Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1566: The new wave of finding monk husband

Most girls will choose a handsome NPC to be their husband, no matter how powerful they are, at least they are seductive!

Every day there is a handsome guy following, and he will be in a great mood.

Therefore, most girls ignore the existence of a profession: medicine Buddha!

That's right, it's the monk!

However, everyone should not impose the concept of reality on Sky Dungeon. Even in reality, can monks get married?

Therefore, the medical Buddha NPCs in Sky Dungeon can be married by the Raiders, they are not a symbol of the four empty traditional monks.

Although the medical Buddha NPC has bright and shiny heads and lacks the embellishment of various hairstyles, many of them are still handsome!

It is also because some doctors and Buddhas are so handsome that some players could not stand the temptation of beauty and attacked a monk, and then they were pleasantly surprised to discover the existence of the dad!

Ever since, the world's female players have set off a new wave of finding monk husbands.

The male players are completely dumbfounded. Female players can look for monks. What do male players look for?

Looking for a nun?

Sorry, there is no such thing as a female doctor Buddha!

Obviously, kicking the Tianlongjing fully takes into account the strength of the male player. If you bring the doctor and buddha husband, it will definitely make the battle more unbalanced.

Therefore, finding a dad husband has become a privilege of female players!

For some reason, there are so many privileges for female players in Sky Dungeon.

It seems that female players should belong to a disadvantaged group in kicking the sky and they should be taken care of by the system and given special policies, so that the general combat effectiveness of female players can be improved.

Otherwise, the female player simply cannot stand for a long time just by touching the corpse in the instance.

Ever since, the female player is secretly supported, and many hidden attributes have been strengthened.

Some anchors even conducted an analysis test on this, and found that under the same equipment attributes, the attack damage of female players was more than 30% higher than that of male players. He even complained to Tengyi.

However, how powerful is the wisdom of Tengyi Company, I directly asked: the crit rate is originally an unstable probability, and the damage itself also fluctuates. These values ​​may also be affected by the lucky value. It is not possible to simply count the damage by two players attacking at the same time. Prove that female players have a higher damage coefficient.

That's right, Kicking Tianjingjing is cunning to secretly change the lucky value and crit rate of female players. These two elusive hidden attributes are inherently irregular. Players want to prove that these two were secretly changed. They are simply empty mouths. Unprovoked in vain.

Besides, even if a male player stands up and is unfair, he will be scolded by female players, so few people mention this later...

The feeling of being protected is really cool. All the healing skills of the NPC dad are single healing, and all the shielding skills are single shields. Every time they appear behind the female player, they silently protect themselves. Wife.

They are sad. Every time they have a taunting effect, the male players are itch with hatred when they see it, and they are still single. You monks who are not stained with the mortal world actually captured the hearts of the female players.

Are you irritating or not?

How could you not beat him up first!

Dad husband is very popular, but it is not a panacea. It just allows female players to continue fighting for longer, and the chance of victory when encountering solo male players of the same level is greatly increased.

Of course, if male players bring their own wives, it is a different matter, and often sharply cooperate with the attack will still have the last laugh.

That's right, it doesn't matter if you have a dad. If you have a poor sense of fighting, it just delays the process of fighting, and the result is the same.

Liu Yaya's NPC husband is also a strange existence. Although he is not a monk's dad, he is far more powerful than his dad. This guy is a stalker.

If he is a pure stalker, he is still an auxiliary stalker.

An auxiliary stalker?

How many auxiliary occupations want to gain stealth skills, once they can stealth and stealth, the survival ability of auxiliary occupations will undoubtedly change drastically.

Liu Yaya's NPC husband is such a weird existence, even more perverted than the auxiliary profession that everyone thinks, more accurately, he is a stalker with a halo.

Yes, that's right, it's the halo. If within a certain distance of him, all of Liu Yaya's attributes will be frenzied, and his combat strength will be greatly improved.

The villager profession was not favored in the first place. Even later, there were players who did everything possible to realize the village women's unlimited weapon exchange gameplay, but they lacked a lot of gold coin support, and they didn't mix well.

Even if a few of them spend a lot of money to create a second village woman, as the game develops, as Tengyi Company initially said, after the various professional skills show great power, especially the strong control skills, the village woman The combo will inevitably be interrupted.

And because of their lack of strong control skills, village women are actually at a disadvantage for a period of time singled out against others.

Fortunately, in the team battle, Liu Yaya's combat effectiveness and status cannot be shaken, otherwise she might also quit her forty-third career.

However, since Liu Yaya got married, everyone suddenly realized that she was different, and even said she was a little scary.

I really don't know if Tengyi Company deliberately sent an NPC to strengthen Liu Yaya, and actually gave her a puzzling halo of madness.

This madness halo is also very special. As long as Liu Yaya's NPC husband does not die, the state will not be obliterated. Under the madness, Liu Yaya will not only increase the attack and defense to a certain extent, but even her resistance will be raised to a terrifying level.

Originally, Liu Yaya, who had high acceleration and high avoidance, could easily evade most attacks based on the system’s predictive attack assistance. Now that she encounters the inevitable group skill, she can also resist even in a frenzied situation, and even resist negative control~ So, as soon as I heard that you can bring NPC into the instance, Liu Yaya also became interested. As long as her husband is allowed to enter the dungeon, this guy will be like a fish in water. Maybe he can give everyone more in control Surprise.

The final BOSS of the 70-level dungeon is indeed immune to the action interruption effects of basic skills, but it does not mean that the BOSS can be immune to the negative effects of basic skills.


When can basic skills increase negative effects?

There is no level of basic skills, but proficiency exists, and basic skills do have hidden effects!

But this hidden effect is very difficult to use, and few people find it.

However, this did not stump Liu Yaya. After a long period of exploration, Liu Yaya has summed up some weapon use action essentials, which can accurately use the corresponding hidden skill effects, which is very scary.

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