Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1548: Nangong 60 fart

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As long as Yang Mimi can successfully kite a large wave of small monkeys over, and everyone will kill the monkeys in a wave of attacks, there is no need to think about the trouble of fighting and holding the breath, especially without holding the breath for a long time.

After all, although it takes a long time to hold your breath for the first time, the time to hold your breath after breathing will show a downward trend. If you can’t hold your breath for a long time, it will interrupt everyone's fighting rhythm and be destroyed by the little monkeys.

However, from a quantitative point of view, if you want a wave of flow, the output requirements are very high, and the average team simply cannot complete it.

However, Jing Tian still doesn't want to give up. Instead of being driven mad by the stench, he should solve the problem in one go. He always has to try to get the sharpest conclusion.

"Brother, didn't you say that you want to switch to heavy firepower? Why do you let the local people sit on the bench? I am the trump card output. You are insincere in doing this. It is not good to deceive me! Without the local people, your output will definitely be Not enough meow!"

Am I insincere?

I lie?

Are you a supporting profession with heavy firepower?

Then don't we all become nuclear weapons?

Jing Tian directly ignored Yang Miaomiao's nonsense and continued to line up.

However, when Nan Lingxi summoned Nangong Sixty Cannons, something completely speechless happened.

Yes, you might have guessed that all the puppets were infected with this weird fart Debuff, which caused the BOSS room to be overwhelmed by the stench!

In addition to suffocation, suffocation!

Without fighting, everyone's hearts have been smoked to death...

Ever since, Jing Tian had no choice but to send Nangong Lingxi back to the cold bench.

"I'm fucking! Frog, are you trying to murder us? You even summon Nangong sixty farts to smoke us? You have a bad intention! Why don't you come down to open up wasteland with a thousand swords, you have a lot of output, why do you hide behind? Enjoy the fresh air?"

How could Fatty Luoxia let go of such a good opportunity to bury Taijingtian, and immediately said something rude.

The ghost knew that puppets would also be infected with farting magic!

Nangong sixty fart?

You didn't realize that Nan Lingxi's whole person was ill after listening to it, and his face turned black with a scream. The maid who is careful about others will discuss life with you!

At that time, you will be beaten in the hospital bed for a few months. Wouldn't it be a big weight loss?

What if you lose weight and Yang Mimi doesn't like you?

Of course, after losing weight, my mouth is swollen by being beaten up, so I can only drink water to maintain nutrition!

"Uh... unexpected accident, I adjusted it again, but I can't rely on the puppets anymore. Everyone needs to exert the strongest output power, and wait as long as possible to strangle all the monsters at the back door of the BOSS room. Everyone must do their best, everyone The pears on my head are so big, if I don’t try my best, I’ll be tortured by bad farts.”

"Oh? Is it possible to spread the position? If the output is not enough, the little monkeys will come in."

Although Liu Yaya was not dispatched to battle, she could still express her views on the cold bench.

Liu Yaya’s reminder is not wrong, if there is no Nangong Sixty Cannon, everyone’s output is really not enough!

"Well, the four people with more group control stand together, and the other five people stand apart. Yang Mimi will go and bring the blame. I will adjust it again and let the treatment go on.

"I'm doing it! It's really killing you, you are playing our lives, why don't you play by yourself? You have been avoiding my question since just now!"

Fatty Luo Xia put on a posture of quitting.

My group skills are too few, okay?

I am a single output, you let me get a single output for you to wipe out monsters, but if you can figure it out, just say if you want to destroy the group!

Jing Tian continued to choose to ignore it, and let Yang Mimi go forward to open up the blame.

Before opening the monster, Jing Tian did not forget to order the four people who controlled the field strength to spread out first, and when Yang Mimi was about to enter the BOSS room, he sent a signal and then held a group to reduce the pressure of holding his breath as much as possible.

There is no treatment, why not let Yang Miaomiao go on the court and give everyone a blue light and red light?

Sorry, the system stipulates that if a character profession sits on the bench, all the BUFFs he casts will be invalidated.

Obviously, kicking Tiannongjing didn't want to reduce the auxiliary profession to a passing moment. Every time he played a dungeon, he played before the battle to refresh the main force, and then he was replaced and continued to sit on the bench!

This kind of soy sauce setting is really hurtful. Every profession has a chance to play instead of being a prop for teammates.

Therefore, the ten members of the Cloud Riding Guild were completely destroyed at this time, and the little monkeys should not be allowed to approach. They must do their best to intercept all the little monsters at the back door of the BOSS room.

So, after a while, Yang Mimi ran back with a large number of little monkey kites. Everyone who received the news naturally made preparations in advance. When the little monkeys showed their heads, they smashed the club of heaven's punishment on them.

Skill control can be used, all heavy firepower is bombarded wildly, killing waves of little monkeys without leaving a piece of armor.

However, the strong output skills are always limited. When the long-range firepower is turned off, Fatty Luoxia immediately rushes up and reaps the little monkey frantically under Soon, Fatty Luoxia sacrificed honorably. ... But this guy can be considered to have completed his mission, showing his most perfect output, swords and swords, almost without stopping, the attack is fierce and impeccable.

It seems that this guy is also a knife-mouthed tofu heart, and has never been against Jing Tian.

"Retreat and fight, guard the front door of the room!"

All the remotes had to step back while losing their skills and exit the BOSS room.

But the number of little monkeys seems to far exceed everyone's expectations, and they are still pouring into the BOSS room!

This is to be crushed by quantity!

"My god, I don't think you can hold it up. This number is too scary. What's more important is that everyone can't hold back their breath and is eating farts!"

Can you not open which pot and lift which pot?

Haven't you seen that everyone's complexion is not good? You are still talking about wool!

Can't you shout cheer up and cheer everyone up?

I really want to mute you!

The battle was fiercer than imagined. The four people in the group were already unable to drive a certain distance well to face the last wave of small monkeys.

The other four heavy firepowers are not allowed to temporarily group together at this time, and are ready to use their few remaining skills to buy time for the team.

Soon the firepower of the four of them stopped, and they couldn't hold their breath for a long time, and began to disperse and retreat.

However, the little monkey didn't give them a chance to escape at all, chased and killed the four people, completely swallowing them!

Soon, four people with heavy firepower were besieged.

However, their output was not in vain. The four people who were good at group control took the opportunity to reunite and continued to control the field while outputting.

Perhaps the least stressful is Yang Mimi. This guy hid aside and continued to output firepower. Many little monkeys died under her gun.

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