Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1524: The game actually promoted the development of home isolation

Sure enough, sister control is very real!

"Try again, this time you can’t use the exclusion method. After all, there is still a fruit candy, and we are not sure whether there is hawthorn in the last fruit candy. Instead, according to my previous guess, I look for common points and find the most frequent occurrence The fruits of this kind are more feasible.” Jing Tian explained, this time he was full of confidence.

   Soon, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi came to the door of the BOSS room again, and the other three directly went on strike and rested at the entrance of the instance.

   It doesn’t help to run over anyway. If you die, you have to run over, wasting your emotions.

   It's better to look at the gossip on the Internet at the door of the dungeon, and it's refreshing to understand the world's major events.

When Jing Tian saw the news report that a new type of pneumonia virus had been discovered, he became somewhat nervous, but after seeing the article speculates that the speed of the new type of pneumonia spread this time and the reason for the estimated number of infections, he changed Have to be a little dumbfounded.

   It’s not because of anything else. The forecast said that due to the popularity of Sky Dungeon, many companies are actively adopting online virtual offices, and even some automated workshops and factories have also applied virtual workshops, which greatly reduces the flow of urban population.

   In conjunction with the rapid development of the food delivery industry, the traditional catering industry is actively transforming into a food delivery company. Everyone can enjoy food without going out, or even have a meal through non-complete stealth equipment, which can achieve perfect social isolation.

   Countries can vigorously promote home quarantine based on their own conditions to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy that happened several years ago.

   Can you not be surprised that the game has promoted the development of home isolation and is conducive to controlling the epidemic?

   Indeed, if the non-complete stealth system was launched and popularized a few years ago, it would definitely not cause a worldwide pandemic of new pneumonia, right?

   Office, entertainment, and dinner can all be carried out at home with equipment. I believe young people will not spend time outside indifferently... Well, this is not something I should worry about.

   Soon, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi identified four groups of fruits. Jing Tian keenly discovered that hawthorn appeared in each group.

   Hawthorn again!

   Everyone's expressions are different, and they have doubts about Jing Tian's inference.

   Is this a trap?

"This may be the psychological warfare created by kicking the Tianlongjing. This guy likes the yin person the most. We just killed the group because of the hawthorn, which caused ordinary players to form a psychological shadow, repelling hawthorn from the heart. However, he did not Hawthorn accidentally arranged the correct answer, so Hawthorn has the highest possibility!"

   Jingtian must stabilize the hearts of the people, otherwise his team would really not be able to stay.

   "Believe you for the last time, cheating! Amitabha, may God be with you."

   didn't ask you to taste it, and didn't let you run away, so I let you and your sister fake. Can you stop screaming?

   "Haha, it really is hawthorn. I made the right choice at the beginning, as long as I persisted and succeeded! I like hawthorn, and hawthorn really likes me!"

   Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts really jumped, making people unable to find any clues at all.

   What do you mean by persisting for a while to succeed, insisting on trying hawthorn as the correct answer, blind cat and dead mouse?

  Also, how could Hawthorn like you?

  What kind of logic is this?

   "Let's see if there are any mechanisms in other rock piles that can be opened!" Jing Tian still couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

   A moment later, Zhao Jiaxue said joyfully: "Indeed, I found another mechanism, opened it, and it still contains five fruit candies."

   "Then go ahead!"

   Soon, the new answer was summed up again: lemon!


  Isn’t this the choice you made a mistake?

   Kicking Tiannongjing is really going through the psychological warfare to the end!

   But this kind of trick deceives a three-year-old child, and he will definitely not be fooled!

   Yes, there is only one truth, I have seen everything!

   However, before Jing Tian's self-satisfaction was over, his eyes suddenly blacked out, and when they opened their eyes, Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi had been poisoned by the system gods and sent back to everyone.

   "Frog, I found that white does not understand what black said is right, you are a scam! You are a scam! The most frequent one is the correct answer, I think you are just guessing!"

  What's the situation?

   Why doesn't it work suddenly?

   I went, I really became a three-year-old kid, and was kicked into a pit?

"The main strategy of the game is too low. Different rock piles have to use different cracking methods. This copy is simply. But this mode should not be random, and there should be a pattern to follow. You do it again, don’t wait. Feed fruit candy, everyone stop and think."

   "Huh, it can only be so."

   Fortunately, the first stone pile that has been cracked has not been reset, and the player can continue to crack the law of fruit candy in the second stone pile.

   "Frog, how should I choose this time? Don't pit us anymore! We are very tired while running, and there is no loss of fat!"

   Are you willing to run away if you lose weight?

Jing Tian quickly analyzed the four-line fruit names listed by the two women, trying to find the rules in the middle, but according to the current data, if you don’t choose the fruit with the highest frequency, you should choose the fruit that does not appear. I don’t know the taste of the last fruit How can you assume that the correct answer is lemon?

   It was clear that lemons appeared the most, but this time, there was not a single lemon candy!

   Should I continue to choose lemons?

   Jingtian suddenly discovered that he was starting to fall into the conspiracy of kicking Tian Nongjing. Compared with playing psychological warfare, this guy really beats himself!

   However, this guy has never played cards according to common sense. If he guesses according to the psychological warfare routine, then he will lose!

   So, Jing Tian once again looked at the names of the fruits listed by the two women, trying to find any clues from them again, but at this moment, the quiet Yun Yiyi spoke again and said coldly: "Apple."


  What apple?

   The number of apples is obviously not as much as passion fruit, but the passion fruit that chooses the most will definitely fail. Why choose apples?

   Wait... Yes, how could I not think of such a simple question!

   Well, the sky and the sea of ​​consciousness lifted the clouds to see the sun, and Yun Yiyi’s reminder was like a rainbow after the rain, which was a bit dazzling and beautiful.

   That's right, Jing Tian counted the number of various fruits again, and soon confirmed that Yun Yiyi's idea might be correct!

Indeed, at first I thought that kicking Tian Nongjing would make it difficult for players every time the law was changed. Now it seems that I have fallen into a misunderstanding. It is not that the law is changing every time, but the law has not changed. I did not find the real one. The rules of the game!

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