Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1518: The true usage of the ghost king halberd

That's right, at first Jing Tian mistakenly thought that the player had to explore the halberd movement without knowing the movement of the ghost king's halberd, and then activate the ghost king's halberd.

However, after his constant attempts, he found that it is not so much exploration, as creation!

Yes, in the ghost king state, as long as you create skill moves with your heart and associate the effect of the attack in your heart, then the ghost king halberd will work.

This was a discovery that made Jing Tian crazy. He didn't expect that the incomplete stealth system had evolved to such a degree that it could read the player's fantasy about the effect of the skill and match the attack effect, which is exactly the same as Zhao Jiaxue's discovery.

Not long before Jing Tian learned the ghost king halberd, Zhao Jiaxue discovered that after her ancestor possessed skills were upgraded, she could go beyond the constraints of the ability to be used, and she could create some illusions on her own, allowing the enemy to see the illusions she had imagined. .

It was also under Zhao Jiaxue's reminder that Jing Tian thought of the real usage of Ghost King Ji.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that the system has stolen the player's thoughts. Zhao Jiaxue Heer Jingtian's situation is quite special, and the system has given the corresponding reading application.

Only when the player casts a certain state skill and authorizes the system to read, the system can read the player's thoughts.

Moreover, reading is just reading, not fully realized.

For example, even if Zhao Jiaxue has imagined the illusion of a modern city after displaying the possession of his ancestors, the system will not be able to project the content of his fantasy.

Because this does not fit the game background of Sky Dungeon.

Even if it is a fantasy, you must give the game a big background, and when the system projects the illusion, it will make corrections according to the actual situation.

In fact, Jing Tian’s situation is similar. Even if he imagines that he can achieve a knock-up effect with a single blow, the system will not completely calculate according to the player’s ideas, but will determine that the move will give a certain attack effect based on the player’s actions. .

Whether the knock-to-fly effect can be achieved depends on the player's moves.

In other words, if Jing Tian held a bone-refining halberd and just stabbed forward casually, even if he imagined that he could knock the enemy several meters away, the system judged that the action was too simple and would only grant the normal attack effect of this blow.

It is even possible that the hit rate of this blow is extremely low because of the slow attack speed.

In short, even if the player creates his own fantasy, it must conform to the background of the game and game science. If you want a special attack effect, you must make moves of corresponding difficulty.

Jing Tian liked and hesitated after learning the real usage of Ghost King's Halberd.

What I like is that you can use the ghost king's halberd to reverse the universe when your skills are empty, and carry out a dragon attack to the end. If you use it well, you can make the enemy throw the mouse.

What hesitates is that if you can't conceive and perform a variety of ghost king halberds within the ghost king effect time, or are controlled, then this skill may become a tasteless one.

Yes, after these days of practice and trial, Jing Tian found that the effects of the King of Ghosts cannot overlap with the effects of Baiqi and King Cocoon. Once the King of Ghosts Halberd is cast, all external BUFFs will be invalidated, enhancing the resistance to negative states, but still Not immune to negative states.

In other words, as long as it is controlled, the ghost king halberd becomes a skill that lifts a rock and hits one's own foot. Maybe after being caught by the enemy, oneself will become empty blue.

Because there is no strong control skill in the ghost king state!

The risks involved are self-evident.

Let alone the situation of being controlled, it is very difficult to realize the problem of conceiving the ghost king halberd method alone.

Constructing a skill is definitely not as simple as waving a weapon casually, especially considering the final negative effect of the fantasy skill.

For example, if you want to conceive a skill that floats the enemy into the air, then when creating it, you have to refer to the action essentials of some floating skills, which can imitate the attacking action of the Glory Paladin.

The battle flag spear and the halberd technique are inherently interlinked, and the lower body must be allowed to sink and then burst out. Fang Tian's halberd’s attack trajectory must conform to certain realistic laws and have a tendency to move upward.

However, other professional skills cannot be copied completely. If the job is completely copied, the system will determine that the skill activation is invalid, and only one ordinary attack will occur.

After all, the ghost king halberd method is the ghost king halberd method, which cannot be exactly the same as other professional skills, otherwise, what is the ghost king halberd method?

Therefore, Jing Tian worked hard in the research process, and now he has only developed a few effective negative skills.

Of course, Jing Tian also found that if you don't think about the debuff of the enemy if you don't imagine the attack, and just think about the violent damage to the enemy, then the skill action requirements will be greatly reduced, and the amount of damage produced is related to the scale of the action.

Do not think that small-scale flat A actions can produce skill interruption effects. Any action that wants to be recognized as a skill by the system must have a certain range of action and a certain martial arts effect.

In other words, the moves must be enough to pull the wind!

That's right, Jing Tian has even considered going to practice some martial arts, and it is film and television martial arts...especially the halberd. If you only rely on your own illusion to create, many movements will be useless and will not be recognized by the system. Effective continuous skill attack.

In other words, the current Jing Tian of UU reading has only explored a very limited number of skills, and the same skills cannot be used continuously in a ghost king transformation, which makes the use of the ghost king halberd method more difficult.

Jing Tian has faintly felt from the learning of Ghost King Ji that the system seems to be leading a new skill system. I am afraid that this kind of self-made comprehension skills will increase the appearance rate in the near future. Players may not only DIY their own character equipment colors. , Patterns, and even DIY your own comprehension skills and have your own unique martial arts.

Maybe, Sky Dungeon will also promote the development of martial arts fitness in a sense.

Therefore, the current Jing Tian is very embarrassed. He can only hope that he can burst out a wave of violent output when he transforms into a ghost queen, and does not expect to play an exaggerated wave of strong control.

I saw a weird red light burst out from sitting on Jing Guantian's body. In the next instant, the white cocoon silk and evil spirit wings had completely disappeared, and the gain status was obviously cleared.

However, sitting on the well and watching the sky did not restore its original appearance. A layer of viscous blue liquid was attached to his equipment, like a translucent slime squirming on his body. The scene looked a little strange.

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