Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1564: The system also gave her husband

The key is why I have insomnia all night and have more dreams?

Feelings I have insomnia, can't sleep, can I dream?

Daydreaming in the legendary night?

Your thoughts are too jumping, I can't keep up!

Even if you make a fool of yourself, there must be a limit. How can someone believe this kind of nonsense?

"Brother, you have been really working hard for a while! Meow! This star guy really blamed you. I thought you were crazy. I didn't expect you to be very ill. You are so serious and you don’t want to go to the hospital. It’s really our house. My role model, Meow! I’ve decided. From now on, Brother Tian will be my idol. I want to hang the photos of Brother Tian in the living room for memorial and worship. This is a longevity tablet for you, Meow!"

Someone really believed it!

The key believer is an alien!

More importantly, I don't want to be memorialized and worshipped by you at all!

Does your alien know what a memorial service is?

What is the longevity tablet?

Are the two contradictory?

Also, I'm not mad, nor sick, don't say that I'm dying, okay?

I don't want to be your idol, being an alien idol will only lower my IQ!

My goodness, come and catch the aliens into the laboratory...

"Ah? Dear husband, I didn’t expect a copy to trap you so much. My palace is very distressed! No, no, I have to help you. No, we will stay together and fly together tomorrow. Up!"

what? What?

You don't have a fever?

You also believe in Zhao Jiaxue's nonsense?

No, no, you should believe it, you are also talking nonsense!

What do we mean by double night and double flight?

Didn’t everyone look bad when they looked at me?

Didn’t everyone roll their eyes at you?

If two people can make ends meet, what do more than 20 of us do every day?

Take a step back and say, the two of us really have a way to spend money, so can you enter the copy?

NPC can't be summoned in the dungeon, okay?

Can't bring in the copy at all?

Didn't you also say that you can't enter the dungeon?

So, how do you enter the dungeon, do you open your own real player account?

Do you have a real player account?

Even if there is, I am afraid there is no level 70, right?

Is it a level 10 trumpet?

You were sent by kicking the patio to hold you back, right?

"Liar!" Yun Yiyi said coldly.

Although she is not angry with Ralf's nonsense, the key is that she can't hear those crappy love words.

On weekdays, I heard Jing Tian called Rafa "Dear", and the two women were on the verge of running away at all times. Now this guy dare to say what double-stays and double-flying, how could he have a good face to her?

"Hehe, this palace never deceives my husband. As long as my husband is willing, I can naturally use the super-powerful time and space spells to intervene in the dungeon, but the magic that I can use is extremely expensive, and within a period of time I can’t use it again. I’m afraid it’s a month or so for this period of time. It’s rare for me to have such a heaven-defying magic.


You actually have this time and space spell?

"Big liar, why didn't you tell me before you got this spell?"

"Hee hee, this palace just realized it when the level was enough! How about, I'm lucky!"

Ralfa glanced at Zhao Jiaxue with the look of an idiot, and directly spit out a lot of blood in Zhao Jiaxue's heart.

Anyway, you are an NPC, just say what you want!

The ghost knows when you have such a sky-defying skill, what a super liar!

"Oh? You mean, as long as my NPC husband has enough level, can I also be summoned into the dungeon?"

Liu Yaya suddenly became interested.

Yes, that’s right, Liu Yaya has also been married in the game, and Liu Yaya is still pursued by NPC. This kind of backward pursuit is much easier than actively pursuing. You only need to respond to the NPC’s request to complete some friendly dating tasks. , You can continue to improve your favorability.

Not only that, players can also receive gifts from NPCs from time to time, as well as a large gift package when proposing marriage, which is envious of others.

However, only krypton gold bigwigs like Liu Yaya, Yang Mimi, Nan Lingxi, and Lin Yumian will be favored by NPCs. Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi are not so lucky and can only choose to actively pursue NPCs.

This had to make people suspicious, and then finally confirmed and awakened: It turns out that there is too much krypton gold, and the system is still sending her husband!

We are also krypton gold, why not drop sister Lin from the sky to the male player?

Do you want to give female players privileges so blatantly?

If everyone knows what Jing Tian is thinking at this time, I'm afraid they will surely attack them, right?

After all, can Ralf directly stick it upside down?

Others need to be trained, but Ralf gave it away for nothing!

However, for things like her husband, Zhao Jiaxue has her own persistence. She chooses to pursue a rich second generation [Little God of Wealth] who is wealthy and rivals the country.

Do not think that many women will pursue the rich second-generation NPC. In Sky Dungeon, most of the rich second-generation NPCs are dudes, with low levels and five scumbags. If they really pursue the pursuit, they will fall into their own hands. Not only will it not take the initiative to pay for you, but it will also drag you back.

When you need him to protect you, summon him. Most of the time, this guy hides in the back and has no fighting power at all.

Therefore, the rich second-generation NPC is tattered in the Continent of Love Marriage, and Zhao Jiaxue's obsession with pursuing the rich second-generation is jokingly called picking up the tatters.

In fact, the rich second generation is just a kind of NPC of the Five Slags. The sweeping uncles, small wine merchants and hawkers are all called the tatters of the Five Slags by players.

In the beginning, the players were very blind when they got married, and they just wanted to find someone based on their appearance. They didn't care about the harmony of life after marriage. Later, they overturned and could only choose to divorce and then go to other objects. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

This virtually increases the cost of the game for the player, especially if the divorce has to divide a portion of the property to the NPC partner as compensation for the divorce.

If the NPC filed for a divorce, the system will not give the player any compensation. In turn, it will pay the NPC partner platinum compensation, which is a disguised fee.

Just the daily recharge income from divorce will make Kitian Nongjing happy. How can such a despicable thing be tolerated?

As a result, Internet celebrities who like to write related strategies were born later, and they began to live broadcast to study which NPCs are worthy of being a couple, and even divided these NPCs into three, six, nine levels.

Of course, this kind of Internet celebrity has the support of many people who eat melons, so it is natural not to worry about the problem of krypton gold.

Surprisingly, it has been discovered in practice that not all NPCs who first fought against the five scums also stayed at the level of fighting the five scum after marriage. On the one hand, according to the character of the NPC, on the other hand, according to the growth of the NPC itself, they are likely to grow. Become a fighting elite.

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