Dapeng directly to the guild station in the Mirage?"

   It's rare that your siblings reached an agreement on this issue.

"In fact, it's nothing, this is also a normal setting. After all, the real guild is in an invincible state. Where does it need to be defended? The system naturally allows Dapeng to take us to the mirage out of the station, or send us to the real guild station. You have to rush back all the way, that would be too much trouble. In other words, the fake guild station is the first defense. After the fusion skill is activated, the demons need to capture the station twice."

"That's it! Brother Jing is really smart. These are probably Brother Jing's own guesses. After all, no one has merged the two skills. In fact, if you calm down and think about it, you should understand that if the system is brain-dead After we are resurrected, we will take the Roc to the invincible guild station and not directly reach the inside of the guild station of the mirage. This is equivalent to losing the advantage of mobility, so no one will use such an expensive fusion guild skill a second time. Then the main strategy of the game may need to be reconsidered."

   Nanlingxi can easily see everything from the perspective of business operations.

"Oh? You said that, actually kicking Tiannongjing can already be considered for laying off. After all, there is only one person who has used the Fusion Guild skill. This setting is simply a tasteless one, and it can even be deleted. It is better to be cheaper and lower the dual guild skill. The effect is more practical."

   Liu Yaya rarely speaks, and the pronunciation is **** for tat.

"Hey! This is called long-term fishing. If you lower the price and weaken the effect of fusion guild skills as you said, then you will not make much money. On the contrary, as long as someone is willing to be the first person to eat crabs, guild fusion skills The mystery of the effect will spread like wildfire and spread. At that time, there will be many large guilds who will generously donate when the combat power is scarce." Nan Lingxi will naturally not show weakness and insist on its own opinions.

   I have to say that everyone believes in what Nan Lingxi said in terms of business operations.

"Oh? How many people do you think will use such an expensive fusion guild skill, even if you know the secrets, but compared to the gold coins consumed for guild reconstruction, the consumption of fusion guild skills is obviously much more luxurious. Even if the guild is captured, it is no big deal. . The gold coins used in the aftermath did not use this fusion skill as much. How many people were taken advantage of and were willing to pay?"

   "Why is it not a big deal? Why does Brother Jing spend so much money? Are you really taking advantage of Brother Jing?"

   The corner of Nan Lingxi's mouth rose slightly, apparently provoking discord!

   "Oh? I think he's a fool."

   is tolerable and unbearable! Yes, acquaintances can't stand it!

"Uh... it's actually worth After all, a loose alliance like us, especially when different countries gather in one station, if you can’t turn the tide and survive the storm, then everyone’s Confidence will naturally pass away a little bit. What's more, our situation is very special. As the leader, we have always been the weaker party. If there is no bleeding in this situation, what is the meaning of the existence of this alliance? I just be myself It's all within our power."

"Oh? It seems that you are not taken a lot of money, but you also said that only our guild is special, so other guilds will naturally not spend the wrong money. So, do you understand, sister Lingxi, your well? Brother said you were wrong! Also, if other guilds won’t buy it, only our guild will pay. Then who knows if this is a trap set by kicking the patio? Maybe you’ve already jumped in at the beginning After being trapped by the other party, he was pitted once more."

   Liu Yaya has a smug expression on her face, and the words she utters are even more heart-shaped!

   Obviously, this guy is calculated! Using Jing Tian's words, it hit Nan Lingxi...

   More importantly, Jing Tian also felt a chill in his back at this time.

   It seems that Liu Yaya made a very reasonable point. This seems to be a trick for herself. Could it be that she was kicked into the sky again?

   Didn’t you even hit yourself?

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