Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1545: Why is this boss so bad

   So Yang Miaomiao did not choose to kill the Demon God directly, but it was not that he believed in Jing Tian's remarks. The key point was that his ambition was not to use his own power to kill the Demon God, but to use the boss method to kill the Demon God!

That's right, Yang Miaomiao walked around the Demon Temple and started looking for a place to get him stuck. He drilled when he saw the cracks, entered the hole, jumped up when he saw the house, and his behavior was extremely strange, letting all the demons who came to besiege him. The player was shocked and scratched his head.

   "Is this boss born by a monkey?"

   "It must be a bug, there is a problem with the behavior setting of the new active boss."

   "Isn't it said that the boss came to kill the demon god? How does it look like he came to travel?"

   "Damn it, shouldn't this be a real boss? How could the system set such a brain-dead behavior?"

   "Do real people have such a mentally disabled? I think the system is simulating a real player. I don't know which novice player was simulated, which caused the current inexplicable situation."

   "Yes, yes, it may be a real boss that simulates player behavior. I have also watched some league live broadcasts and reports. There are indeed NPCs that simulate player behavior, but I have never heard of a real boss that simulates player behavior!"

   "Idiot, I'm talking about a real boss, isn't there a copy, will alliance players become bosses to kill?"

   "Which one, how many okay? Some dungeons force players to become bosses and fight teammates!"

   "Is there a player in front of you?"

   "What a stupid player is it to learn monkey jumping? Simulation shouldn't simulate a novice, right?"

   "Is it pretending to be crazy and stupid? It's paralyzing us, trying to lure us up to attack, and then strangling us? Maybe he has any special stunts that can end up hurting."

   "As for, he won't go to other cities to slaughter the city, is it necessary to lead us over?"

   "That's right, this guy must have some conspiracy. Just now, it seemed that he had jumped around first, and finally stopped moving. He launched a big move."

   "What big trick?"

   "It's the ultimate way to destroy the city! It's too scary, I don't want to remember it again."

   "Then is this a warm-up exercise, you have to run around, jump around, and accumulate enough energy to start the big move?"

   "Need to rely on exercise to accumulate a small universe, and then burst out? Luckily you can think of it! It is the skill cooling time, he may be funny, delaying time."

   "It's possible! Then why didn't he continue to cast the awesome ultimate destruction? Even if there is a cooldown, it should be here now?"

   "It must be a magic skill that needs to accumulate a value similar to anger, everyone can't let him mess around!"

   "Come on, kill him!"

   "If you want to kill you, maybe you just bump into the boss full of anger and amplify the move. Even if you can't touch it, if you don't touch it, if you don't touch it, it will be death."

   "As long as you play the big move again, do you still have to be afraid of him?"

   At the time of the fierce discussion among the Demon players, Yang Miaomiao had already locked the next destination on the stone pillar outside the Demon Temple.

   It seems that with his tall figure, he can really be stuck in the gap between the two stone pillars.

However, when he approached the gate of the Demon Temple, a cloud of black energy floated out strangely from the inside of the Demon Temple, and instantly transformed into a huge figure behind Yang Miaomiao. Before everyone could react, that huge figure The figure raised the warhammer in his hand and hit Yang Miaomiao's head with a hammer! Starting

   It was just a blow, and the whole earth trembled. The Demon player felt a powerful impact, and his body shook uncontrollably.

   However, with just such a blow, Yang Miaomiao fell straight down!

   One hit kill!

   None of the Demon players ever thought that it would be such an ending. More importantly, the Demon God was too awesome. He killed the world boss with one blow?

  Who was worried that the boss would kill the ancient gods and demons before?

   Isn't this the **** who accompanies the emperor to the brothel, is he blindly active?

   "By the way, why is this boss so bad that he ran over to die?"

   "What's bad, it's that the boss is too strong, invincible, and Dugu seeks defeat, so I have trouble with Lord Demon, but the difference is too big, and I get lost in seconds. The master is lonely, I understand this!"

   "Knowledge of wool, do you know why you didn't go to the boss to single out before?"

   "Invincible? Come and fight with Grandpa for dozens of rounds to see how you abuse you!"

"I'll do it! If you don't drink a few more cylinders of water, take a pee and look like your own bear, you can last ten rounds, and I will admit that your prostate has not reached the point where there is no cure!" New 81 Chinese The fastest mobile terminal for web updates: https:/

   had to admire the saliva level of the Mozu players, and the ending of the comedy could even trigger an earth-shattering battle of saliva. Several Mozu even fought because of this.

   "These are not critical, okay, what about the critical treasure chest?"

   "Yes, the boss is dead, why didn't the treasure chest explode?"

"Broken a treasure chest, this was killed by Lord Demon God, the player's total output did not reach the pass line at all, and being killed by npc was not recognized by the system at all, how could it drop the treasure chest. I came from the alliance to the camp, In the past, some people led the world boss to the city and used the NPC army to kill them, but unfortunately they didn't even give the wool."

   "What the **** is this setting? Then everyone is in vain?"

   Obviously many Demon players have a little understanding of the rules of world boss drop treasure, UU reading even some people have never contacted.

   "The boss must be pushed down next time, and he cannot be despised by the boss!"

   "Having been busy for a long time, the boss ran to the Demon God to commit suicide in order not to lose the treasure, but we didn't stop it. Isn't it shameful?"

   "That's right, it's too embarrassing to spread this thing."

   "In the future, the same thing must not happen again. The main strategy of the game of kicking the patio is too insidious. We guessed the beginning and didn't guess the ending. If we only look for the demon god, we will kill ourselves but not lose the treasure!"

However, it seems that the Mozu also has people with ulterior motives. Soon after Yang Miaomiao, an alien boss, swept a city of the Mozu, he felt that the Mozu players were too weak and turned around to challenge the Demon God. Set off a new round of discussions.

  Is it the insidious design of kicking the Tiannongjing? Or is the demons too weak? The system can only use this method to kill the boss, and it is noisy for a while.

   Gossip or something, idle players like it most. Whether it is a crowd eating melons or a participant who borrows questions, these people can be happy.

  Especially when mocking the enemy, the false pleasure of resentment, revenge and revenge satisfy them. Since you can't beat them, then use these jokes to disgust the other party!

If it’s just a joke, the key is that the demons in the demons smashed the videos on the forum, which made the alliance players crazy reprints, and laughed at the incompetence of the demons players, a new wave of war of words was set off. Round frenzy.

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