Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1516: Move on your own

The mutated King Cocoon directly obliterated the limit that lasted for a few seconds, and added the blood-sucking effect on surrounding targets!


   is too abnormal!

   Jingtian is also the first time to see Wang Yu mutate to such a perverted point, he even kept slandering in his heart: Why not let himself be so abnormal in the PVP battle?

   If you can have such a perverted effect, wouldn't you be invincible in the world!

   But in any case, it's not a time to stop and watch the power of the skills and lament the bad luck. He must take the initiative and shout out angrily in the next moment: "Dark Dragon Dominates the Sky!"

  The solar eclipse effect was activated instantly, and Jing Tian impressively used Yibatian after fusing the power of the gods: [Dark Dragon Yibatian]!

Only Jing Tian could see that he had already transformed into a dark dragon and soared into the air, telling him to blast towards the Corpse Monkey Army Master. In just an instant, he changed back to a human form, and the Fang Tianji in his hand had been inserted again. The corpse monkey army division's back vest, the blood bar of the corpse monkey army division was bombarded by about 10% only by this blow.

This is the damage calculation result in PVE mode. If it is PVP mode damage calculation, it is definitely not only the current damage amount. The environmental dark attribute damage is very scary, especially after the power of God is added, it destroys the corpse monkey army division 20 in one blow. % Qi blood value is not impossible.

   If you can fire five consecutive dark dragons and one tyrant, then you can become the heads-up king!

   "Continuously broken!"

   In the non-complete stealth mode, the continuous breaking skills have been changed: continuous attacks are launched on the locked target until the opponent dies or the character is interrupted by the action. Players need to make their own moves to ensure the continuity of the skills.

  What does it mean to make a move to ensure the continuity of skills?

   is that in the next period of time, players can swing their weapons at will to launch crazy blows to the target.

   sounds simple?

   No technical content?

   Just wield the weapon in your hand indiscriminately?

   no no no no!

   During this period, players need to create and complete continuous attack actions by themselves, and if the action is too large to connect and hit the target within a certain period of time, the continuous breaking effect will also be invalid, and the player's actions will subsequently become ordinary attacks.

   In short, the difficulty of using the nirvana skills has been greatly improved in a sense.

   Recall that before, players only need to frantically hit the normal attack shortcut keys, as long as the attack direction is correct.

   Now, players are required to control independently, and make attacks that meet the combo requirements, making high-frequency attacks.

  Many people can't complete it at all, so that their enthusiasm for nirvana skills has declined, and they are often used as temporary skills to deceive each other's strong control skills.

Of course, these people do not include Jing Tian. Jing Angel has a hundred cocoons, just to maximize his own speed. The increase of his own speed will increase the speed of attack actions and increase the frequency of ordinary attacks. Now sitting on the well and watching the sky is like an incarnation. A crazy slaughter devil violently waved the bone-refining halberd in his hand, hitting the corpse monkey army division's flesh and blood.

   However, the so-called blood splash is still a pink data mosaic, and scenes of **** violence are always forbidden in Sky Dungeon.

However, outside Jing Tian found that the white spider web spread all over his body was gradually stained with a little blood in the frenzied attack, as if desperately sucking the blood of the corpse monkey soldier. The blood color fell with the attack, and the color became more and more. strong……

   In the next instant, Jing Tian was even more surprised to find that his blood tank was actually growing a little bit. This was not to restore Qi and blood. The so-called blood-sucking effect turned out to be continuously increasing his maximum Qi and blood!

   is so perverted, do you finally want to be a human?

This kind of perverted skill really made Jing Tian an eye-opener. I have to say that kicking Tian Nong Jing will really bring out some unexpected skill effects. If this kind of mutation can be triggered repeatedly in the battle, then Li Invincible It's not far.

   Even if possible, I can really run amok among the three armies, taking the head of the general as easy as a bag.

   However, Jing Tian’s crazy attacks were quickly forced to stop. The system **** will give advanced monsters the ability to force control, and it will be used a few seconds after the player uses the special move.

   This is an intelligent protection for monsters, and this special uncontrollable skill has no cooling time at all. If a player casts nirvana on the monster, the result is the same. The monster will forcefully leave after being attacked for a few seconds.

   After all, if the monster can be killed by nirvana at will, then the copy is really worthless.

   Still the same sentence, the equipment is infinitely good, but if not, no one wants the equipment!

   In other words, the kill skill can only be regarded as a short-term control output skill during the PVE process. During this time, the player is required to burst out the most sturdy attack speed and strike the monsters crazy.

   Therefore, Jing Tian throws out all the skills that can increase the speed, in order to pursue the maximum output.

   Of course, the faster the speed, the easier it is to complete the combo, and it is not easy to interrupt. It is understandable to increase the speed of action before the nirvana.

   However, using certain kill skills is also risky, especially in the face of monsters with the ability to Once they are allowed to cast their compulsory control skills to get out of the battle circle and use their summons, then the player will be self-defeating.

   For example, the current Corpse Monkey Sergeant has teleported to a distance and shook his scepter, seeming to be trying to resurrect the Corpse Monkey in the earth.

   However, Jing Tian seemed to have anticipated all this a long time ago. He quietly took away the bone-refining halberd in his hand, and the crossbow had already aimed at the Corpse Monkey General.


The crossbow in the hands of Sitting Well Guantian spit out an arrow suddenly, like a horror, and it reached the chest of the corpse monkey army division in an instant. More importantly, this blow succeeded in triggering the [Turning to the sky] weapon flying effect. The staff in the hands of the monkey army master rotated at a high speed out of the control of the corpse monkey, just like a sky-sweeping monkey flying upright, and finally stuck on the ceiling of the enchantment by accident.

   That’s right, after turning the skill to hit the target’s weapon, it will judge whether the weapon will temporarily sink into the ceiling based on the terrain or the current space.

There is a 50% chance that the enchantment will get stuck in the weapon. The Luck of the Corpse Monkey Army Master today is almost back home, or it may be that after Jing Tian and the others died three times in the hands of the mobs, the system gods couldn’t stand it anymore. Take good care of Jingtian.

   When he lost his weapon, the military division directly drew a dagger from his waist, and rushed toward the sitting well and watching the sky.

   That’s right, most monsters nowadays are also equipped with spare weapons. Once they are disarmed, they can draw out spare weapons to fight, and their number of spare weapons is amazing. Even if the player continues to disarm, the monster can still pull out a dagger from his waist.

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