Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1599: Shocked out of a cold sweat

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Huh? Since you can't come out, then I will type you out!

If Feibing knew what Yang Mimi was thinking at this time, Feibing would surely laugh out loud?

This is definitely the funniest joke he has ever heard in his life.

Unless Yang Mimi has multiple magnifications, how can she know her position and want to shoot herself out is pure humiliation.

It's a pity that Fei Bing didn't know Yang Mimi's thoughts at this time, let alone see, he was quietly guarding on the bamboo forest, waiting for the rabbit to fall into his trap, just like the Fengji before.

Yang Mimi hopped to the bamboo forest, but had no intention of going in at all. She directly raised the organ box in her hand and started shooting frantically!

Yes, although Yang Mimi, an alien, is confident, she has never lacked to do some speechless things.

At this time, the referee and the audience were dumbfounded. Is this a machine gun with unlimited bullets?

The key is, can this hit the flying cakes crawling above the bamboo forest?

If you can summon the atomic bomb, everyone can still believe that you can blast out the flying cake. The key point is that your attack is just a steel needle. How can it be possible to shoot out the flying cake?

What I have to admire is that the Empress is indeed an alien. Ever since she heard about Nan Lingxi's experience, she has begun to have a weird fantasy of all enemies.

What do you imagine?

Of course it is the fantasy that enemies will crawl around like apes!

It's not that the empress has eyeliner, she is holding this illusion at this time, and will randomly shoot at the top of the bamboo forest!

That's right, the direction of the blast is no longer horizontal, but inexplicably sweeping towards the sky...

Not to mention, it is precisely because of this burst that Feibing was completely shocked in a cold sweat!

Yes, he was hit!

The blame is that the area of ​​this oasis is too small. Although there is a bamboo forest as a cover, it is impossible to completely escape the range of the Empress by hiding in it. Moreover, Feibing has confidence in himself and believes that it is impossible for the Empress to take the lead.

However, he was hit by the Empress for some reason...

And it's not just a hit!

That's right, after the female emperor shot the Feibing, she immediately determined the approximate position of the Feibing, and she chased and hit the area.

Although Feibing can see that he has bent the bamboo, it is also at a certain distance from the ground. Moreover, although the bamboo is bent, relying on the bamboo forest, the enemy is not good to judge his position immediately, let alone find out. I hit it precisely.

When he was shot by a steel needle, he stayed on the spot. He didn't want to take measures to jump and evade immediately, so he looked around and looked around in a daze, trying to see which direction the enemy attacked him.

It's impossible that the empress attacked herself, and she hasn't found any deeds of the other party yet, this is too weird!

However, what made Feibing even more speechless at this glance was that although he saw the flying steel needle hitting him, he couldn't see anyone attacking him from afar!

He said he would use this little bamboo forest to give full play to his strengths so that the enemy would die without knowing how to die?

Why did it suddenly become like this?

How could it be reversed, and you don't know how to die?

This is not scientific at all!

Is the other party cheating, what plug-in did the other party use?

No, Sky Dungeon does not have an external plug-in, so the other party uses an internal plug-in?

Sure enough, it is the GM of Tengyi Company. It is too arrogant to cheat blatantly at this time?

That's right, the obscuration of the field of vision is two-way, but the female emperor can find out the approximate location of Feibing through continuous shooting, but Feibing, a melee career, can't do it!

This had to make Feibing doubt.

More importantly, the bamboo forest is different from the forest. Although the trees in the forest are nothing more than being destroyed through the wall, the bamboo forest is okay!

In a sense, he was right to use the bamboo forest to cover his whereabouts, but he wanted to use the bamboo forest as a shield, but he was wrong!

Players' physical attacks and magic attacks can pass through the bamboo forest. Although there is a certain damage reduction effect, they can indeed pass through walls!

In fact, at the beginning, Feibing didn't want to rely on the bamboo forest to resist the opponent's attack. He just never thought from the beginning that the empress would use the method of shooting blind cats and dead mice to determine her position!

At the moment when Feibing thought about all this, the empress still wore the mask on her delicate face, and then all the heinous and bewildered attacks fell on Feibing.

When Feibing woke up from the shock, he seemed to have been controlled to death, so he could only honestly have to surrender his strong control skills and start the escape mode.

He was still lucky, thinking that the empress must have used some comprehension skill to lock her approximate position, this comprehension skill must not be used frequently, and the cooling time must be relatively long.

As for GM, although it is possible, only a stupid sow would do such a thing that is not worth the loss. If there is such a stupid GM, Tengyi may have gone bankrupt.

Therefore, as long as you hide again and wait until the opponent attacks you next time, then you can forcefully release and avoid it, and everything will be fine!

and many more!

Thinking of this, Fei Bing's forehead shed a lot of cold sweat.

Damn it! If you delay the time and the opponent doesn't come in, then you will score according to the amount of damage, don't you have to lose?

Moreover, hiding yourself is obviously a negative match, and it is a matter of course to be judged as a failure by a bunch of referees!

At this time, Feibing couldn't calm down at all. However, just as he was sweating in his heart, there was a feeling of being touched by mosquitoes on the front door.

Since the incomplete stealth system was launched, this feeling couldn't be more familiar. This is the damage warning caused by the player's body parts being attacked by the enemy!

That's right, UU reading www. Feibing's eyes have been enlarged several times, but the pupils have shrunk several times, and they are shaking unconsciously. He cannot believe what kind of woman the empress he is facing, and why her skills can be used in such a short time. Lock yourself again!

This is simply cheating!

I can't see the empress at all!

Don't ask how the empress locks the flying cake. Although the strong control skill can prevent action in a short time, it does not mean that the damage can be absorbed.

As long as there is a damage record, the empress can naturally determine whether her attack hits the opponent.

As for fleeing, how could the empress have no experience in pursuit? As long as she slightly adjusts the attack direction and range, she can easily lock the opponent again, and even during the time when the opponent can act, she will deliberately change the attack direction to determine the opponent's latest position .

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