Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1489: The benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom

"It's just a guess, and we must take this matter seriously. We must let the alliance know that it is not that we are inferior to humans, but that the other party is tricking! Some people can say fake things as true, but we dare not tell the truth. , That’s really sad. For any evidence, we’re just stating the facts!"

"Yes, we must give the guild players confidence. We can't be so silent. Even if we don't participate in the saliva, we can be able to put it down, but we must let the people and the demons slobber. We must not be so quiet. ."

   "Then next time the demons invade, do we use it..."

   may feel a bit mean, this person swallowed half of what he said. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   "Since ancient times, history has been written by victors. How much is the process of victory visible and not mean?"

   "Uh...I'll be honest, the demons are now using this method to gain a phased advantage. It is definitely a self-destructive future. If we follow suit, then we will dig our own grave." Jing Tian finally spoke at this time.

   "Oh? What does President Qiyun say?"

   Everyone is interested, and they don't understand what wine is sold in Jingtian Gourd.

"In fact, it's nothing, everyone will understand after thinking about it. If you are proficient in the incomplete stealth system, is the original controller operation mode still an opponent? Don't look at the demons now indulging in false victory, but it is actually for the growth of the player It was a side effect. Not only did they stay in place, they also lost room for growth, especially their proficiency in PVP. In the future, we will definitely be able to let the demons out of reach."

   "Chairman Qiyun meant that we were going to fall behind and be beaten again? One or two times are okay. If the number of times increases, everyone's confidence is gone. How can we fight the demons in the future?"

   "Furthermore, even if it accumulates proficiency, the Demon Race can grind and make up for it through daily PVP missions on weekdays. It is just that the old equipment is replaced when the power invades. In my opinion, the Demon Race will not lag behind."

   "The usual task is 5V5, it can't be compared with the invasion of large forces, but the demons are behind or something, which is too optimistic."

"Uh...This requires the guild leaders to decide for themselves. The benevolent sees the benevolence and the wise sees the wisdom. I just think this is a very good growth process. After many exercises, our guild will definitely be able to adapt to the incomplete stealth system and burst out. Unprecedented team battle ability and personal combat ability. Therefore, I decided that if the demons come to fight our Cloud Riding Alliance again, I will still use the guild fusion skills and use the non-complete stealth system to confront the enemy to enhance everyone's growth."

   "Hehe, the chairman of the Cloud Riding Guild is a real tyrant who does not lose money. Our little guild can't spend so much money."

"Yes, it is said that you Riding Cloud Guild is the trust of Tengyi Company. I have not believed it for a long time, but now that I have listened to your horrible words to confuse the public, I think I should believe it. If it weren't for your alliance to risk the world's disgrace and integrate the Guild Resident skills, I am afraid we will never know that there are such special effects."

"Haha, that's right. You Qiyun Guild has a lot of money, and our guilds are short of funds. There is no way to continue to give away money to Tengyi Company. The investment and the return are really not proportional. If you use it again and again, the Mozu will not Defeated us, but we went bankrupt."

   "I think President Qiyun is very far-sighted..." The Russian guild president Bei Mianzuo suddenly spoke.

   As soon as he spoke, he attracted the attention of all the guild leaders. At this time, someone stood up and spoke for Guiyun Qiyun, which was tantamount to helping Qiyun Guild and Tengyi Company to separate the relationship.

   There are really many local tyrants in Russia!

   Can you wrestle with the United States, can you not have any courage?

   I really admire everyone.

However, even if the boss of the Russian Association speaks, everyone does not think that they will be stupid to give money to Tengyi Company. If they also seek state support, they can also apply for some funds, but this unilateral consumption is too uneconomical. , It's all about water.

  Perhaps Russian companies have this financial strength and continue to use fusion skills, but few other countries have such strong financial resources and confidence.

   They even thought that even if they used the guild fusion skills at a great expense, they might still lose to the demons.

   So, the guild leaders looked at the North Mianzuo's eyes a little flickering, it can be said that they are pregnant with ghosts.

However, Bei Mianzu seems to have a clear mind. Everyone's careful thinking can't hide his sharp eyes. He only listens to him when he is in danger and said: "However, it does not mean that all of us need to experience the demons first. Players who have not sold or dealt with the controller can switch back when the demons invade. We want the main guild to accept experience as much as possible, and other non-main members should ensure equal combat power as much as possible. Let the demons slaughter them." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   "President Bei Mianzu is really resourceful. This is really an acceptable and good way. It really solves everyone's urgent need, and has foresight, and has been taught!"

   "The elders of the North Mianzuo Association have calculated their minds. We will arrange this. I estimate that at least half of the people have not recovered the controller. As long as half of the combat power is available, then there is no need to be so deflated in the fight."

   "I don't think it is necessary. There were already a group of players who did not replace the new equipment and systems. We lost so I think we must ensure that more than 70% of the combat power uses the original controller."

"Yes, yes, I think you all hurry up and talk about it. Even if some of our members use the controller, they may not be able to withstand the pressure of the demons. When it is not possible to bleed, some blood will be released, and some people will buy the official refurbished controller. Well, at the critical moment, let most people use the controller to participate in the war, absolutely can't let the demons arrogant like this."

   "Doesn't this also mean giving money to Tengyi Company? Everyone has just recycled it to Tengyi Company at a low price, but now they are asking members to redeem it at a high price. Isn't it laughable?"

   "Indeed, if you make up the price difference, it is also a very expensive expense. It would be more cost-effective and more profitable to open an integrated guild skill training directly."

   "Integrated skills are one-off, and subsidies are also one-off, but the subsidized equipment is permanent. It is more cost-effective to subsidize equipment."

   "Be calm and not restless, keep the existing controller, and talk about it after the next battle with the demon. The guild residence is destroyed, and there is still time to rebuild and protect, but it is the president of the cloud riding guild. Next, the pressure will be great."

   The translation gentleman is always so naughty. The other party is obviously not a Chinese, so he has to translate into an Alexander. Is it to be grounded?

   With the correction of the language translation system by players around the world, some translations are really not so serious, especially in the daily dialogue translation, there is always a new feeling.

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