Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1537: Rabbit snake

The five people hurriedly fell towards the direction of the BOSS's escape, but before everyone ran to the back door of the BOSS room, they heard the coward Leo yelling: "Stop, stop, there is a snake in front of you!"

There is a snake?

Are you sure you are joking?

Even if there is a snake, is it scared to stop?

The other four stopped immediately and opened their eyes to look into the distance, but they didn't see a piece of snake skin...

So everyone looked at the two-headed Leo, following the eyes of the two-headed Leo, looking up towards the top of the cave.

I don’t know if I was shocked when I saw it like this, there really was a scarlet snake with a weird look!

It is said that it looks weird because it has a pair of rabbit ears on its head?

That's right, it's rabbit ears, rabbit ears?

It seems to be harmless to humans and animals.

Are you sure this guy is not the teaser invited by the black monkey?

Maybe it’s just a decorative animal, don’t worry too much, right?

How did the two-headed Leo discovered?

Everyone is clearly chasing the Dark Monkey King, how can it be impossible to look towards the top of the cave?

Isn't this guy secretly switching to the Scenery Party?

Feelings, everyone is holding a copy of the attitude of looking at the scenery!

As a coward, he would use the sixth sense to find the enemy when he encountered a creature he was afraid of?

It would be even better if the sixth sense can be used for PVP battles on weekdays!

When everyone was attracted by such a weird rabbit-eared red snake, the red snake found that everyone was no longer approaching, so he moved, and his body no longer hung on the top of the cave, but directly rushed down from the top of the cave!

Damn, this guy is definitely a trap invited by the Dark Monkey King!

However, what made everyone even more shocked was that this guy actually sprayed a lot of venom while falling, which was like a downpour on the five people on the court!

"Oh my God, this rabbit-eared snake is so shameless that it spit at you! No way, no, we must vomit it back, everyone, come together, we can vomit it!"

The five of them didn't feel nauseated, but now all of them feel nauseous.

It's just that it's not spitting, but nausea!

However, before everyone could vomit, everyone noticed that their blood line flickered, and the whole world turned black and white...

That's right, Tuan Mie!

what's the situation?

Was the group killed when the snake spit?

Isn't it right, is the group wiped out by the snake venom?

"Smelly man, did you deliberately? Are you happy to see our Tuan Mie? Sure enough, men are all contemptible." Jiu Qian's scent of wine is booming, and her alcohol strength is completely dissipated after such annihilation. She went, naturally she was unhappy.

"That's right, my brother, it's wrong for you to do this. This dungeon is not a meow! The BOSS was scared away. As a result, there was a drooling snake waiting to spit everyone out. It's **** meow!"

are you human?

Even if it was not given to people, what are you afraid of, alien?

Indeed, Jiuqianxun is troublesome to drink in the game. Once he dies, he must drink again to regain his alcoholism. So Jing Tian simply asked her to replace her after she drank a few bottles of alcohol to prevent this guy from talking again. Nagging.

"Does the first bite of poison just now mean death? Did you notice that it was poisoned or magical?"

"It's poisoning."


Could it be caused by the previous poison organization?

Do you want to cast the wind of Shennong first to let everyone resist the poison?

If you use the wind of Shennong, then everyone's poisoned state will also be driven away, and it is impossible to use the poisoned state.

To say that this guy turned out to be a poisonous snake, then it might be self-defeating to use a poisonous attack on it!

"Before killing it, first use the wind of Shennong to resist the snake venom. This should be a pit set up by kicking the patio well. Although it is the right way to poison the BOSS, you can't chase it wanton. The pursuit is a trap."

In the end, Jing Tian made up his mind.

So the five embarked on the journey again.

However, when the five people arrived in the BOSS room, the Dark Monkey King was reset and returned to his original position. Players must use the poison gas mechanism again to smoothly advance the progress of the dungeon.

As a result, the five had to use the poison gas to smoke away the Dark Monkey King first, and then the plastic surgeon raised his hand and used the wind of Shennong to open up the barrier for everyone. With the negative resistance of the wind of Shennong, the five started crazy Offense.

However, the second group is destroyed!

Don't get me wrong, the wind of Shennong has not failed, and the venom did not trigger the poisoning effect, but it does not mean that they will not be poisoned to death after the effect of the wind of Shennong!

That's right, after the effect of the wind of Shennong, the rabbit ears red snake directly used the forced release, relying on a short action to interrupt it, it was invalid, and a big poison was sprayed out. The five people were instantly enveloped by poisonous rain, and after two breaths, the poison The injury occurred and all five fell to the ground!

It's the second kill group again!

It seems that a Pastor Shennong can't make it through!

"Uh... Let's replace someone."

"My god, change me, I can't live without this star! I can definitely help everyone vomit this rabbit and snake!"

As an adjuvant therapy, can you make everyone immune to poison?

Do you want to slobber revenge on it?

Can your saliva also be highly toxic?

Do you have a new type of pneumonia?

Speaking of immunity to poison damage, the Tang Sect has the most advantage. The passive skills of the Tang Sect can increase the resistance to poison attacks.

Are you looking for five Tang Sects to visit Ben?

This is also an evil way.

However, even if it is immune to poison damage, can five Tang Sects kill the boss?

In addition to poison damage, Rabbit Ear Red Snake also has powerful physical or magic damage. Without the continuous blood transfusion of the treatment profession, Tang Sect simply can't hold it!

Unless the BOSS has very few blood lines, it can be killed by force.

"Oh? Are two treatments enough?"

Liu Yaya saw her little mother being replaced and questioned.

It has to be said that since BOSS appeared some special effects to prevent the interruption of basic attack skills, Liu Yaya's role in the team raiders dungeon has become smaller and smaller.

Many BOSS will have such a setting, and even if they don't, they can also use compulsory control to avoid being even killed.

Are two not enough?

Indeed, no one knows how long the cooldown time of the BOSS spraying skills is. Judging from the frequency just now, the two Shennong priests are indeed not enough.

However, Jing Tian insisted: "I think it should be enough. The problem is not in quantity."

That's right, Jing Tian has already discovered the weirdness of the rabbit-eared red snake. It definitely can't be solved by increasing the number of treatments and using multiple times to resist the negative state of poison.

According to the character of Kicking Tiannongjing and the tenet of Sky Dungeon "There is no strategy", the key to cracking poison damage is that the white does not understand the black body!

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