Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1609: Another million

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Not only scold yourself for daydreaming, but also scold yourself for eating swan meat?

Forget it, as long as you don't attack yourself personally, what's the big deal about being scolded a few words, who makes yourself guilty?

This world is so confusing, it's too charming to survive!

Charisma is easy to be missed. Although it is the charm of one's own family, it is also a charm, isn't it?

With a wry smile in his heart, Jing Tian decided to temporarily open this page and continue the game.

That's right, a new round of eliminations will begin soon, and everyone can even see the names of their opponents.

When Jing Tian saw that his opponent in the next game turned out to be the leader of the God Lantern Guild [Sinbad's Wine Glass], a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He already recalled what happened more than two years ago. In the second guild hegemony competition, Sinbad met with the female emperor Yang Mimi's team. He was surprised to pay a sky-high price of 50w to open the road and asked Yang Mimi to cut love. To quit a race.

At that time, Yang Mimi did not want to play because of her period, so she quit the competition with a counteroffer of 100w.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement, and the Empress quit the game for the first time, causing fans to be in an uproar.

I heard that Sinbad did not use this kind of money to pave the way to the top.

It is natural for local tyrants to pursue some new things, but if they get them, they will not cherish them very much, especially the things that spend money to make a way. It is enough to do it once, and it is too challenging to play like this every time.

A game reporter once interviewed Sinbad's glass and asked how he felt.

In that interview, he made it clear that if a new event is opened in the future, he will also consider using money to pave the way, but that will not be the case in the guild competition.

Obviously, he is a person who pursues and cherishes the first time. What he pursues is not always, let alone eternity, but only once.

This outlook on life is not without error. Many people are obsessed with being the number one again and again, and a few people are pursuing the same and the same number one. They have been looking for new challenges and climbing new mountains throughout their lives, rather than indulging in them. In the same track, you can't extricate yourself.

It is precisely the battle of the gods that is brand new and worthy of challenge...

Therefore, there is a hunch in Jing Tian that today's Sinbad may repeat the same tricks!

As expected, Sinbad’s cup entered the game map and immediately shouted in the area: "President Qiyun, I don’t know if I need to cut the quota for the game. I will buy 1 million and you surrender, OK? "

1 million again?

Hearing this quotation, Yang Mimi was not angry. At that time, he could ask the team to ask for 1 million, how come to Jing Tian now, he is worth 1 million alone?

Doesn't that mean that only when the five of us are as valuable as Jingtian?

"Hey... this guy is so nasty, next time I see this guy, I must beat him into flesh, otherwise I will only hate it! 1 million, my 1 million, I would never know I surrendered, and now one million is my own!"

Hearing her sister yelling hysterically in her room, Yang Miaomiao was really speechless.

Feeling that my sister is heartbroken for this million, is regretting her humility and allowing Jing Tian to win the game...

At this moment, not only Yang Mimi thought so, the fat Luoxia and the black and white brothers and sisters all gritted their teeth and expressed their dissatisfaction with Sinbad. In their opinion, Jing Tian is definitely not worth a million, but a hundred and eighty. Ten thousand is enough, just like a beggar, it couldn't be better.

This guy really completely ignores the rules of the game, don't you know that this kind of trading is prohibited in the game?

If I agree, maybe we will both be sentenced out!

I really don't know how this guy got here all the way?

"Uh... what do you mean? My quota is worth one million? You don't seem to understand the value of War of the Gods at all!"

The referee and the audience looked dumbfounded. They didn't expect to sit on the well and watch the sky so shamelessly that they would be unsatisfied even after giving up a million?

You know, Sinbad's glass was killed all the way, if it wasn't for the difficulty of sitting on a well, how could he be offered a sky-high price?

Obviously it is already a sky-high price, this guy is not yet satisfied!

"Do you guys who ride the cloud guild have to bargain every time? I remember giving them five people totaling one million, and now you are not satisfied with one million? You are really greedy guys, do you ignore the feelings of your companions? ? So, how much do you want?"

Sinbad's glass seems to have been calculated to be able to bargain, and he doesn't care about the other party's words, but the dissatisfaction that should be expressed still needs to be expressed.

"It's not the same. That team represented five of them that year. But at this moment, I represent 28 people up and down Qiyun Luoxue! So, you have to give me 28 million so that I can give up this time. The number of places in the competition. 28 million. It is definitely worthwhile to change to a **** of the gods."

Sinbad's glass was originally filled with disdain. After hearing Jing Tian's words, he could no longer help the sarcasm in his heart, and became sneer and sneer.

Everyone did not expect that sitting in Guantian would speak such shameless words so domineering, so open and natural!

Although 28 million is not so outrageous for Sinbad, it is absolutely unacceptable at this time.

So mocking in his heart:

Do you ride up and down 28 people on Yunluoxue?

Are you embarrassed to speak?

Which other guild is not a tens of thousands of members, what the **** is the pride you revealed when you said this?

What's so great about you twenty-eight?

There is also, you actually want 28 million lions?

Although I think this money is just a number to me, and it's nothing, but I definitely can't be taken advantage of it!

If Jing Tian agrees, will the opponent also ask for the same price after encountering the next strong enemy?

If other guilds with 10,000 people also follow the standard of sitting on a well and watching the sky, if one person is 10,000, should they directly ask themselves for 10 billion?

Wouldn't I have to vomit blood and die?

I have money, but it doesn't mean I'm stupid. If I agree to your terms, I can only become everyone's laughing stock. Since we can't agree, let's not talk about it.

More importantly, 1 million is a joke in itself, and Sinbad just wanted to play around.

Although the rules of the game prohibit the use of money to interfere with the results of the game and prohibit the transaction of the game, when a violation is determined, players still need to take action.

The system will not make penalties just for making jokes in this area.

Unless the two sides reach an agreement, and the water is actually released during the game, which is a fact, and is recognized by many referees, then it constitutes a fake match.

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