Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1604: Dig the foot of the wall

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This is a bit beyond imagination, and directly refreshed Jing Tian's knowledge of Yang Mimi.

Could it be so long that I didn't realize that she was a scheming bitch?

This is too shocking, right?

Even the audience was shocked, they had never seen the empress be so long-winded when competing against others!

The Lady Empress is generally a lofty and admirable existence, even if it is approachable, she will not endlessly say some strange things.

Is there really any intractable emotional entanglement between the empress and sitting on the well?

And, more importantly, the empress seems to be really playing psychological warfare, planting a seed of chaos in the enemy's heart!

This is definitely the first time, at least the first time everyone has seen it!

Isn't the opponent that the Empress met before is not worthy of using psychological warfare?

Or in other words, the empress would not use it to strangers at all, she would only kill the familiar?

When a person is confused and thinking about all other things, naturally he can't devote himself to the battle. It's the best strategy of the military to cut people first.

However, apart from being confused or perplexed, everyone didn't understand what wine was sold in the female emperor's gourd!

However, this can't stop the praise of the Empress fans at all.

"Long live the female emperor, the female emperor is brilliant!"

"The goddess is resourceful, comparable to the goddess of wisdom!"

"At first, give up a game, make the other party feel that he owes himself, and then mess up the other party's heart, this time sitting well and watching the sky will undoubtedly lose!"

"That's the case, but this is the first time the Empress has played psychological warfare? The technique is too amazing! I don't see the feeling of being a novice at all, like an old fritters."

"What's this? The empress usually disdains the use of strategies and treats her talents. This is to express her respect for her own people and do her best to deal with the enemy. This is part of the true strength of the empress! Most people will leave some room for acquaintances. , But the Empress does her best to face her relatives and friends. This is a respect for the opponent. I really want to be psychologically warped by the Empress!"

"Ah, you deserve it too? Don't deceive yourself so much, okay?"

Although Yang Mimi suspected that Yang Mimi was using tricks on herself at the last moment, Jing Tian always felt that she did not lie to herself, as if everything she said came from the heart, so Jing Tian said very frankly: "I don't believe you are disturbing my heart by setting up a situation. I believe what you said. Although I don't understand, I believe that one day I will understand and the truth will come to light. From your words, I also feel the taste of care. You are indeed a gentle empress."

"Huh? You believed me? Interesting, your answer exceeded my expectations. You are such a strange person. You have always been. However, I like to be trusted by you, just like you trusted me. Thank you. You are also a gentle fool."

Like to be trusted by me?

What did I trust you in the beginning?

Jing Tian feels that Yang Mimi today is really more and more weird!

Is the feeling tender or dull?

Can't you let me sublimate a little and become a more normal existence?

A drop of cold sweat was left in Jing Tian's heart. He felt that he was definitely a cat killed by curiosity. The questions in his heart kept surging up, as if he couldn't get the answer and he couldn't compete seriously.

At the very least, facing Yang Mimi, Jing Tian would not consciously think of what the other person said. Those words always felt that Jing Tian's secrets were hidden, and they seemed to imply something.

It is this very strong sense of doubt that Jing Tian has to admit that Yang Mimi has successfully broken the peace of you in her heart, and this battle is a big victory for the other party.

However, just when Jing Tian was intent on horseback, Yang Mimi once again did something that shocked everyone!

Yes, it is shock, and it is shock that is incomprehensible!

Because Yang Mimi chose to admit defeat for the second time, Jing Tian won without a fight!

what's the situation?

How can this be?

Why did Lady Empress voluntarily give in again?

Didn’t you say that you have to turn over two sets in a row?

It's not right, I must have used some GM tricks to watch the angels and drove the empress out of the game!

This is too despicable, right?

What is this?

Let the empress be self-defeating?

Since then, the condemnation has revived, more complaints and questions.

Suddenly, sitting on the well and watching the sky became a bully GM again, using his one-key persuasion function to remove the empress.

In fact, Jing Tian was even more confused at this time. He didn't know what happened. For a moment he thought that Yang Mimi was slack in the game, causing the referees to unanimously judge that she was disqualified!

When do referees hate long-winded guys so much?

Could it be that they are all enemies of the Empress?

Obviously it is unlikely.

However, after reading the battle report clearly, he clearly saw the other party's prompt to admit defeat...

"What does she mean?"

Before Jing Tian asked, the people who ate melons couldn't bear it, especially Zhao Jiaxue. She seemed to have become a chick on a hot pot, twittering non-stop, and she had already started her own leap of speculation: "Frog, is it right? What did you do to Yang Mimi in private? Did you secretly date Yang Mimi? Are you so cuckold, worthy of a fat man? You are too loyal, right? Fat man finally had a love relationship. Is it easy? You were so secretively digging It's so pitiful to leave the corner. You deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!

Why is there such a guess?

Why did it become a private meeting with Yang Mimi inexplicably?

Why did you become cuckolding fat guys?

Why did you dig the foot of the wall?

I don't even know what happened!

That's right, please make it clear, I cuckold the fat man, not how I cuckold!

Ah bah, I didn't cuckold the fat guy at all!

However, before Jing Tian’s mouth could refute anything, he slammed The door seemed to be smashed open!

No, it was really broken!

Jing Tian immediately sank, and said silently, "Cut back to reality!"

He thought of a possibility that his fiancee Liu Yaya might have been killed!

No, right? Liu Yaya doesn't seem to have any idea of ​​getting married anymore, so who broke the door?

The moment Jing Tian's vision cut back to reality, his face turned green!

That's right, who else can come is obviously Fatty Luoxia!

"I'm doing it! Toad, what did you secretly do to my wife? What do those inexplicable words mean? Did you dig your brother's corner? Obviously you are surrounded by so many beauties, and you want to grab the goddess with your fat brother, what do you mean? ?"

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