Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1528: Was killed by a cocky fart?

Shunbu is definitely not a life-saving skill, but an active attack skill, and it is a charge-type life-saving skill with a very short cooling time!

In other words, don’t try to fly the Dark Monkey King’s kite. All speeds are scum in front of him. No matter how fast you run, it’s useless. People can appear behind you instantly, offering their golden cudgel and stabbing them. On your face!

"Grab the hatred!"

"Save my brother, kill Bacillus anthracis!"

After entering the human body from damaged skin, gastrointestinal mucosa and respiratory tract, Bacillus anthracis first multiplies locally, produces toxins and causes hemorrhagic infiltration, necrosis and high edema of tissues and organs, forming primary skin anthrax, intestinal anthrax, and lungs. Anthrax etc.

It may be common in beef and mutton, and it can be killed by high-temperature cooking.

I don't know if this black does not understand the white is the material for studying medicine, knowing that the germs are more and more...Sometimes the names of the germs are heard by everyone.

Everyone’s skills smashed on the Dark Monkey King, but after being controlled for such a breathing time, this guy directly used the compulsory release skills and blocked all negative effects of actions in a short time.

This style of play seems very familiar, very similar to the PVP style. Generally, monsters in PVE don't use strong control as soon as they come up, right?

How to play PVP?

Damn it! This guy is going to kill for treatment!

At this point, everyone's expressions are a bit bitter.

At this time, if there is a glorious holy knight and throw a compulsory hatred skill casually, can't it be cleared?

However, Jing Tian didn’t invite a Glory Knight. The Dark Monkey King directly activated an unknown powerful burst of BUFF, like a **** possessed. Every time the golden hoop in his hand fell, he would take away a lot of blood. .

There was no suspense, and everyone was unable to help. White did not understand the black and was smashed into flesh by the Dark Monkey King, and never got up again.

Bai didn’t understand Hei and died and directly instigated his sister to run away. He didn’t understand that Bai was obviously full of anger at Bacillus anthracis who had bullied his brother. He did not run as his brother said. Instead, he started a fight with the BOSS. In hand-to-hand combat, although she is very violent and brave, how can the BOSS so many blood lines shrink before her attack?

As a result, the little black sister was the second brave to die.

What makes Jing Tian a little desperate is that the cooldown time of this guy's strong dismantling skills is also shamelessly short. Almost just after being controlled the last moment, the next breath will be lifted, and he will be immune to all action interruptions for the next three or four seconds. .

Coupled with Shunbu, the BOSS has become a killer god, not paying attention to everyone's attacks, and in a short while, the five people are completely harvested and the group is destroyed.

Is this the boss?

This is simply the player terminator!

Is the level 70 copy joking with the player?

The initial taste strategy level is enough to persuade people to retreat. I wonder if those players who have not changed the game equipment will be killed by the system if they form a group into this book?

Now that we have come up with such a player terminator, is it going to persuade us?

Players who are in a bad mood may go offline and breathe!

"Pit, you often say that there is no strategy, I think this boss is impossible to be attacked. It is that there is a tank, can you kill the boss during the forced hatred time? If you can't kill, then after the forced hatred, the BOSS It can still be treated by force killing, how can the follow-up battle last without the nanny?"

Bai doesn't understand what black speaks, exactly what Jing Tian was thinking at this time.

He also didn't understand why the BOSS was so powerful. Could it be that the posture was wrong when he killed the clone before?

Could it be that the power of the six clones killed were all gathered and superimposed on the BOSS?

But if you don't kill six clones, how should you pass?

"Uh...what do you find out? Is there any way for the six clones to not kill? I suspect that the BOSS is so sturdy and related to the six clones just now. If we can make the six clones disappear, instead of being killed and merged back into the body, Then BOSS should not be so powerful. We need to think about how to attack from another angle."

Since there is no way to go, then we must jump out of the problem and find another way.

"Isn't the clone just a bunch of monkey hair? Is it that important? To say that, the previous wave of mobs should not be killed. Doesn't it also return energy?"

Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts jumped and put forward different opinions.

Jing Tian had to stop and analyze it seriously, and thought that Zhao Jiaxue's words had some truth.

Besides, if only a few monkey hairs have such great energy, then the energy of the Dark Monkey King itself should be much greater.

It seems that we must jump out of this question and continue to find another way.

"Will it be related to the previous Shimen? Can you launch poison gas to poison them all? Just now you have been smoked to death by poison gas so many times, you should also let the BOSS have a taste of being killed by a bad ass! "

Zhao Jiaxue suddenly had a new leap idea.

Was killed by a cocky fart?

"Uh... this proposal is bold enough to study it. After all, it is possible to kill monsters by using terrain or mechanisms, but I don’t know if the boss will walk out of the room. Normally, the boss will only close the door and hit the dog. I didn’t even look back. Check if the door is closed."

"It's on." Yun Yiyi said coldly, as he deserves to be the clairvoyance of the team.


Then this is confusing, there must be demons if something goes wrong!

Therefore, the five people ran to the door of the boss room to study the Shimen carefully. Unfortunately, after the Shimen was opened, all functions were lost and there were no options for interaction.

"No, right? It was the eight stone piles that were poisoned just now. We should go back and have a look."

Zhao Jiaxue was unwilling to admit that her ideas were unreliable, so she was unwilling to lead the crowd to check the eight rock piles.

Not to mention, she found the mechanism after checking it this way, but no one knows what role this mechanism has.

"Would you like to try it?"

"Uh... don't you think this is a trap? The boss will not leave his room. Even if there are mechanisms here, the monsters may not come over."

"Rong Lao Na counts as a trigram."

After a while Bai did not understand and Hei said solemnly: "The bamboo basket is empty, even if it is feasible, it is a well. Amitabha, may God walk with us."

What do you mean?

Will it work?

Is it always interesting to be ambiguous?

"You can give it a try and gain, but I am afraid that the ending will have little effect, hey..."

Can you stop the crow's mouth?

In theory, BOSS won't leave the room at all, okay, just pull it out of it casually, and it will naturally have little effect.

If it is closed, everyone might be sealed in the BOSS room!

However, as a result of the experiment, Jing Tian's eyes almost fell to the ground, and the monster crossed the stone gate so easily, and followed the five people to the pile of rocks!

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