Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1591: Lunar Halberd

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Yes, the Bone Refining Halberd followed Jing Tian to fight on the battlefield, but it does not mean that Jing Tian is not a Bone Refining Halberd. He has a special affection for Bone Refining Halberd. Moreover, Bone Refining Halberd is a quality weapon that has been raised through continuous training. The power is actually not as sturdy as the newly created Fang Tianji.

Jing Tian cherishes the bone refining halberd, it cherishes the skills above it, not the value and significance of the weapon itself.

Perhaps some people cherish the props on their way of growing up and will collect them as a souvenir, but Jing Tian has always looked forward. Even the priceless antiques in the eyes of everyone are worthless in his eyes.

This is caused by a different use value concept. In Jing Tian’s view, he would rather put some two-dimensional figures in his home than those ugly antiques. Those scraps of copper and iron are not as good as figures in terms of beauty. , In terms of use value, it is not as good as any modern high-tech product.

Now, the moon-by-month halberd in Jing Tian's hand is the existence that he created specifically for combat to replace the explosive output of the bone-refining halberd.

I saw that the body of the halberd by the moon seemed to be rusty and tattered, like a scrap of copper and rotten iron that had been idle for many years, with no lethality at all.

But a closer look, where the gray texture is, there are some rusts, it is clearly the special effects of pits and pits on the surface of the moon.

However, the referees and spectators can't take a closer look. If it weren't for the moonlight gathering on the head of the halberd, which appeared to be full of mysterious power, everyone would definitely think that Jing Tian bought it from the NPC casually!

However, don’t think that the potholes of the halberd body are incomplete. Those incomplete places actually contain the power of darkness, and there is a faint red light on the halberd head. Obviously this is a standard. Quasi-red quality weapon!

That's right, it's definitely a red-quality weapon, it's definitely the highest-quality existence at this stage, and it's definitely not an existence that can be expected from a fake golden copy.

It is also this lunar halberd which is not gorgeous and exquisite. At this moment, it is madly slamming on the head of Curis Jobs, so that he can still crawl outside in the quicksand, completely gradually losing resistance. .

That's right, the effect of changing the face is over. Now that the [Continuous Break] is activated, every hit can cause the action to interrupt the effect.

If this continues, Currys Jobs knows he will definitely lose!

But, what is good?

In the current situation, there is no possibility of counterattack!

And sitting in Guantian has already sent a special move, which can combo infinitely until he dies.

However, at the moment when he fell into despair, the quicksand under his feet suddenly seemed to have been collected by Bao Gourd, and it suddenly condensed next to Sitting Jing Guantian, and the sandstorm in the sky gradually consolidated into a square halberd!

Isn't everyone dazzled?

What's happening here?

Turn the desert into a weapon?

This operation is too bad, right?

This must be a GM stunt!

Many viewers have already screamed in their hearts. They are unwilling to admit that there is such a big gap between themselves and Kicking Tiannongjing.

In fact, the effect of breaking the halberd and sinking sand is time-limited, it is impossible to completely change the terrain like the Elemental Mage, making it impossible to recover for a long time.

You know, the elemental mage can only change the terrain by consuming his own life. If Jingtian can change the terrain for a long time only by breaking a square halberd, then even if this halberd is completely destroyed, it is worth it. That's it!

Once the halberd sinking time has passed, the desert will be recondensed into a bone-refining halberd. If the comprehension skills can be activated at the cost of a weapon, the player will definitely not accept this price.


Wouldn't it be enough to just buy a gray white Fang Tianji to display skills?

Sorry, no, casting a halberd to sink the sand requires the quality of the weapon.

Many special skills will also add such restrictions, ordinary junk equipment cannot activate powerful comprehension skills.

In fact, the element mage watching the game at this time has already scolded his mother in his heart and mouth. If they hadn't seen this quicksand landform existed for a short time, they would definitely go to the forum today to rant and kick the Tiannongjing, and they must take the view of the sky from the well to the trust of Tenyi Things are done!

That's right, why did all the good things catch up with him?

It was precisely because of the changes at this time that a golden light flashed in Kuris Jobs's eyes. He realized that his opportunity had come. As long as he was immune to interruptions, he would immediately throw away his skills to counteract!

At this time, he clenched the crossbow in his right hand and was ready to fight back!

However, what made him extremely embarrassed was that Jing Tian decisively gave up the combo and nirvana, and drew a full moon in front of him with the moon halberd. Under the moonlight effect of the moon halberd itself, it looked extraordinarily gorgeous and cold. .

It turned out to be [Li Mu]!

Curry Jobs was so crying, he just took the opportunity to pull out the spare weapon, obviously it was not warm, and he was disarmed by the force curtain!

Yes, this is another general's disarming skill, but in most cases, the success rate of disarming is not high. In many cases, it will trigger the second effect of the force curtain, reducing the durability of the opponent’s weapon, and failing to successfully disarm. .

And according to player research, if the main weapon has been disarmed, the probability of the secondary weapon or backup weapon being disarmed will drop drastically.

However, Jing Tian attaches great importance to the accumulation of lucky values. Almost all of his jewelry is lucky. It is precisely this that he can hit more critical strikes, not only relying on the hidden racial characteristics of fallen angels!

Although the probability has dropped, there are still infinite possibilities in the face of a strong lucky value, just like now, the crossbow has flown out of the hands of Curis Jobs!

Both weapons were disarmed, and Curry Jobs collapsed completely. The only way to survive was to pick up his own weapons.

Reluctantly taking advantage of the ability to sit well and watch the sky did not hit the action to interrupt, he immediately used the Blue Dragonfly.

The blue dragonfly can greatly increase the movement speed of the masked is the best way to leave the combat zone and distance yourself from the melee profession.

Wearing a blue dragonfly mask, but in the next moment, the moon-by-the-moon halberd sitting on a well and watching the sky is like a missile smelling the prey, and it is precisely stuck on his leg!

Damn, it's broken tendons!

And it's the sixth-order broken tendon, and the body is fixed for 6.5 seconds!

Originally, my own blue dragonfly power could only last for 10 seconds, but now it’s fine, I just used it for 7 seconds, and even if I’m at full speed, I won’t be able to drive much distance in 3 seconds!

What's more, sitting in a well and watching the sky won't give yourself a chance to run, right?

This is the fact, how could Jing Tian let the tiger go back to the mountain? Before 7 seconds were over, Curis Jobs had died.

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